Lahore’s Easter Day Massacre Victims Remembered At London Vigil

This vigil – which included presentation of petitions at both the Pakistani High Commission and at No 10 Downing Street – was organised at short notice by the British Pakistani Christian Association.  Notice was short, and although I did my best on the eve of the rally to publicise it in two counter-jihad forums that I frequent, it appears that attendance was disappointingly low.  Those valiant few who did attend – in particular the Bagpiper who played a lament – are to be commended; and let us hope and pray that any future rallies and awareness-raising exercises by this feisty little organisation will be much better attended.  I commend the BPCA website to all readers here, and encourage all British and continental European readers to keep an eye on it with a view to attending – if at all possible – future rallies, protests and marches that BPCA may organise.  

And so to the report, written by Wilson Chowdhry, the founder of BPCA, immediately after the rally on 2nd April.

‘Easter Day Massacre Victims Remembered At London Vigil’.

‘BPCA’s Nissar Hussain, a victim of 15 years of persecution by Muslims in the UK, delivered the petition to the Pakistan High Commission.

Nissar Hussain and his family converted from Islam to Christianity in the UK.  Muslims in the UK have been threatening, abusing, attacking and harassing them ever since, but the Hussain family have received little or no assistance or protection from non-Muslim law enforcement and government authorities. – CM

He encountered apprehension from the officials.

Who judging from Mr Chowdhry’s account chose to pretend that they feared the simple envelope might contain some dangerous substance or explosive.  The usual Mohammedan pantomime of victimhood; projecting onto the victims of Muslim aggression the treacherous and malevolent mindset of Islam itself. – CM

‘Despite predictions of rain and the current holiday period, people of good conscience gathered outside the Pakistani High Commission in London to vent their frustrations against the ongoing persecution of Christians in Pakistan.

One may note that there were no gaping mouths, no flaming eyes, no shaking fists, no brandishing of weapons nor burnings of flags or effigies nor destruction of property, in short, none of the shenanigans that usually attend Muslim mass rallies expressing ‘frustration’ – or, rather, pretended grievance ginned up as an excuse to indulge in murderous threats and mob violence – back home in Pakistan.  This non-Muslim protest expressing solidarity with non-Muslim victims of Muslim persecution was conducted with order and decency. – CM

‘In an event organised by the British Pakistani Christian Association, people from across the UK came together in solidarity to speak out for the voiceless minority that have become targets of hatred and discrimination simply for adhering to their Christian faith.

‘Petitioners led by a bagpiper submitted a petition and a wreath of flowers to an official at the Pakistan Embassy.

Be sure to click on the link; there are some excellent pictures of the bagpiper doing his thing. – CM

‘The official refused to take the petition unless the envelope was opened before a police officer, despite the envelope being extremely thin.

Farcical. Absolutely farcical.  Mohammedan bullies and thugs trying to play victim and to represent their victims as attackers. – CM

‘The High Commission of Pakistan felt the need to exercise (or to elaborately pretend to exercise ; I am quite, quite sure that they knew there really was no threat at all – CM) heightened security measures against the Christian protesters (who were neither shouting, nor throwing things, nor threatening to smash or burn anything – CM) despite no previous history of terrorism, yet conversely failed to protect the targeted Christians in Pakistan – a moment that caused some discontent.

‘Protesters then made their way to No 10 Downing Street, where a copy of the BPCA petition was delivered to the UK Government.

I have a suggestion to make. Next time – and there must be a next time, indeed this protest should happen once a month – as well as calling at the Pakistan High Commission and at No 10 Downing Street, a very sober and calm group should go to the gates of Buckingham Palace and – after the party have publicly and audibly recited, exactly as set down in the Anglican Prayer Book, the prayer that members of the Church of England and its daughter churches in many Commonwealth countries are enjoined to pray for the Queen – Mr Nassir Hussain should present to the guards on duty at the gate a respectful letter addressed to Her Majesty the Queen in her official capacity as Defender of the Faith (another copy of the letter should have been sent by post, previously). The letter should remind her of the Bible she received at her Coronation, and should quote the actual words of the promises that she made in connection with her role as Defender of the Faith, that Faith being the Christian Faith; and then Mr Hussain, speaking on behalf of all apostates from Islam – both Christian and other – currently living under duress and in fear and in secret in the UK, should request protection from Her Majesty herself.  It should be read out loud in the street so that passersby can hear what is being requested.  And then “God Save the Queen” – all verses – should be solemnly sung.  The whole proceeding should be recorded on video and audio and circulated on social media as widely as possible. – CM

‘At 10 Downing Street two wreaths were placed on the enclosure, where protestors are asked to remain on the opposite side of the road.

‘Well-wishers passing bay joined the protesters as we held a one-minute silence for both the victims of the Brussels Airport bomb attack and the Lahore Easter Day massacre.

A lament played by a Scottish bagpiper as the wreaths were carried forward created a sombre time of relfection.

‘Ooberfuse, a band who focus on songs that tackle issues of social injustice, led worship songs, in a practice that may seem strange at a protest, but reflected the desire by the Christian community of Britain to keep God at the heart of their demonstration.

‘Their song ‘Unshakeable” spoke of the invincibility of God and the words in the chours said, “Whatever tomorrow may bring – we will sing.”

‘A reflection of the faith in God that helps Christians in Pakistan pick themselves up after the continuing atrocities they face.

‘Cherrie from Ooberfuse led the worship. The band also produced a campaign song for the victims which can be downloaded for free on their website –

‘Ooberfuse wrote a song in the wake of the Easter Day massacre at Gulshan Park, which they sang outside the Pakistan High Commission and 10 Downing Street.

‘The song, called “Stand up”, was a rallying cry for people of good conscience to represent persecuted minorities and to be a voice for the voiceless.

‘Band member Hal said, “There are so many social injustices in the world; if people continue to ignore the plight of these victims, it will serve only to worsen the situation.  Those privileged in the west need to stand up for the oppressed (and, nota bene, he is talking here about those who are genuinely oppressed – to wit, the Christians, and other persecuted non-Muslim minorities in Islamic Pakistan – CM) otherwise one day they too will end up as victims.”

Timothy, of Nepalese origin, a minister at Family Life Churchl, joined us at the protest.  One of his parishioners sang a Hindi worship song.

The Church is multi-ethnic and multi-lingual; those who so often like to represent the Christian church as some sort of ‘white persons’ European club’ need to wake up and get a clue! – CM

Reverend Timothy said, “The plight of Pakistani Christians has been ignored for so long.  I was so moved by this latest attack I simply had to come out in solidarity.  Our church will continue to pray for a change in the lives of this persecuted minority”.

Reverend Timothy of the British Nepalese Christian community attended the protest. Where were the indigenous English Christians?  A few – a very few – were there, and they are to be heartily commended.  But… surely there should have been more.  It was a Saturday, not a Sunday, and not at a time usually occupied by Saturday ‘vigil’ services. One hopes that next time the BPCA organise a rally of this kind they will round-robin the details, well ahead of time, to every Parish church in London – Catholic, Anglican, other Protestant/ Free Church, and Orthodox, begging both clergy and laity to attend; and request, in addition, that at the time of the protest said clergy might consider ringing their church bells in honour of the persecuted. – CM

‘Lyn Julius, leader of “Harif”, a group that represents North African and Middle Eastern Jews, spoke at the vigil.

Bless her! – CM

She shared the former history of the Jews in Pakistan who once numbered over 3000 in Karachi alone, until the vicitmisation of their community during the Arab-Israeli wars led to their emigrating from the country.

In other words: Jews then resident in what had been part of India and then became Muslim Pakistan were attacked by their Muslim neighbours as an act of collective punishment, as soon as the Jewish state of Israel successfully established itself and defended itself against Jihad.  Muslims have always practised collective punishment; any vulnerable Infidel person or group anywhere can be and often is attacked by Muslims if any other Infidel person or group is imagined to have offended – or has, by actions such as successful self-defence against Jihad, in fact “offended” – Muslims anywhere.  One may note that, whilst reserving to themselves the right to engage in collective punishment of non-Muslims as and when they please, Muslims are very swift to tell non-Muslims that anything even remotely resembling collective punishment of Muslims must. not. happen.  – CM

‘The last Jewish synagogue was demolished last year, despite its historical value, and despite attempts by the lone openly-Jewish man, Fischel Benkald, to have it adopted as a heritage site.

Pakistan is ‘land of the pure’, that is, the Islamically pure. Anything not-Islam is not ‘pure’.  The ultimate goal of Islam is to completely erase everything on planet earth that is not-Islam, everything that Islam forbids.  A synagogue represents ‘corruption’, ‘impurity’ ; a synagogue would have reminded people that Jews once lived in Pakistan, that Pakistan was not always purely Islamic; the synagogue had to be demolished.  “The earth was made a place for me to clean”, Mohammed is held to have said.  And how is it ‘cleaned’? It is ‘cleaned’ by the absolute annihilation of everything not-Islam. – CM

‘Lyn Julius said: “First it was the Jews who were targeted; now it is the Christians.  The story remains the same: if you do not follow the Islamic faith in Pakistan, you are considered an outcast, and worthy only of prejudice and hatred.  Sadly, nothing [done] by the government of Pakistan is having any effect on improving the lot of minorities. Quite conversely the situation on evidence seems to have deteriorated.”

Of course it has. And it can only get worse. Because those who hold power in Pakistan – in government, judiciary, police, army, business – are themselves mostly Muslim to a man; they cannot do anything real to limit Islam and the sharia-pushers, without running the risk of themselves being targeted for death, as hypocrites, or as apostates or blasphemers. At bottom the (Sunni) Muslim mob reigns in Pakistan. – CM

‘John Michael, the former Chaplain of Dubai, joined the protest.  He said: “Whilst in Dubai I presided over several churches with a total congregation of over 35,000 Christians.  Many of them were Pakistani Christian migrants fleeing the persecution in Pakistan.  I had an early understanding of the difficulties faced by Christians in Pakistan, who shocked me by their entry to a country with a hard-line Islamic teaching”.

Muslim campaigner Yasmin Whittaker-Khan (the daughter, one must assume, of a marriage between a non-Muslim Briton and an immigrant Muslim – CM), who was delayed by the traffic in London (and therefore did not actually attend the protest…. hmmmmm – CM), sent this message that was read out.

‘On Easter Sunday I was with my family and friends, egg painting, followed by an egg rolling race…

“We are round a table of Christians, Muslims, fair-weather faith followers, atheists, and a Jewish friend.

But what would have happened if the subject of apostasy from Islam had arisen? – CM

‘We had a love-filled day; my only sadness was that our dad, who died last year, wasn’t there with his twinkly blue eyes.

So her mother was a Muslim who married an Englishman?  If the father had blue eyes he was probably the Briton in the partnership.  Had he converted to Islam, or not? –  CM

‘But on the other side of the world in Pakistan horror had struck.  Lives were lost, hatred was spread, hearts were wrenched, imaginations were torched and humanity was engulfed with flames.

Observe our Yasmin’s use of the passive voice.  Where are the agents in this sentence?  Who did the murdering?  Who spread the hatred?  Who did the burning?   Muslims.  Pious Muslims acting out of deliberate, conscious, pre-planned malice – in obedience to the instructions in the Islamic trilogy – murdered Christians and deemed-insufficiently-Islamic Muslims.  – CM

‘Easter Sunday in Lahore killed people from every faith group, but their main target was Christians.

Correction, my dear Yasmin Whittaker-Khan: “Those who committed murder on Easter Sunday in Lahore killed people from every faith group, but their main target was the Christians.” – CM

‘What was the point that was being made by the misled (sic – CM; but they were not ‘misled’, they were not ‘misinterpreting’ or ‘hijacking’ wonderful, wonderful, wonderful Islam; they were acting in perfect accord with the hatred toward Christians qua Christians that is openly expressed in many, many passages of the canonical texts of Islam;  if you are trying to tell us that they were ‘misled’ Ms Whittaker-Khan, you are either lying or you are yourself woefully ignorant of the core teachings of the faith that, in the UK, you have chosen to follow. – CM) with minds drowned in venom?

The point?  The point was that Christians, being practitioners of shirk – assigning partners to ‘allah’ – deserve to be killed; behind that, the point is to demonstrate – by Muslim killing of Christians in large numbers, on the Christians’ holiest day, Easter Day – the supremacy of Islam over not-Islam, the supremacy of ‘allah’ over the Biblical God; to demoralise and weaken the ‘camp of the Infidels’.  That is the real reason, and perfectly Islamically orthodox; everything else, such as the collective punishing of these impoverished and defenceless Christians in Lahore because of pretended injuries past or present that Muslims perceive themselves to have suffered at the hands of this or that deemed-Christian entity, is just excuses.  – CM

‘Was there any gain? No… Because I believe that the Pakistani government has woken up to the fact that these terrorists don’t have a moral compass, that it has to answer to the world and so wil hold its side of providing basic human rights for all minorities in Pakistan.

I don’t believe this piffle for a moment.  The Pakistani Muslims share the world-view of the jihadis; the division of the world into Muslim and not-Muslim, with the latter supposed to be subjugated and dominated by the former, for the benefit of the former.  The only thing that will improve matters even slightly for the minorities in Pakistan is massive external pressure – not merely fine words and empty threats, but actual economic and other pressure – applied unrelentingly by Infidel governments upon the Pakistani government.  Cessation of ‘aid’ might, for example, focus their minds wonderfully.  – CM

‘I love Pakistan and I love my mixed heritage.  I am also proud to be British, despite the colonial history.

I observe, Ms Whittaker-Khan, that you are residing in the secular-and-Christian-influenced UK, rather than in Islamic Pakistan.  Why is that?  – CM

‘We here in Britain have to demand more from those we have elected through a democratic process, to address these unforgiveable crimes: murder, brutality, rape, exploitation, corruption, lack of education [and] health, and so much more, for those without a voice, those minorities who we publicly support with words but don’t follow through with actions.

Fine words, Ms Whittaker-Khan.  But would you like to discuss with us the apostasy law, the blasphemy law, the law that forbids a Muslim woman from marrying an Infidel man unless he converts to Islam (did your father have to convert to Islam in order to marry your mother? – what would have happened, had he refused to convert? would she, could she have married him regardless?), and all the ugly things that the Islamic trilogy says about Jews (and Mohammed’s treatment of Jews that establishes the normative pattern for all pious Muslims), and the Dhimma system that provides the background for so much of the relentless degradation, humiliation and exploitation of the indigenous non-Muslims of Pakistan?  All of which things are part and parcel of historic and classical Islam.  They are part of the Sunnah.  They are not confined to Pakistan alone, by the way; to some degree they affect the laws and common practice of every Muslim polity and of every Muslim community, including that same Muslim community in Britain – the one you are so pleased to belong to – which has mercilessly persecuted Mr Nasir Hussain and his family and hounded them from pillar to post across the UK. – CM

“I, we, you all need to change our priorities and think/ act on behalf of or with all minority groups of Pakistan regardless of caste, religion.  We need to learn from our histories and build a safe world.”

My dear Ms Whittaker-Khan; wherever there is Islam, there is Jihad; wherever there is Islam, there is hatred of and aggression toward non-Muslims qua non-Muslims and toward deemed-insufficiently-Islamic / wrong-sect Muslims. You appear to be a long, long way from facing up to that unpleasant reality.  You are either refusing to see it or you know it full well but are dissembling. I do not trust you.  Someone needs to ask you, Ms Whittaker-Khan: “Suppose you decided to cease being a Muslim, and to publicly declare yourself an apostate or chose publicly to be baptised as a Christian.  Would you feel safe, in Britain, to do either of those things?  And if not, why not?” – CM

‘Wilson Chowdhry, Chairman of the British Pakistani Christian Association, said:

“this was not a call to war nor a chance to abuse Muslims or the nation of Pakistan – we did not burn any flags.

“This was a constructive demonstration that was simply a plea to the government of Pakistan to take seriously their position on the international stage.

An appeal to ‘honour’ and ‘shame’.  Except that for Muslims ‘honour’ is obtained, first and foremost, by DIS-honouring non-Muslims.  – CM

“Promises and assurances that improvements will be made to the poor human rights record in Pakistan have failed miserably, and can be blamed on institutional concerns, such as the caricaturing and demonizing of Christians and [of] other minorities in the national curriculum of Pakistan, which has created a society in which Christians [and others , such as the remaining Hindus – CM] have become targets of bigotry, hatred, and worse still, persecution.

Pakistan is Islamic.  The more purely and deliberately Islamic it becomes – and V S Naipaul way back in 1988 saw and describes clearly the obsessive drive, among Pakistani Muslims, to become ever more purely Islamic – the worse things will get for the remnant non-Muslim indigenes. – CM

‘He added: “The Gulshan bomb attack and two previous bomb attacks in four years (e.g. the attack on Christ Church, Peshawar, that murdered many – mostly women and children – and permanently disabled many more – CM) that have cumulatively killed over 150 Christians and injured over 400 are just the tip of the iceberg.

Christians [and other non-Muslims – CM] face daily abuses in their roles as domestic servants, sewage cleaners (for which the govenrment of Pakistan promotes adverts stating that only Christian applicants need apply) [this is very revealing; in Yemen in the past the task of cleaning latrines was imposed upon the Dhimmi Jews; always and everywhere Muslims have forced the Dhimmis to do the dirtiest, most menial, lowest-paid and deemed-most-degrading and humiliating work, especially tasks such as cleaning Muslim toilets and removing garbage – as for example, the Coptic garbage-pickers in Egypt, for this is all part of making sure that the Infidels ‘feel themselves subdued’ as per Quran 9.29 – CM] and bonded labourers, otherwise known as modern-day slaves.

Bullying, fear of Christian girls [and Hindu and Sikh girls – CM] being kidnapped, raped and forced into Islamic marriage, and fear of proselytising, have made the education experience for Christians [and other non-Muslims – CM] a non-starter, with a current literacy rate of 7 percent.

One may observe that very, very similar abuses are inflicted by the Muslims upon the Coptic Christians in Egypt; in particular, the seduction and very often outright abduction and rape of Christian girls and women, even under-aged, and sometimes young married women as well as unmarried; such women, as in Pakistan, once they have been drugged and brutalised and terrorised and threatened into plastic compliance, are often later on gloatingly paraded as ‘converts’ to Islam, with the full connivance and enabling of the police and judiciary. – CM

“The constant demoralisation has reduced Pakistani Christians (and Hindus, and Sikhs – CM) to shadow citizens, seen in the darkest corners and suffering extreme poverty and abuse.”

Mr Chowdhry needs to read Mark Durie, “The Third Choice: Islam, Dhimmitude and Freedom”. Then he would see that this non-stop Muslim abuse of Christians and of the other indigenous non-Muslim minorities is… Islam.  This is what Muslims, when politically dominant, have always done to non-Muslims over whom they have power.  And the aim is nothing less than to “kill the soul” of the Dhimmis, to break their spirit, to turn them into unresisting objects – who will submit, and submit, and submit, without the least whimper of complaint, without the tiniest flicker of resistance.  Whose function is to be milch cows, sex toys, chew toys, punching bags and scapegoats for their Muslim overlords.  And this needs to be spoken about.  Evil must be publicly named as evil, and condemned. –  CM

“The great success of this protest was the fact that although few protesters came out, Geo TV, the largest mainstream TV channel in Pakistan, joined the protest and filmed it live.

‘Thus the message of peace and the desire for change was broadcast to millions in Pakistan.”

And that is why the rally needed to have been better and more widely publicised, so that instead of a mere handful of brave souls there might have been thousands of resolute British infidels standing in solidarity with the persecuted Christians – and other non-Muslim minorities – of hideous Islamic Pakistan.  I do hope that the BPCA organises some more rallies, soon, and that they will publicise them well ahead of time and as widely as they possibly can. –  CM