Leicester and Luton talks by Islamist hate cleric cancelled after GB News investigation

Two upcoming events with Islamist hate cleric Enayat Utullah Abbasi in Luton and Leicester have been cancelled.

Bedfordshire police told GB News that the planned event on June 26 in central Luton had been cancelled after they approached the venue and organisers.

Abbasi’s upcoming talk in central Leicester on June 25 has also been cancelled, Leicestershire Police confirmed in a statement to GB News this afternoon.

A force spokesperson said: “We understand that the visit is no longer taking place.”

The latest cancellations come after Abbasi’s event in Newham, east London was called off on Thursday night after GB News shared details of his history of extremism and violent rhetoric.

A British-Bangladeshi who has been tracking the situation told GB News that while it was positive that events had been cancelled, they feared that Abbasi and his supporters will not go underground and host events out of public scrutiny.

While the Leicester and Luton events were advertised with date, time, venue and segregation arrangements, the Newham event was kept well under the English speaking radar. 

They said: “I am worried about the non publicised events that the organisers might be planning. The British authorities and media will have no information or control to prohibit any danger to our British society.”

Charlotte Littlewood, a Research Fellow at the Henry Jackson Society, said: “A man who has called for violence against Hindus, Jews and Ahmadiyyas is more than a threat to social cohesion, he is a threat to national security. It is great that the events in Newham, Luton and Leicester were cancelled. If there is one city that does not need to see more violent anti-Hindu hate it is Leicester. This man must be deported.”