"Living Here Doesn’t Make You One of Us": Danish Queen Tells Muslims To Adopt Western Values

She does not seem to realize that she is in effect asking Muslims to apostasise.  Which most do not want to do – being thoroughly and willingly in thrall to the cult of blood and war – and which the few disaffected mostly dare not do, because of the apostasy law.

However, it is still very significant that the Queen of Denmark has stepped up and made this sort of demand – a demand aimed specifically at Muslims – in public, at all.  It suggests that the tide might just be beginning to turn. It is a welcome sign of indigenous resistance to Islamisation.

As reported by Nick Gutteridge in “The Express”.  I encourage people to click on the link and read it in situ, as Comments were permitted; there are hundreds, and most are from clear-headed persons who understand exactly what Islam is about, and do not like it.


‘Living Here Doesn’t Make You One of Us: – Danish Queen Tells Muslims To Adopt West’s Values.

‘The Queen of Denmark has urged Muslims living in Europe to adopt Western values in an extraordinary intervention in the migration debate.

It’s not really a debate about migration. It’s a debate about Islam, Muslims, and Muslim migration. Because plenty of non-Muslim migrants – see, for example, Ms Poller’s excellent article about the non-Islamic Chinese in France and their sufferings at the hands of Muslim thugs – are perfectly willing and indeed eager to fit in, obey the law, learn the language, adopt all or most of the culture of the countries to which they have migrated.  Not long ago, I myself, at this website, drew attention to a charming story about a young lady from Syria, a Christian refugee from Muslim aggression, who loved wine and, upon coming to Germany, eagerly set out to discover German wines and viticulture and had just been crowned Wine Queen for the district in which she had settled. – CM

‘Queen Margrethe II said it was “not a law of nature” that asylum seekers automatically integrated into society, and called on Muslim groups to do more to help new arrivals understand Danish society.

Oh, they might teach them how to understand it, all the better to infiltrate and subvert it. But they won’t teach them to respect it, to cherish it, to embrace it and become part of it. – CM

‘The Queen, who is one of Europe’s most respected and long-serving royals, said politicians needed to “put their foot down” (hear! hear! indeed they do; and this applies to politicians not only in Denmark but right across most of the Lands of the Infidels, whether First-World or Third World, as regards their response to the Hijra, the immigration-invasion currently being carried out by the Ummah or Mohammedan Mob – CM), and strictly uphold the country’s principles of democracy and gender equality, in her unprecedented rallying cry.

Deus Vult! – CM

‘Denmark has taken in just under 15,000 asylum seekers (except in the case of those that can be identified as bona fide Assyrian Christians, or as Yazidis or Mandaeans, that should be in quotes – “asylum seekers” – or should be worded as follows – “claimed ‘asylum seekers'” – CM) in the last nine months, according to Government statistics, and has reintroduced border controls to stem the flow heading northwards towards neighbouring Sweden.

It’s a start.  Denmark needs to up the ante a bit, and stop the entry of Muslims altogether. But putting them on the spot, as the Queen has just done (which will expose their resistance to and rejection of the requested integration) and drawing attention to the fact of a tension between Islam and “western values”, is a necessary preliminary.  It might encourage Danes – non-muslim Danes – to investigate Islam and see just how utterly incompatible it is with western values, at every imaginable level.  Niccolai Sennels, a Danish psychologist, has explored this subject in some depth; one wonders whether he has presented a copy of his book “Among Criminal Muslims” to the Queen. If she read that book she would know that Islam – Islam, as such – produces a mindset wholly other than and inimical to the world of the modern (or for that matter, pre-modern) West, to the Enlightenment and to Christendom. – CM

‘The arrival of predominantly Muslim refugees (sic: “refugees” – CM) has sparked a heated debate about migration (sic: should it not be, “about Muslim migration”? – CM)  in the country, which earlier this year saw a new law passed allowing the authorities to seize migrants’ assets to pay for housing and benefits.

‘Some right-wing politicians (correction – “Some politicians”; let’s just drop that loaded adjective “right-wing”, shall we? – CM) have linked asylum seekers (sic: “the so-called ‘asylum seekers’ – CM) to the growing threat of Islamic State (ISIS), with one, the deputy leader of the anti-immigration (no: “the patriotic and Islamoresistant” – CM) Danish People’s Party, Soeren Espersen, issuing a Donald Trump-style call for a six year ban on Muslim migrants entering the country.

Note: Not a ban on any and all migrants, but a ban on Muslim migrants. Because it’s only Muslim migrants who are doing things like, for example, attempting to kill Danish cartoonists Kurt Westergaard.  The Somali Muslim who, armed with an axe, broke into Westergaard’s house and tried to murder him – in order to enforce the sharia punishment for ‘blasphemy – had been accepted into Denmark as a ‘refugee’.  Had there been a ban on Muslim entry into Denmark, that axe-wielding Somali Muslim  would never have been in the country, and nor would any other potentially-dangerous Muslims, and Westergaard could have drawn his clever and apposite ‘turban-bomb Mohammed’ cartoon in perfect safety. – CM

‘And now the Nordic country’s Queen has intervened in the national debate with an outspoken rallying call (I wouldn’t describe it as a ‘rallying call’; rather, ‘a demand’ – CM) to Muslim migrants to integrate into the country’s free, tolerant society.

‘She said: “It’s not a law of nature that one becomes Danish by living in Denmark.  It doesn’t necessarily happen.  We thought that these things would take care of themselves. That if you walked through the streets of Copenhagen, and drank the municipal water, and rode the municipal bus, you’d soon become a Dane.  It was so obvious to us, and therefore we thought that it must also be obvious for those who settled and lived here.  It wasn’t”.

‘In a book, compiled with the Danish journalist Thomas Larsen, Queen Margarethe said that migrants arriving from south-east Asia had “prospered” but those coming from the Middle East “have a hard time finding their rhythm in Denmark”.

Actually, it’s not that the Muslim immigrants – or, rather, invaders, colonists – from the “Middle East” – have not been able to learn the ropes in Denmark. It’s that they don’t intend to learn the ropes, they have no interest in learning the ropes; their cult programming drives them to want to destroy Denmark, to Islamoform it, to absorb it into the Dar al Islam. – CM

‘And she admitted that the sheer scaleo f the new arrivals, seen across Europe over the last 18 months, had changed her views of immigration, which, as a young woman in the 1960s, she and other Danes saw as “exciting”.

‘Speaking about the cultural values that some migrants (notably, the Muslims – CM) bring with them, she said, “We cannot pretend that it wears off by itself.  It won’t.  Many of us thought that people who come to a strange place are a kind of a blotting paper that absorbs everything new.

“The task becomes harder, however, when so many people having various backgrounds and a particular religion (i.e. Islam, the religion, or deen, of domination, a system that programs its adherents to pursue nothing less than Total World Domination, by force or by fraud, by fair means or by foul – CM) arrive at once.  They risk isolating themselves regardless of their will.”

Muslims don’t segregate themselves by accident. They don’t want to integrate. They don’t want to assimilate. How could they assimilate to those whom their cult programs them to view as dirty unbelievers, people toward whom they must have “enmity and hatred”, people toward whom they must show “harshness”, people whom they must never befriend nor ally with, unless temporarily and feigningly, under certain circumstances, for interim advantage? – CM

‘And the veteran monarch, who ascended to the trhone of Denmark in 1972, offered a scathing verdict of today’s crop of E.U. politicians whom she accused of betraying European values in the name of political correctness.

Spot on, Ma’am.  Though it isn’t just ‘political correctness’ at work.  If you read Bat Yeor’s “Eurabia”, Your Majesty, you will see that Muslim petrodollars buying up the corrupt and paying for a deluge of propaganda, and Muslim threats causing the less courageous to buckle, have also had a lot to do with it. – CM

‘She said, “If you can’t formulate what you stand for, it is hard to tell others about it.  It needs to be worked on, and every once in a while, you need to put your foot down with somebody, and say, “Hey, that won’t do”.

‘Her remarks were extremely outspoken for a royal who, like England’s Queen Elizabeth II, has traditionally attempted to remain above the political fray.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. This is about nothing less than the survival of Queen Margrethe’s non-Muslim homeland and people; the survival of everything that has ever been and meant “Denmark”. I am glad that Queen Margarethe has spoken up. – CM

‘But they were welcomed by the Danish Culture Minister Bertel Haarder, who said the Queen was simply voicing the concerns of many ordinary Danes.

I wonder how many decent, intelligent Danes, who – like Niccolai Sennels, and Tina Magaard – have taken the trouble to investigate Islam, and have found themselves the more alarmed, the more they learn, have been writing to their Queen, to communicate to her their knowledge, and their rational fears? – CM

‘He said, “She described precisely the development that many of us have gone through.  I remember saying at the beginning of my tenure as Immigration Minister, that the number of immigrants and refugees did not matter so much, as long as they found work.  It sounded good, but unfortunately it was not true.  It is the number that matters”.

Yes. And with Islam, especially, the number matters.  There is a sort of phase-shift from relative quiescence and passive-aggression to open, brazen, and ever-more-violent aggression, that takes place whenever and wherever a  given Muslim colony, (whether at local/ suburban, or regional, or national level) feels itself to be sufficiently numerous and powerful vis a vis the surrounding Infidels, that it can start openly going for the kill. – CM

‘And the right-leaning Danish newspaper Berlingske (let’s just drop that ‘right-leaning’ adjective, shall we, that officiously signals to readers how they ought to think, and read this clause as follows – “And the Danish newspaper Berlingske…” – CM) added that whilst some (we know who: the members of the Religion of Perpetual Outrage, plus their Dhimmified enablers and Useful Idiots – CM) would take offence at the monarch wading into politics, her remarks “show that she has an outstanding talent for being a poltical temperature gauge”.

‘Europe has been in the grip of an unprecedented migration crisis with more than a million migrants (that should be “more than a million overwhelmingly-Muslim migrants, nearly all of whom are males of military age” – CM) arriving on the continent from the Middle East and North Africa in 2015 alone.

‘Denmark has predominantly acted as a transit point for asylum seekers heading north towards Sweden, which, along with Germany, is touted as a promised land with abundant housing and jobs for new arrivals.’

From the Muslim POV, Sweden – like Germany and the UK – has been identified as a society with plenty of plunder, governed by particularly gullible and/ or corrupted political leaders who have, so far, been suicidally accommodating towards Islam and Muslims. That is why Sweden, Germany and the UK are currently-preferred destinations.  Denmark has become just ever-so-slightly resistant, thanks to the efforts of the Danish People’s Party and others (such as Lars Hedegaard and his “Free Press Society”, and the intrepid Ms Magaard and Mr Sennels, whom I have already mentioned), and has thus become correspondingly less desirable; the Ummah always prefers the softest targets. 

As I have said already – click on the original link and peruse the Comments, there are a great many, and they indicate that many, many people, whether in the UK or in continental Europe, including Denmark itself, are very well informed about and well aware of the danger posed by Islam and by the hijra, the immigration-invasion; and that they fully understand the reasons behind the Muslim refusal to integrate.

 Here, for example, is a very typical remark, by one ‘doomslayer’ – “Our own experience [i.e. in the UK] and the evidence from other countries have given us the proof that many Muslims will NEVER integrate.  They take everything going, and give nothing.  Their long-term intention is to dominate, not integrate”.

 And here’s another, by one “Robin Nixon” – “If you research the ways that this particular religion has spread throughout the world, you’ll see that it starts with trade, and then accompany migration to gain a foot-hold, and then (after a decade or two) massive migration begins, followed by capitulation of the local population just trying to keep the peace, until the original religion/ society/ code of ethics has been displace. I t’s been tried and tested over 100s of years – so far it’s worked every time.”  One ‘rp53’ remarked, succinctly,In truth, they will never be ‘one of us’ – unfortunately, their [that is, the Muslims‘ – CM} plan is to make us ‘one of them’.

And there was this telling exchange between two posters, presumably British, though not necessarily. Bandanna 73 wrote “Well, I and many other women are too scared to go out in certain areas, so they have already made us more like Muslim women, to an extent”. To which “Happy” replied, That is an awful situation to be in, and that’s how it happens, people can’t stand the pressure and they move, so another house is taken over by them (note that in this context “them” is understood by all concerned, to mean “Muslims” – CM), it happened to a friend of mine, so much pressure put on her that she had to move, not nice is it, another step in the takeover!”

The only way to be sure of stopping that sort of thing, is for the world’s majority-Infidel countries to halt Muslim immigration – and find ways of putting it into reverse – as quickly as possible. – CM


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