“Madness”: nearly $1 billion spent by The Netherlands in 2014 for Asylum Seekers

Asylum Seekers in the Amsterdam  protesting, April 15, 2015

Source: Wij Zijn Hier Facebook

Our article in the June NER, Trojan Horse Federal Refugee Program Brings Jihadi Threat to America: An Interview with Ann Corcoran,  spoke about the secretive billion dollar US Refugee Admissions Program (US RAP). We noted:

More than 1.3 million Muslims have been brought into the US via the billion dollar US Refugee Admissions Program (US RAP). Annually the US RAP brings in 70,000 refugees allotted by the UN High Commissioner of Refugees (UNHCR). These annual USRAP allotments are virtually controlled by the UNHCR, which designates refugee populations most at risk. The current USRAP allotment exceeds that of all other countries combined. Separate from the US RAP are other legal avenues for Muslim immigration that include the asylum program that converts illegal border crossers into legal immigrants with benefits equivalent to refugees, the Diversity “Green Card” Lottery and the investor EB-5 Visa Program.  

According to Ann Corcoran, editor of the Refugee Resettlement Watch  (RRW) blog,  this UN refugee agency “virtually calls the shots”  for the US RAP that provides legal refugee immigrants with a veritable smorgasbord of cash welfare, Social Security benefits for elderly refugees, Medicaid, educational  assistance and a pathway to ultimate citizenship. Including both federal and state level benefits; some experts estimate that the annual total cost of the US RAP could be upwards of $12 to $20 billion annually. 

Geert Wilders was appalled today, when he learned that the Dutch immigration authorities spent nearly $1 billion (868 million Euros) on support of asylum seekers in 2014 reported by the NLTimes:

 The Netherlands spent 868 million euros ($972.2 million) on services for roughly 24,000 asylum seekers last year, according to figures Security & Justice Secretary Klaas Dijkhoff provided to …Freedom Party (PVV). The party leader, Geert Wilders, blasted the amount, saying it translates to roughly 36 thousand euros ($40, 320) per asylum seeker.

“Madness!” Wilders proclaimed on Twitter, in a call to shut Dutch borders.

The government spent 485 million euros ($542.3 million) on the COA, the Dutch agency responsible for the reception and placement of refugees. Another 200 million ($224 million) went to the Immigration and Naturalization Office, which all immigrants entering and residing in the Netherlands are required to contact. Over 70 million ($78.4 million) went to the Repatriation and Departure Service, which also handles the extradition of criminals to other nations.

It was not immediately clear if the amounts provided to those agencies are only for their work directly related to asylum seekers, or if it is broader budget data.

Also, while some 56 million ($62.7 million) went to investigative and research services, about 26 million ($29.1 million) was earmarked for free legal representation of asylum seekers.

Dutch NGO Nidos also received 24 million euros ($26.9 million) to provide education, welfare and guardianship services to youth refugees. Another NGO, Vluchtelingenwerk (Refugees), received 6.3 million euros ($7.6 million) to help with integration, reunification, and asylum service. Other organizations received 700 thousand euros ($784,000).

 Those amounts cited by Wilders are just for asylum seekers in the Netherlands. Expenditures for  legal migrants under the liberal Dutch immigration programs may be several magnitudes greater than that. That could raise this year’s allocations by the EU, dealing with the flood of illegal migrants crossing the Mediterranean.  Moreover, there is the allocation of thousands of Syrian refuges escaping the civil war and ISIS conflicts.  This is the latest revelation by the Freedom Party.Wilders is endeavoring to rein in out of control spending for what amounts to mass Muslim and other EU immigration.  Note that like the US RAP, the Dutch use a network of NGOs, equivalent to voluntary agencies here in the US, to provide processing and support for asylees. Time to roll back the Islamic Dir al Hijra (migration) strategy both in the Netherlands and here in the US costing billions of dollars bringing jihadis to foment Islamic terrorism both at home and abroad.



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