MAGA Foreign Policy and the Iranian Regime

By Victor Davis Hanson

One topic that’s come up throughout January and this week again is what to do about the Iranian nuclear proliferation problem or crisis.

And we all know that they’re on the verge of getting a bomb. And it was recently announced they could—they have enough fissionable material, if they were to accelerate their processing of fissionable material, they could probably get a bomb within a month.

So, what do we do about it? Everybody—it reminds me so much of Aesop’s fable about belling the cat. Remember that fable of our youth when the mice got together and they say, “The cat is picking us off one by one. We need to put a bell around his neck so we could be warned.” And everybody said, “That’s a great idea.” The next item of business among the mice assembly was, who will bell the cat?

What I’m getting at is the Europeans, I think even the Chinese and Russians, don’t want on their border a nuclear Iran. The Americans, the Israelis, everybody knows they should not—that theocratic regime should not get the bomb. But who bells the cat? And that’s the question.

First published in the Daily Signal