Manuel Valls, Tying Himself In Knots As He Tries To Come To Grips With Islam

Manuel Valls cannot allow himself to simply sit down, think, read, and draw all the most logical and coherent conclusions about Islam, and its adherents, in the West. Instead he refers to some kind of example of largely non-Muslim Muslims, who have managed for now, in this or that place — e.g., Mayotte — to ignore much of what Islamic texts contain, and by such ignoring, to practice a kind of Islam that, for now, does not express itself in either terrorism or qitaal (combat) undertaken against the Infidels. But what Valls refuses to see is that Islam is based on a clear-cut and permanent distinction between Dar al-Islam and Dar al-Harb, between the Lands of the Believers and the Lands of the Unbelievers, and between the two there must be constant, if sometimes low-level, warfare, and Muslims must not allow non-Muslims to erect defenses, or present obstacles to the spread of Islam. These obstacles must be dismanteled, so that Islam can triumph, and everwere Islam may dominate, and Musilims rule, everywhere.


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