Mass Humanitarianism is Suicide, Not Altruism

by Lorna Salzman (January 2016)

A recent reading of Richard Moore’s “Escaping the Matrix” (chapter 2), from the 2005 Cyberjournal Project, had a welcome evolutionary perspective, which is rare these days. But one important part was left out, which has relevance to the refugee problem, namely the issues of kin selection and altruism.  more>>>


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  1. Some further remarks. One might note that the older portions of the dar al Islam (those that have been Islamised for longest) are very heavily inbred, because of widespread marriage of first cousins combined with widespread polygyny (which leads to a drastic reduction in genetic diversity over time, because most male genetic lines end up not being reproduced).

    Whereas most Infidel societies, especially the ‘west’ practise outbreeding (and interestingly enough, some ancient tribal societies like the Australian Aborigines did the same; outbreeding was strongly encouraged, cousin marriage was absolutely forbidden). Genetic diversity is also promoted by the fact that Christians have always practised monogamy – which gives the maximum number of male lines the opportunity to continue – and it became the rule in Judaism also, and has spread to other cultural groups such as modern India, China and Japan. As a result of our outbreeding practices, family trees as time goes on (provided enough individuals in each generation choose to have kids) expand constantly outward, crossing and interconnecting with *other* family trees; the number of persons one is most closely related to is usually relatively small, but there is also a high chance that any random person in your society will be related to you at *some* remove, were one to start comparing notes and go back far enough (as it happens, coming from an unusually – for Australia – large family of eleven, I have a lot of siblings, and also a lot of first cousins because my *parents* came from large families, but because I and others of my kin who are into family history have mapped the successive generations of something like seven different sets of immigrants into Australia, I *know* that I would be at least distantly related by blood and/ or marriage to a large percentage of the people in the region of Australia in which I reside). And because ‘western’ societies have practised both monogamy *and* outbreeding, not forbidding cousin marriage but certainly not encouraging it or practising it very frequently, strangers and strange families within our broad cultural group are viewed as putative distant kin but are far distant enough, non related enough, to be also potential mates for our children. This is why the Syrian Christians can and should be admitted; we know from past experience with earlier groups of Syrian (and Maronite, and Coptic, and Armenian) Christian immigrants and refugees that they can be trusted and that their children will ‘marry in’. they are not a threat but a potential reinforcement; ideological kin and potentially, in future, genetic kin (different enough genetically to be interesting, a good ‘outcross’; similar enough ideologically to be compatible).

    One may note that a number of apostates from Islam – Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Mona Walters and ‘Hannah Shah’, author of The Imam’s Daughter – have married in; not only joining and affirming our *ideas* – becoming atheist (Ayaan) or Christian (Mona and Hannah) but, in the case of Ayaan and Mona, ‘voting with their wombs’; they have thrown in their lot with ‘the West’ and with our civilisation by giving the most fundamental gift a woman can give, bearing children to Infidel husbands – Ayaan’s little Thomas, and Mona Walters’ two daughters borne to her (native Swedish) Christian husband. they have a stake in our society and civilisation; they will fight for their husbands and the future of their kids.

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