McCain Asks Obama To Get Over His Temper Tantrum
He’s not the only one who wishes that.
Out of petulance, in a fit of pique, Obama threatens to undo, to reverse, nearly a half-century of understanding about Israel’s quandary. Even if Obama hardly knows what the Palestine Mandate was intended to achieve, that is why it was created, even if he doesn’t know exactly what happened at the end of the 1948-49 war, or even how it started, even if he has apparently never heard of U.N. Resolution 242 and the right of Israel to come out with “defensible borders” which generations of American military men have said means control of all the territory west of the Jordan River, he — Obama — is most peculiar in deciding, now that the Israeli voters have given such a clear mandate to Benjamin Netanyahu, to think he, Barack Obama, can ignore those election results and that mandate, can ignore the history of the war (a classic Jihad, which will become clearer and clearer as more people come to grasp, with no help from Obama but a lot of help from the apostates such as Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and from clear-headed, knowledgeable observers such as Naipaul), can ignore the legal, moral, and historic claims of Israel, can ignore the precise terms of Resolution 242 and of the Mandate, can ignore everything because he, Barack Obama, doesn’t like the way Netanyahu appears, in his view, to treat him — that is, not with the deference that Obama apparently thinks he deserves. The last time a large country decided, because of the inadequacies of its own leaders to understand a threat, to make a small country pay for it, that is in Munich in September 1938, the result was not good.