Media Hoax behind Oslo Ring of Peace with “Hate Jews “ Muslim Organizer



Ring of Peace Oslo Synagogue, Feb. 21, 2015

After we criticized  the Rabbi and  a leader of the Oslo Synagogue for demonstrating their myopia at the Saturday night solidarity Ring of Peace, stories on Breitbart News and FrontPage Magazine  did fact checking.  That effort  revealed   the  media hoax and the virulent Antisemitic statements of one of the event Norwegian Muslim organizers.

Daniel Greenfield at FrontPage Magazine wrote:

There are a number of myths already  circulating about it. Here’s how a local described the event.

Well, I was there, and it wasn’t 1000 Muslims. It was 1300 people in total of which almost everyone looked like ethnic Norwegians. The people holding hands are media staged – they had barriers in front with an entry checkpoint with 10 guards or so, and allowed a small number of Muslims inside together with the Jewish congregation.

So innermost the synagogue with 50 or so Jews, then this semicircle of 20 or so Muslims, then the barriers and guards and police, then a mostly Norwegian crowd.

Greenfield then addressed  the Antisemitic track record of one of the event organizers, Mohammed Ali Chishti:

Ali Chishti confirmed on Saturday in an interview with Verdens Gang, a highbrow Norwegian newspaper, that he delivered on March 22, 2008, in Oslo a speech on the alleged involvement of Jews in planning the 9/11 Twin Towers bombings in New York. The speech’s title was: ”Therefore I Hate Jews and Gays,” the paper reported, though Chishti said he was not the one who came up with the title.

Greenfield concluded, “Chishti claims that today he no longer believes this stuff and no one wants to let it ruin the good feelings produced by the illusion of the peace ring.”


Ring of Peace Rally, Oslo Synagogue, Feb. 21, 2015

 Breitbart noted how many international media outlets  fell  for the 1000 Muslims  line touted by  NRK :

The weekend’s feel-good story about a Muslim “ring of peace” formed to “protect” Jews at an Oslo synagogue turned out to be a complete fabrication by the mainstream media, according to an eyewitness report, local officials, and attendees’ photos.

According to a local eyewitness, only about 20 or so Muslims formed the “ring of peace” around the Oslo synagogue. In fact, pictures from multiple angles show that there weren’t enough people to form a ring, so the locals instead formed a horizontal line in front of the synagogue.

A local news outlet explained how the media got to its “1,300 Muslims” number. “According to police, there were 1300 persons present in the event. Very many of them ethnic Norwegians,” read a translated report from

Demonstrators also reportedly chanted, “No to anti-Semitism, no to Islamophobia,” conflating criticism of Islam and hatred of Jews.

Photos pulled off of social media appear to corroborate the narrative that only twenty or so people formed the “peace ring.”

Breitbart  reported how the media hoax spread:

Multiple news outlets, including wire services for hundreds of news sites, ran with the false narrative that 1,000 or more people–sometimes all of them Muslim–formed the ring of peace outside of the Oslo synagogue.

It cited as examples false reports from AP, AFP,  Think Progress, Reuters and Radio Free Europe/Liberty.

Breitbart concluded with this comment:

As it turns out, as many as 40 times more Northern European Muslims attended the funeral of a Copenhagen Muslim terrorist than those who decided to form the non-existent “ring of peace” around an Oslo synagogue.

You may recall  Fjordman’s  comment  in yesterday’s post about  one of the Oslo synagogue leaders, Ervin Kohn:

Kohn is also  deputy director of the state-sponsored Norwegian Center against Racism, which has made combating Islamophobia a major priority.

Fjordman knows more about Islamic Tawhid hate doctrine than Kohn having attended the American University in Cairo.

This episode is illustrative of why you cannot be sucked in interfaith dialogues between Muslims and Jews, whether, in Norway or here in the US.

Last Friday , we attended a  Pensacola Tiger Bay  Club luncheon talk by Eugene Keily of , a project of  the University of Pennsylvannia, Annenberg Public Policy Center.  Keily told of media embellishments during US political campaigns by both major political parties and figures like Vice President Joe Biden.  Biden is notorious for media hype. The latest one, according to Kiely, occurred during his presentation at the Countering Violent Extremism, where he stated that “he know lots of Somali cab drivers in his hometown in Delaware.”  Someone checked with US Census and came up with less than 15 Somalis in Delaware.  So media hoaxing, whether by Muslims and lefty Jewish community leaders in Norway or political figures like Vice President Biden and even Republican  figures here in the US appears to be de rigueur. As groups like Factcheck .org and  , a project of the Tampa Tribune here in Florida are focused on political issues, perhaps  a new group should be formed to check out leftist – Muslim agit-propaganda .


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