Meghan and Her Prince in the New World

by Phyllis Chesler

The beautiful actress will find work. She has friends all over North America and a history here. He—not so much. Will he be a househusband? A “brand” for sale? Does he now have a price? Why did Prince Harry leave the fabled castles, titles, stipends, horse shows, ribbon-cuttings, his grandmother, the Queen of England, his brother, the future King, and all the other pomp and circumstance? Common wisdom believes that ruthless media paparazzi led to his mother’s accident and death and that the chilly and regimented ways of the royal family broke his mother’s wild and beating heart. Now, he will not risk losing his wife to similar hostile scrutiny or coldness. But the Prince has never known another life. Can he really make a new life in the New World? Ah, he is very much his mother’s son. She, too, leapt over the palace walls, put love before duty, demanded her own happiness. And so, the first act of what sounds like a tragic opera has begun.


4 Responses

  1. Not so sure the paparazzi were the CAUSE of Diana’s problems. I tend to blame Charles’ infideltity as the root. But wisely Harry doesn’t blame Papa. Diana openly courted the media when it suited her and she was living the high life in Paris when she died and variously liked to be seen in other fashionable resorts. Her children no doubt having to do without the ‘most wonderful Mother ever’. Meghan will be on Ellen before the end of this year and she and Harry will have found an excuse to live most of the time in LA.

  2. Agree fully with this summary. Infidelity creates problems in families no doubt, but usually not the desire to flee a country even for the ones who can. I do think the ever more intrusive and hateful media outlets especially enthused after brexit are the driving force to obliterate this family’s breathing space. Friends of mine in Britain , couples with European partners don’t feel they belong there and contemplate moving to other European countries, one of them Jewish with holocaust survivor parents can’t tolerate the hate. This climate together with paparazzi I can see as cause for Harry and Meghan s exit. Anti Semitic these days goes together with racist. It’ll be hard for them to be uprooted and I just hope they find sincere friends in the America’s.

  3. The beginning of a tragic opera is quite an appropriate description of the rumblings going on with palace walls and in the court of the Queen. I would imagine that by now the royal family has figured out that when one of their senior male members, (be he heir to the throne of just a spare) ends up marrying a divorced American woman, it does not bode well for the monarchy. Harry’s great, great uncle David, a/k/a Prince Edward VIII did have a tragic life living in exile and spurned by the royals. Yes, he and Wallis enjoyed the palatial diggs that we’re given to them in Paris, but he felt empty, rejected and was completely miserable without a role in the family he was to have led as king, had he not abdicated for the woman he loved. In the case of Prince Harry, something tells me he is a quick learner and even though he has known nothing else other than being a highly accomplishment military man and a working royal, he has some idea how to function in the real world and how to bring in an income for his family. Thanks to his marriage to Meghan, she has opened his eyes to the world of celebrity and all that that entails. Thus far, they have spent time in the south of France with Elton John, traveled to Italy to spend time with the Clooneys, produced a series on mental health with Oprah, shared their love for wildlife with Ellen DeGeneres and partied with Serena Williams and husband Alexis Ohanian, of Reddit fame. I would surmise there are more well connected and well heeled celebs lurking in their social circle. Harry has learned that the influence he wields as a prince in the House of Windsor carries with it enormous benefits as was witnessed at the London premiere of “The Lion King” when he approached Disney president David Eiger about Meghan doing something voiceover work for one of their animated projects. All he had to do was say that Meghan is very interested in doing it and Eiger said “Sure!” and walla, before your knew it Meghan had the gigue. Of course, all that he associates his name with will be for charitable purposes but we all know how lucrative the creation of a charitable foundation can be. Just look at the Clintons and the Obamas to get some idea of how personally prosperous such endeavors can be. So, why is this the first step in a tragic opera?? Because being part of royalty differs greatly from being an A list celeb and somehow the two are far from being perfectly meshed. Being part of the royal family means serving the crown, relegating one’s own personal desires and agenda to that of the mission of the monarchy and in Harry’s case being a steadfast support system for his brother when he ascends the throne. As we all know, the celebrity orbit which he and Meghan have chosen to travel in has it owns set of serious stresses and daily pressure and if one is seeking to get as far from the paparazzi as possible and lead a low key and private life, then immersing oneself in the company of celebs and doing what they do is simply inviting the paparazzi to encamp at your doorstep, wherever that may be. If protecting his family and staying out of the glare of the cameras was Harry’s objective, perhaps he could have come up with a more workable option. I wish both Harry and Meghan and baby Archie the best but I do hope they will be quite careful on which paths they tread, which causes they throw their support to and which people they trust. It will not be an easy road to hoe, but I wish them all the happiness that Diana would have wished them.

  4. I will pray for them. I will pray for *grounding*… I will pray what I pray for any young couple I know.: for a long, happy and fruitful marriage. I am, after all, a member of the Mothers’ Union.

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