Melbourne, Australia: Afghan Muslim "Refugee" Gets 8 Years Jail For Attempted "Honor" Murder

About a week ago I reproduced a news report about the granting of Australian citizenship to an Afghan Muslim male “refugee” who had beaten up his sisters for allegedly conversing with an older man on Facebook.

Today I am reproducing and remarking upon a report about another Afghan Muslim, who also gained entry to Australia as a “refugee”, who presumably now possesses citizenship, and who plotted to murder his female cousin’s spouse, for reasons of “honor”. From the ABC’s court reporter, Peta Carlyon:

“Afghan Refugee Jailed For Eight Years For Thwarted “Honour Killing” in Melbourne”.

‘A 28 year old Afghan refugee (that is, “A 28 year old Afghan Muslim ‘refugee’ – CM) who organised a so-called honour killing (that should be “who organised an “honour” murder” – CM) that was later thwarted, has been sentenced to eight years in jail.

And once he gets out of jail, why can’t we strip him of his citizenship and send him straight back to Muslim Afghanistan where he belongs, eh, pretty please with sugar on it?  People like this are not fit to remain here.  He should never have been admitted into the country in the first place.  All those who complain about the incidence of domestic violence/ family violence in Australia – and are currently claiming that combatting domestic violence should be given higher priority than homeland security – should be at the forefront of campaigns to give the boot to people like this, who gain entry and citizenship on the basis of a sob story, then reveal themselves to be murderous barbarians.  We have enough domestic abusers of our own manufacture, so why should we exert ourselves to import extra on top, Muslim extra who feel that their violent and indeed murderous suppression of women is good and right and allah-approved. – CM

‘Wahid Najibi was found guilty of organising the murder of the new partner of a woman he was once engaged to.

‘He was convicted by a Victorian Supreme Court jury in April of one charge of incitement to murder in 2012.

‘The woman, known only as ZN, was Najibi’s first cousin, and was promised to him by her family (presumably within Australia; and what does that tell us, eh, about what we are importing when we import Muslims wholesale? we are importing people for whom forced marriage is a norm – CM) in an arranged marriage in 2008.

‘She was against the union and later fled to Queensland with another member of Melbourne’s Afghan community, where they married and had a child.

Presumably both the woman and her consensual spouse are Muslims; she has remained within the sharia system that forbids Muslim women from “marrying out”. But it seems that the mere act of choosing – whilst refusing the consanguineous spouse her family would force upon her – is enough to offend ‘honour”. – CM

‘The court heard Najibi arranged to have his cousin’s new partner killed after she and her family returned to live in Melbourne’s north.

I wonder why they were so foolish as to return…or who persuaded them? And I would be curious to know whether the police, when initiailly investigating, took into consideration the possibility that Najibi may not have been acting alone when he ‘arranged’ the murder. Scholars such as Phyllis Chesler have pointed out, more than once, that such killings – whether of the offending woman or, as in this case, her spouse – are usually decided upon by the whole family in conclave; they are premeditated ‘family executions’, which is one of the things that differentiates ‘honour’ murders from the sorts of killings that happen in domestic contexts in western societies. – CM

‘He met several times with a petty criminal he had met in Warragul (I wonder whether that criminal was Muslim or non-Muslim? – CM) to discuss the plan and provided him with photos of the man, his vehicle and address.

‘But the court heard the man he chose to carry out the murder inadvertently subcontracted it out to an undercover police officer, who was posing as a hit man for hire, and later cooperated with police.

‘Najibi was arrested on Valentine’s Day 2012, the day the murder was supposed to have been carried out.

On Valentine’s Day.  In other words: this man was going to punish his ex-fiancee, who had refused a forced marriage to himself and had, instead, gone “infidel-style” insofar as she chose a partner that she herself wanted, by killing her – freely-chosen – husband on a day that symbolises those filthy and despised  infidel concepts of love, romance and the free choice of a lover or spouse. – CM

‘He was charged with a string of offences that were later dropped.

‘Najib travelled to Afghanistan and was rearrested after returning to Australia in 2013.

Frankly, had he stayed in Afghanistan, I wouldn’t have gone to any extraordinary lengths to get him back.  Better out than in.  Our country needs people like him like it  needs a hole in the head. – CM

“This type of criminal conduct in which you attempted to engage ….is sometimes referred to as an honour killing”, Justice Karin Emerton said.

“It must be clearly stated that there is nothing at all “honourable” in what you proposed to be done…and that it reflects a skewed moral or ethical paradigm that is entirely unacceptable in this or any society.”

Judge Emerton: you are right in that it is entirely unacceptable…in our society.  The problem is that this man Najibi comes from a society – belongs to a cult, Islam – that sees nothing wrong with it at all. That programs men to fear and despise women and provides them with multiple pretexts for mistreating and killing them.  A society suffused with Islam.  Read Nonie Darwish on the Sharia of Islam, “Cruel and Usual Punishment”; read Wafa Sultan, “A God Who Hates”, where she draws the devastating conclusion that “allah hates women”.  Then you will see that this ‘skewed moral or ethical paradigm’ is, in Islam, the norm; that in Muslim societies it is deemed perfectly acceptable. And you might begin to see why letting Muslims into this country is such a very bad idea.  If we keep on letting in Muslims, Judge Emerton, you’ll find yourself having to deal with a lot more Najibis. – CM

It shows a profound disrespect for the lives of others and for the rule of law.

True enough, Judge Emerton.  And this isn’t just about Najibi; that is the mindset Islam tends to produce in its adherents.  To repeat, read Nonie Darwish. – CM

‘The court heard that Najibi grew up in Afghanistan while the country was at war with the Soviet Union, and later moved to Pakistan.

‘Several relatives were killed or disappeared due to the family’s political affiliations (which were?…CM) and after the family moved to Australia in 1996, Najibi’s parents worked long hours and he took over caring duties for his younger siblings.

‘Justice Emerton told Najibi [that] in many ways he had led “an exemplary young life” and had been “a very responsible and carying son and brother” who had “carried a heavy burden as the oldest child of a refugee family in which the parents, in addition to the challenges of dislocation, have experienced serious health issues”.

All of that is irrelevant, really. – CM

“[But] the offence of incitement to murder is a serious one…your offending, which involved inciting a person who was a local thug and “enforcer” with a serious drug and alcohol problem to go to the home of a young family in the dead of night to kill one of them with a shotgun, merits severe punishment”, she said.

This conduct is redolent of the lawlessness and brutality from which you and your family fled in the first place.”

Indeed it is.  They fled but they brought Islam – and the suspicion and aggression and malignant narcissism and misogyny that it naturally produces – with them in their mental baggage. – CM

‘Justice Emerton told Najibi she believed his family’s influence provided a “skewed” rationale for his offending and general and specific deterrence were important factors in sentencing.

Frankly, the only effective deterrence would be stripping of citizenship and deportation for the whole family. It would send a message to all the other Mohammedan mobsters we have in our midst.  If they behave or show that they intend to behave in Australia as they would in Muslim Afghanistan or Muslim anywhere-else, then they can damn well do it in Muslim Afghanistan or Muslim anywhere-else, not here. – CM

“I consider it likely that you felt pressure from your family…and that you saw it as part of your role as a dutiful son to deal with him [the target of the murder] thus”, she said.

“However, in considering your moral culpability, I do so on the basis that you were driven by a desire to exact brutal and bloody revenge for what you perceived as a slight.

“I cannot ignore the fact that you were the instigator of the offending, that you stood to derive the main benefit from the murder…and that the benefit was vengeance.”

And the terrorising into compliance of other potentially-uppity females within the Muslim colonies in Australia who might otherwise be tempted, by the example of their Infidel neighbours or by the surreptitious reading of one too many revolutionary pamphlets (aka Harlequin and Mills & Boon infidel-authored romance novels) or the watching of one too many chick flicks, into kicking over the traces…– CM

A young woman sitting with Najibi’s parents sobbed loudly after the sentence was handed down.

I couldn’t care less.  Was that young woman in hijab? Niqab? Full burqa?  Is she his sister, or his cousin-wife or cousin-fiancee?  Presumably she would have ululated with glee if he’d managed to pull off the murder of the man whom his ex-fiancee chose in preference to a forced cousin-marriage.  And in any case, typical mohammedan theatrics; all her man – whether kinsman, fiance or spouse – is getting is a slap on the wrist. He’s getting several years in a first-world infidel prison where no doubt he’ll do prison dawa for all he’s worth. 

He will be eligible for parole in four years and nine months.

Yep. A slap on the wrist, for incitement to murder.  And whenever he does get out, I have no doubt whatever that his mindset – and that of his family – will not have altered one iota.  His ex-fiancee and her husband and their offspring will be in just as much danger of being killed, whether by him or by some other member of the Afghan subset of the mohammedan mob.  One hopes his ex-fiancee and her husband are considering moving somewhere else, changing their names, acquiring dogs (to hell with the sharia ban on dogs!), and…well…they might as well be hung for sheep as for lambs…apostasising from Islam.

And still, there are people in Australia who think that we shouldn’t worry about the influx of Muslims, nor about the Jihad, because we should be worrying about domestic violence instead….Such people fail or wilfully refuse to recognise that an influx of Muslims brings with it not only the jihad, the ceaseless struggle (engaged in by any and all means deemed necessary and effective, up to and including ultra-violence but encompassing other less obvious means as well) to impose Muslim dominance and the total system that is the sharia, but also – because of the misogyny hardwired into the Muslim belief system, misogyny famously exposed and criticised in Theo Van Gogh’s and ex-Muslim Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s film “Submission” – an explosion in the incidence of family violence, violence against women primarily – whether Muslim or non-Muslim – but also, as we see in this case, against men associated with a ‘offending’ female.  (An Infidel man who married or had an affair with a Muslim female would be running the same risk of getting killed as did this Afghan woman’s Afghan Muslim consensual spouse whom she chose in preference to the cousin her family was forcing upon her). – CM


2 Responses

  1. This is soooo funny Christina… I'm ashamed to call you Australian. Not all Muslims are like that and u judging all Muslims of an incident like this is disgusting… Ur the next Pauline Hanson… I'm scared of ur hatred against Muslims… Me being a Muslim knows the truth… It is the afghan culture that is corrupt not the religion… Please in future get ur facts correct… In Islam there is no force in getting married within the family… I know this family they have a reputation of getting married within the family and not with any one else! So it's that particular family! Not the religion! Islam respects women highly  they are like diamonds and must be treat like a queen as they can break very easily! Please do your research based on reading the Quran and Hadith and the scholars not based on culture or family situations or values! Then write back to me… Because I know for a fact Islam is a beautiful religion of only people stop judging it based on media and culture. 

    Hope I have given you a little peace of mind 🙂 ???

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