Melbourne: Australia, April 7th: A Call to Stand Up Against Muslim Jew-Haters And Their Dhimmi Fellow-Travellers

Persons in Australia who wish to stand up and be counted as members of the resistance to the Global Jihad have an opportunity to do so this coming weekend in Melbourne, on Saturday April 7th at 2 pm.

Members of the Australian Liberty Alliance and the Islamoresistant “Q Society”, together with a feisty Aussie Jew named Avi Yemini are organising a pro-Israel event to be held from 2 until 3.30 pm, in response to a Muslim-and-other-Jewhaters “Let’s Hate Israel” threat display.

I quote, from the ALA and Q Society call to action.  

They begin by describing what the Muslims-and-other-Jewhaters are proposing to do.

This Saturday (7 April) at 2 pm a rally by Hamas supporters, Islamists (sic: openly-aggressive Muslims – CM), far left groups (= Useful Idiots and proto-dhimmis – CM), and anarchists has been organised outside the Victorian State Library at 238 Swanston Street, Melbourne.

“This rally is in support of the Hamas-organised attacks in the lead-up to the 70th anniversary of the foundation of the State of Israel.  Hamas is an internationally recognised (I think this means “Hamas is internationally recognised as ..” – CM) Islamic terrorist group.  Hamas’ declared aim (in their Charter – CM) is to destroy Israel, the only democratic state in the Middle East.

The only sovereign non-Islamic state in the Middle East; it’s Israel’s non-Islamic identity not its identity as a modern democracy that is the sore point with the Muslims. – CM

‘A number of Hamas terrorists and activists have been shot (that is: shot dead, and good riddance – CM) or wounded this week as they attempted to breach the border between Gaza and Israel and attack civilians and IDF personnel.

Members of Q Society (a group formed in Australia some years ago to raise awareness about and resistance against Islamisation of Australia – CM) and ALA (Australian Liberty Alliance – a new political party with a platform primarily focused on resistance to Islamisation – CM) together with friends from the Australian Jewish community are organising an impromptu “Israeli Embassy” on Swanston Street, Melbourne, opposite to the State Library, to offer Melbournians the facts about the situation around Gaza and the recent terror attacks.

We encourage you to  join us this Saturday in Melbourne.”

I strongly encourage any Australian readers of this article who happen to reside in or near Melbourne or can afford to travel there from any other part of the country to make the effort to be there on Swanston Street on 7th April at 2 pm.  The larger the number of Friends of Zion and Resisters Against Jihad that can be mustered, the better; my hope is that the pro-Israel rally will substantially and visibly outnumber the pro-Jihad mob.  Historically, Australia has not been a Jewhating country, and we have, historically, been staunch friends of jihad-beleaguered Israel.  This is an opportunity for Islamoinformed Australians to stand up and be counted; to stand with Israel in public and, in so doing, to also declare one’s principled and unrelenting opposition to the Global Jihad which assails not only Israel but also every other sovereign non-Islamic nation on earth.  

Since the Jewhating jihadis and their deluded – and equally Jew-hating – non-Muslim tools tend to be something of an unpleasant rabble, I would encourage those who attend to be prudent, exercise due caution, and travel in groups of at least three or four when going to and from this event.  Our Islamophile media – notably SBS and the ABC – will endeavour to represent you in the worst possible light; therefore, dress in your best (though also practically; no high heels, ladies, you want to be able to move fast if you have to) and keep a cool head.

Now, back to the summons from Q Society.

“We encourage you to join us this Saturday in Melbourne.  You can download and print signs from this resource – 


and stick them on cardboard.  There will be media present and we will stream the event live on the Facebook page of Avi Yemini.”

At their Facebook page they advise persons heeding their call to bring both Australian and Israeli flags, and they also state firmly  “No Face-Coverings.  We’re proud of what we stand for”.

To repeat their call to action:

“Islamists and leftists are once again uniting to condemn Israel’s right to defend herself against Islamic terror (sic: against the Jihad – CM).

“They will rally on Melbourne’s streets in support of Hamas, a recognised islamic terror group – defaming the only democratic state in the Middle East.

The only free and sovereign non-Islamic state in the Middle East. – CM

“We cannot sit by and watch our streets be taken over by Islamists and their sympathisers.

“So we invite you to join our peaceful “Israeli Embassy” across from their hateful rally.

We will – 1/ Educate anyone who attends.  2/ Show that Melbourne stands against Islamic terror.

“Invite all your family and friends.  Feel free to bring Australian and/ or Israeli flags.

“No face coverings.  We’re proud of what we stand for”.

So, there it is, O fellow-Aussie readers of New English Review. Here is a chance for you, if you possibly can, to step up and visibly, in public, not in cyberspace but on the streets of Melbourne, our second-largest city, express solidarity with your fellow-Infidels – the Jews of jihad-beleaguered Israel – and your resolute opposition to the Global Jihad that threatens all free non-Muslims everywhere.  Spread the rallying-call far and wide. If you can’t be in Melbourne yourself, but know people who could – let them know and urge them to go.



2 Responses

  1. The spirits of the Aussie 800 Lighthorse, men of 100 years ago, live on to battle descendants of the old defeated enemy — this time on Australia’s home ground. Even the spirits of the heroic steeds, yearn, to once again, join the fray.

  2. And in the spirit of ‘Lan Astaslem’ I would add from another McIntosh, General Anthony McIntosh of WW2 besieged Bastogne fame, in reply to the enemy’s request for him to surrender, replied, “NUTS.”

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