Mohammed El Kurd says the police have closed any case against him; Met police are saying nothing.

To recap, a ‘poet’, a character called Mohamed El Kurd, from East Jerusalem made a speech in Trafalgar Square last weekend in which he called for the world to be “dezionised” and for the sort of massacres the Jews of Israel suffered on 7th October to be ‘normalised’ so that they became the status quo. This is the clip of his final words.

They are quite clear. He didn’t make any retractions, any sorry – terrible slip of the tongue, massacres are NOT normal, type of correction. Not on stage, not afterwards when he received what can only be described as criticism.

When he heard that the police were trying to trace him to discuss his words his reaction was the insolently arrogant, ‘Busy today – can we do tomorrow’

The police said they were assessing the speech, hence their desire to speak to him, and that they “will provide a further update in due course.” They have not, or not yet

But El Kurd and his cohorts at 5 Pillars are gloating tonight that the police are taking no action and have closed the case.

I was investigated by Britain’s counterterrorism police, which succumbed to political pressure from top Israeli propagandists, diplomats, lobby-affiliated British government officials, and countless right-wing media outlets, who demanded I be arrested and charged over a recent anti-zionist speech I gave in London. The interrogation, which I attended with counsel, proved to be a great waste of time and public funds, and the police promptly closed the case and pursued no further action. If anything, it was a mere inconvenience. This is but one of the many recent instances that reveal the political bankruptcy of Zionists, who have to rely on duplicitous and ridiculous measures to distract from the colonial violence they defend and perpetuate.

According to 5 Pillars 

Zionists twisted his comments to imply he was calling for a massacre of Jews.

It was plain as the nose on my face from the speech I heard.

I don’t know what we have to do to make the police do their job properly. Truely Zoe Strimple of the Telegraph is right today that The Police risk becoming another wing of the anti-Semitic Left.