More on Pedro Blas González views on “Brave New World”

By William Corden

I originally posted this as a comment on Pedro’s essay but I thought it might be suitable as an actual blog post

Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World: Dystopia Unbound – New English Review

I read the book sometime last year and, while I enjoyed it, it wasn’t as mind altering as was Animal Farm.

The theme that people can be manufactured for the purposes of doing specific tasks suddenly became a reality last week when a young fellow asked me for help in finding a job in the tech industry.

Little did I know that the tech industry, with all of its genius programmers and engineers, has run up against a brick wall in the untrammeled expansion … many have been out of work for months on end , some over a year, as I found out.

An issue overlooked in “Brave New World ” is one of the iatrogenic effects of such human manufacture. It could happen that the functions that they are bred for could become obsolete and that the new society would therefore have no use for them

What to do with these cast-offs?

Everybody steps back in awe and admiration when they meet someone high up in the tech business because of their supposedly towering intellects, but the truth seems to be that most of them are unqualified for any other
hi-level job.

It’s either Silicon Valley or Starbucks . I have to say that most of the ones I have met (and I’ve met quite a few) are better suited to Starbucks.

Must be something to do with working from home and staring at a screen all day long that makes most of them socially awkward.



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