More on that Muslim Man from 25% Muslim Kuraby, Brisbane, Australia, Who Was Recently Arrested For Plotting Jihad

He intended to go overseas to wallow in the jihad bloodbath in Syria, and was encouraging others to do likewise; but, given that he wasn’t able to get to Syria, where else might he have chosen to focus his murderous and entirely Islamically-orthodox aggression, had he not been detected, and arrested?

I apologise for the delay in providing an update on this case.

Here is the report that appeared in our ABC, as per one Ellie Sibson.

“Terrorism Raid in Brisbane Found “How-to-Kill-By-Hand” Papers in Man’s Room, Court Told.”

I wonder how many other zealously orthodox Muslims, within the expanding Muslim colonies now found all over the lands of the non-Muslims, are poring over similar instruction manuals.. or, else, even worse, like that bloke in Germany recently, getting to work on the production of lethal substances such as ricin, with a view to horribly killing off as many of the circumambient filthy Kuffar, as possible? – CM

‘A 21 year old Queensland man (sic: that should be, “Queensland-resident Muslim man” – CM) facing terrorism charges allegedly had a “how to kill by hand” document, as well as bomb-making and guerilla warfare material, court documents reveal.

Enemy combatant.  Fifth columnist. Strip him of his Aussie citizenship – he was born here, to Muslim immigrant parents, muhajiroun  – and send him – and his entire extended family – back to wherever in the blighted dar-al-Islam they came from originally. – CM

“Za’id Abdus Samad was arrested on Saturday morning at a house in Kuraby, south of Brisbane (Kuraby that, note well, was revealed by the 2016 census to be at least 25 percent Muslim, which makes it Queensland’s most heavily Islamised suburb to date – CM) during a raid by police fromt he Brisbane Joint Counter Terrorism Team and ASIO.

‘Police alleged that between mid-2016 and early 2017, Mr Abdus Samad planned to travel to Syria and had recruited two teenagers to join him, but the group never left the country.

Why?  What prevented them? Inquiring minds would like to know. Frankly, I’d be best pleased if they had left, because if they did, we would have fewer Muslims inside the gates; and with any luck, the Alawites, or the Shiites, or the Russians, or some other more-Islamic-than-thou jihad outfit, would have got rid of Mr Samad and his eager little friends, and they would never be returning. –  CM

‘He was charged with 14 terrorism-related offences, including five counts of preparations for incursions into foreign countries for the purpose of engaging in hostile activities.

‘Police alleged Mr Abdus Samad was researching flights to Antakya, Turkey, and “attempted to purchase an item for use in learning how to make an explosive device.”

‘The court documents show he was also accused of “printing and processing [a] guerilla warfare document… how to make a silencer document… and a bomb-making document”.

And is there any reason to suppose that, thwarted in his attempt to go to Syria, he was not thinking about blowing up things – and people – right here in Australia? – CM

‘Police alleged Mr Abdus Samad also engaged in physical training and conditioning sessions, as well as martial arts training.

Memo to all non-Muslims who work as instructors in physical training and conditioning, who run gyms, who teach martial arts; be aware, be very aware, of any Muslims, especially males of military age, who may turn up seeking instruction.  It would be most prudent not to admit them to your classes, so as to hinder their ability to acquire skills that would enable them to overpower, maim or murder the hated kuffar.  But make a note of their names; and a quiet phonecall to ASIO or the AFP might be in order.  And if you are in the business you may be aware of Muslim-run gyms, Muslim-run martial arts training establishments; pass their names along to ASIO and the AFP. – CM

‘They also alleged he provided someon with a “how-to-kill-by-hand” document.

‘During Mr Abdus Samad’s first appearance on the charges in the Brisbane Magistrates’ Court on Monday, his barrister Ruth O’Gorman argued that he should be released on bail because he is of a young age and had no criminal history.

‘She said there was a “lack of evidence” that he tried to leave Australia at any time.

That is not comforting. I don’t want jihad-minded Muslims in this country, poring over documents that instruct one in the arts of killing by hand, or by bomb. – CM

‘The court heard that he travelled to India with family in 2015 and 2017 for a funeral and a wedding.

Or that they told Australian officialdom that that was why they were travelling. But what else might they have been doing, ‘on the side’, whilst they were over there?  What mosques are they associated with, in India? –  CM

“He hasn’t attempted to go anywhere except for legitimate family gathering” Ms O’Gorman said.

‘She said he had a passport “for many years”.

“He could have easily accessed it, if he wanted to,” she said.

Of course, a jihad-minded Muslim might, with the assistance of other members of the Mohammedan Mob, have – or be able to make use of – more than one passport.  – CM

‘The court heard the police raid turned up “concerning” documents in Mr Abdus Samad’s bedroom.’

‘Ms O’Gorman said her client had instructed her that he had handwritten the words of others in notes she described as  “either copy-and-paste, so to speak, from the Koran or from other teachings”.

Which words of the Koran?  Which ” other teachings”? The Hadiths?  None of this is the least bit reassuring. – CM

“They are not his own words”, she added.

So? He copied them out. He obviously thought them worth copying, worth keeping, worth meditating upon. And surely Ms O’Gorman knows that one may incite or advise others by quotation from authoritative texts rather than in one’s own words. –  CM

‘She said her client was willing to participate in “very onerous” bail conditions if released, including surrendering his passport.

But what if he were provided with a different, falsified passport by somebody else? Perfectly possible. – CM

‘Magistrate Christine Roney said police had a “considerably strong” case, and the material suggested Mr Abdus Samad indicated a desire to “return and not come back”.

‘Return’, here presumably meaning “return to the dar al Islam”.  Frankly, if a Muslim wants to leave a non-Islamic land and not come back to said non-Islamic land, I think their desire to leave should be expedited; provided that their infidel-country citizenship status is annulled, the instant they have repatriated themselves to whichever bit of the dar al Islam they have selected.  – CM

‘The court heard that Mr Abdus Samad was born in Logan (why on earth did we allow his Muslim parents to settle in Australia in the first place? – CM), had been home-schooled (home-schooled using what curriculum? – this suggests that his parents wanted to prevent him from being contaminated by contact with the filthy kuffar or with kuffar ideas in the schoolyard and classrooms of a non-Islamic state school – CM) and was studying paramedicine at university.

That is not a comforting thought.  Imagine: you are a non-Muslim Aussie who has been taken ill or injured.  An ambulance is called.  A Mr Samad, who has at home on his desk a booklet teaching “how to kill by hand”, and who is primed with contempt for and hatred of the filthy kuffar – such as yourself – is the paramedic aboard that ambulance... – CM

‘Ms Roney refused the bail application and Mr Abdus Samad was remanded in custody to appear in court again next month”.

Watch this space.  And I do hope that ASIO and the AFP will take a good long look at all of Mr Samad’s extended family, both here and in India, and at all mosques they attend, both here and in India, and what exactly formed the curriculum of that home-schooling course that his parents used for him.. and his siblings, if any? – CM


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