Muslim gang ‘urge paedophile footballer Adam Johnson to convert to Islam because they are the only inmates who will protect him in prison’
Convicted sex offender Adam Johnson has been urged to convert to Islam by Muslim criminals, it has been claimed.
The former Sunderland player was offered protection by Islamic inmates after several other convicts threatened to slash his throat. Subsequently, the convicts said the 30-year-old must convert to Islam as part of the protection deal. Johnson has been spotted praying but has yet to join the religion.
Johnson, who is serving a six year sentence after engaging in sexual activity with a 15-year-old fan, is said to have asked to be moved from Moorland Prison, in South Yorkshire, but his request has been rejected.
One source said: ‘At first he was unwilling to take up the offer because he thought he was going to get a transfer out of Moorland, but that’s a non-starter. . . Johnson looks like a dead man walking. The only group willing to look after him are a group of Muslim hardcases. They are very devout and pray five times a day. No-one gives them any trouble. They always offer to help vulnerable inmates, but the price is that anyone they help must convert to Islam. When Johnson discovered he was being targeted they immediately offered him protection. . . “