Muslim in Israel Became More Devoutly Islamic, Plotted Violent Jihad

Unsurprising.  The more fervently and purely Islamic a person – whether a cradle Muslim or a convert – becomes, the more dangerous they become to any infidels in the vicinity.  As reported by Mordechai Sones for Israel National News on 14 January.

‘Shin Bet foils ISIS-inspired Terror Attack.

‘The Shin Bet security service and the Israel Police arrested Israeli Arab Hassan Khaled Taher Sheikh Yusef, 26, from the Arab city of Taibeh in central Israel (that is: ‘the Arab-dominated and mostly-Muslim city of Taibeh in central Israel’; and indeed, perhaps it should be referred to as a “Muslim Arab colony”? – CM) on suspicion of supporting the ISIS terror organisation, and intentions to carry out an attack inspired by the organisation.

‘The investigation found that between the years 2014-2015 Yusef began strengthening his Islamic observance, and approached the ISIS organisation, during which time he viewed ISIS-related internet content, and explored possibilities of joining the organisation in Syria.

‘The investigation also indicated that Yusef had viewed training material for preparing explosives, and even tried to convince another to purchase an M16 rifle with him.

‘During the summer of 2017, in parallel to the Temple Mount magnetometer riots (that is: Muslim riots that claimed as their excuse the fact that Israel had heightened  security measures at the Temple Mount – CM) Yusef tried to persuade others to join him in carrying out various attacks, including a Jerusalem shooting attack, a car bomb attack in front of the Taibeh police station, and a stabbing attack.

‘All those whom he approached to join him scorned his proposals and disavowed him.

I wonder why?  I doubt, though, that it was because they hated Jews or Israel any less than he did – CM

‘Thus, with his intentions frustrated, Yusef was afraid to carry out an attack independently.

That’s interesting.  One wonders whether darura and the ‘strong horse’ principle are coming into play.  I follow the Israeli news outlets and I have seen plenty of accounts of would-be stabbers, etc, being either eliminated or simply physically stopped, before they could achieve or even attempt an attack.  There is still a steady trickle of attempts, and every now and again there are attacks such as the one on Raziel Shevach, that – tragically for the Jewish victims and their families – succeed; but the would-be Muslim assassins within Israel are, I think, at the moment, failing much more often than they succeed. And the more they fail and are publicly seen to fail the more other would-be plotters are inclined to calculate, as Yusef’s intended co-plotters seem to have done, that patience and playing the long game, waiting until the Jews of Israel drop their guard somewhat, might be more profitable than attempting an attack, and getting ignominiously caught and clapped into jug, or.. unceremoniously despatched to meet ‘allah’ without having actually killed or even seriously injured any kuffar beforehand. – CM

‘Yusef’s interrogation was accompanied by the Central District Prosecutor’s Office, which today filed an indictment against him.  “The General Security Service views Israelis (sic: “Israel-passport-holding Muslims” – CM) who support the ISIS organisation as a serious security threat, and will therefore continue to monitor suspects carefully and take necessary enforcement measures to prevent the organisation from spreading its ideology in Israel (that should be,from inciting and recruiting among Muslims in Israel” – CM), as well as the departuer of Israelis (sic: “Israel-passport-holding Muslims” – CM) to fight in the organisation’s ranks”, the Shin Bet said.”

Muslims who go off to join Islamic State – or for that matter, engage in Jihad in any other way shape or form within Israel itself – are not, properly speaking, ‘Israelis’.  They are Israel-passport-holding Muslims.  Their first loyalty is to the Ummah, the transnational Mohammedan Mob, the Allah Gang, the Army and de facto Empire of Islam.  And that is not only true of Muslims within Israel who decide to take Islam fully to heart; it is also the case for any Muslim anywhere in the world who happens to hold – whether by birth or by acquisition – citizenship status within a majority-non-Islamic sovereign state.  A UK-passport-holding Muslim is not a ‘Briton’, even if he is a Welshman or an Englishman who has spurned his non-Islamic forebears and converted to Islam; he is … a UK-passport-holding Muslim, and cannot be trusted not to Go Jihad, sooner or later. 

Post scriptum. There is no mention, in the report, of what mosque or mosques this bloke in Israel, this Taibeh-resident Hassan Khaled Taher Sheikh Yusef, and his family or tribe, attended.  I do wonder whether it has been investigated.  – CM



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