Norway TV flooded with complaints after Eid broadcast

From the Norwegian edition of The Local. 

Norway’s broadcasting ombudsman has received close to a hundred complaints this week after state broadcaster NRK gave the Muslim Eid celebrations (helmed by the popular journalist Rima Iraki, the former presenter of NRK’s Dagsrevyen news programme) the sort of coverage normally given to Christmas.

According to Erik Skarrud, the ombudsman’s secretary, the organisation received 93 reports after the broadcast of “The Celebration after the Fast” on Sunday night, of which only a handful were positive. 

“Someone called it ‘propaganda for Islam’ and a large number of them used the same sort of expression. There’s probably a text somewhere that people are cutting and pasting from,” he told Kampanje magazine. That’s right Liberal, sneer at people’s valid opinions just because they are not yours and oh, so articulate like you. 

Others complained they “did not want to pay for something that could lead to terror”. 

The controversy prompted Norway’s culture minister Abid Raja to write an opinion article, “When can I say ‘my Norway’?, on NRK complaining of people’s unwillingness to accept Muslim citizens as truly Norwegian.