Not what I expected to see in Whitechapel this morning

We went to Whitechapel for a look round today for something I am working on that might be an article in the days to come.

We could see people, obvious Muslims and the borgoise yoghurt knitting useful idiots who have been entranced by numerous left wing groups, all masterminded by Socialist Worker (other than The Communist League who we saw in Trafalgar Square last week supporting Israel and Ukraine’s right to independent and existence) making their way and gathering in Altab Ali Park. Altab Ali Park is really the churchyard of St Mary Matfelon, the ancient Parish from which the white walled 14th century church gave the hamlet of Whitechapel its name. The church wasn’t rebuilt after it was destroyed by enemy action in 1940. The park was renamed in the 1970s.

Now I am home I looked up the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign to find that this  week Jihaderday is to be a day of “local action”. There doesn’t seem to be much exchange of information betwwen the various groups. The group I observed mustering (London – East)were intending to march east up Whitechapel High Street to Mile End. The  London – Hackney group were expected to muster 45 minutes earlier at Hackney Town Hall ready to march to the branch of Barclays Bank in Whitechapel.  If they all left on time I expect they met, merged and then parted again at the crossroads with Cambridge Heath Road and Sidney Street. If you take the high road and I take the low road….

I wasn’t inclind to watch them march or rant so we started to make our way back to the station.

Coming towards us was the contingent from Neturei Karta.  I think our valued reader and commentator Paul Martin Freeman is on to something when he says that there are no women in the sect;  “New members magically appear out of their hats fully formed … It’s quite something to behold!” They pop out small – then grow a little each year until they are allocated their own hat and beard.




7 Responses

  1. In the public square or elipse,
    When contenders come to grips,
    It’s not unusual to find,
    The disaffected with head up its behind.
    The usefuiness of such a pose,
    Is obvious, I suppose.
    Inviting a boot to the rear,
    Congratulates the enveloping derriere.

    (Musical note: This doggerel may be hummed to the Londonderry Air tune, after legal requirments are met).

  2. Why don’t all sides demand that Gazan women and young children be evacuated to safety?
    This would make it more sati sfying for each side to attack one another without harming non-combatants. Partial profits from future commercial modeled computer war game sales could be donated to each side’s war charity.
    This way all participants benefit. The slain are accelerated heavenward. The spectating world is amused, entertained
    as it returns to boke woke coma.

  3. We should be tolerant of those whom many would call religious nutcases. Indeed, much can be learnt about the human condition, if not about our place in the universe, from those who devote themselves to studying these deeper things. But the condition has to be that such people don’t harm others. Unfortunately Neturei Karta appear to go out of their way to be as obnoxious as possible. They carry their anti-Zionist rhetoric to the point of fraternising with Israel’s enemies and seem to relish their role of being a thorn in the side of Jews everywhere.

    I do like the hats though!

    1. I agree with you about tolerance of others beliefs which seem odd to us but do no harm.
      However with Neturei Karta is isn’t just their own aggressive opposition to Israel, and therefore alliance with Gaza (aka Hamas) and the Iranian regime (demonstrated at the Al Quds march every year) but that this encourages and justifies others to take their anti-semetism to greater heights.

      1. Yes, and sadly of course there are other Jews like them who do immense damage to Israel’s cause and that of the Jewish people:

        At least with Neturei Karta, by their quaint dress style and equally antiquated dogmatism they reveal themselves to be nut jobs living in the past whose views no one in the C21st need take any notice of.

  4. The NK folk share dopplegangerism with Salafi jihadists. For them, the new absurdity is the realityof puerility basted with certainty. They’d be a joke if they weren’t so anciently boke.

  5. Apropos of reality for true Virtue Signaling –
    How many of us have offered ourselvs in exchange for a hostage ?
    Me neither.

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