Nubs of of Sophistication | Guests: Michael Rectenwald & Ami Horowitz | 7/10/19

Hour 1 Global Catastrophe possible …Are Texans awake yet to becoming a Blue state. Glenn thinks so, Pat Gray doesn’t …Colonel Sanders in a tux heading to a Broadway show …Blacks are not backing Biden …It’s a Cat fight 

Hour 2 The Digital Gulag and the Simulation of Freedom with author and Clinical Professor, Michael Michael Rectenwald joins. Becoming everything they despise. Living in a algorithm world.  It’s 1984 in China and Toronto Canada is next 

Hour 3 Filmmaker Ami Horowitz joins to discuss his new Documentary on the Muslim Brotherhood. Their plans to infiltrate our government is underway. A super power they are not but a terrorist group in the making. It Takes guts to be Trump


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