Nuclear War

By William Corden

Is it just me, or is the mainstream media taking a flippant approach to the possibility of Nuclear War. They invariably write about it as if it would just be another outbreak of hostilities, and the devastation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki seems like a minor event  to them, probably because it’s not burned in the memory of today’s “soi disant” journalists.
When the possibility  was ever present in the 60s 70s and 80s, there were genuine fears that an outbreak would mean the end of civilization as we knew it and the media was genuinely scared. But now they just minimize the awful possibilities. In fact they now almost ENCOURAGE it with their war baiting editorials.
The need to talk, compromise and limit the spread of nuclear arms  has never been greater because there’s so many actors in the mix that one of them might just blow a fuse unexpectedly.
The number one priority in my mind is to prevent Iran from being able to deploy one,  I’m sure they are just inches away from a secret test.
Maybe Israel will be the ones allowed to destroy their labs by proxy.