October 6, 2017- US Revokes Sanctions despite Genocide in Sudan

October 6th, 2017, The State Department announced  effective October 12th revocation of 20 years of economic sanctions against the regime of Sudan President Omar Ahmed Hassan al Bashir.   The only redress offered was retention of Sudan on the State Department’s list of state sponsors of terrorism. 

US Rep James P. McGovern, co-chairman of the bi-partisan Congressional Human Rights Commission released a statement condemning the Trump Administration decision. He said:

I am deeply disappointed and opposed to the Trump Administration’s decision to provide permanent sanctions relief to the Government of Sudan, whose president and other high officials have been internationally indicted for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.

I believe the so-called progress cited has been minimal, especially in the area of full, unrestricted delivery of humanitarian aid to all regions of Sudan. Further, this announcement legitimizes the murderous actions of the Sudanese government and military, coming so close on the heels of Sudanese security forces firing at unarmed protesters at the Kalma refugee camp in South Darfur on September 22nd, killing at least 6 and wounding 28 others, along with other attacks against civilians over the past three weeks.

This was a victory for advocates of ‘engagement’ with Sudan endeavoring to bring the troubled country into the international community and realize its economic potential.  Among those  advocating for revocation were former US Ambassadors and Special Envoys to Sudan and Africa policy ‘experts’  who  authored a July 14, 2017 Atlantic Council report, “Sudan: A Strategy for Re-engagement.”  The government of Sudan had retained the Washington firm of Squire Paton Books as its agent to lobby   the White House and Capitol Hill to revoke the sanctions. 

In July 2016, former US Special Envoy Donald Booth went to Nertiti, Darfur to interview the Mayor and residents.  People came out and spoke openly.  Two days later on July 31, 2016 they were arrested by the Bashir regime accused of being “rebels”  After a brief detention, the Mayor was released.  However, ten of those arrested are still imprisoned for over a year without defense by the Khartoum government

 It is obvious that President Bashir, who seized control of Sudan through a military coup in 1989 and was indicted by the International Criminal Court at The Hague for committing Genocide, war crimes and “crimes against humanity” in Darfur, won this victory with a “body of lies.”

 It was the nadir of gullibility that a minor epiphany had occurred in which President Bashir had somehow falsely convinced the US Administration that Sudan achieved enough improvements in the five tracks of performance laid out in Executive order #13761 by former President Obama, signed off on January 13, 2017. 

Since independence in 1956, the civil war in Sudan caused the death of more than five million people in what can only be termed as an Islamic Jihad holocaust against indigenous Africans.  2.5 million Southern Sudanese died prior to their independence in 2011.  Additionally 2.5 million people died in North Sudan as a result of the same civil war. Since the civil war broke out in Darfur in 2003 and indictment of President Bashir and several leaders of the Sudan’s National Congress Party by the International Criminal Court at The Hague for committing genocide and crimes against humanity, the death toll in Darfur had exceeded 600,000 people.  An estimated 5 million people have been internally displaced in Darfur.  Several hundred thousand others fled to UN refugee camps in neighboring countries like Chad, the Central African Republic and elsewhere.

Thousands Protest visit of Sudan President Bashir at Kalma, Darfur, IDP Camp
September 20, 2017

The Kalma IDP massacre illustrated Bashir’s  Genocide in Sudan

On October 4, 2017, Sudanese Americans came from across America to protest in Washington, DC against a massacre by Bashir‘s Rapid Support Force/Janjaweed militias in the Kalma Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camp in Darfur. Kalma is the largest of more than 65 such IDP camps in Darfur. They were set up under the ineffective protection of the UNAMID force to prevent against President Bashir’s genocidal militias committing ethnic cleansing of the country’s indigenous black African people.

 Among others attending the protest was the co-author of Genocide in Sudan: Caliphate threatens Africa and the World, former Chadian intelligence Officer Lt. Gen. Abakar M. Abdallah.  He witnessed the Sudanese American meeting with Congressional representatives on Capitol Hill imploring them to stop the genocide in Sudan and retain the sanctions.  

 The massacre at the Kalma IDP camp came during a visit by President Bashir in Darfur endeavoring to convince the US and international community that he was “engaging” the Darfuri and providing access to humanitarian assistance.  Bashir tried to show up some 200 meters outside the camp on September 22, 2017 but was refused entrance by the demonstrators who were protesting his visit. This is when he ordered his troops to fire. The plan had been to film his support by the people when the crowds were against him and then disperse the people of the camp to show they were “going home willingly.’  The UNAMID troops who are supposed to guarantee the safety of residents in the camp stood by and watched because they must have permission from Khartoum to engage in any way.  We posted a video of Bashir’s Rapid Support Force/ Janjaweed militia under control of the Sudanese National Intelligence Security Service celebrating the slaughter at the Kalma, IDP camp.

 The Kalma IDP camp massacre illustrates how Bashir continues the ethnic cleansing of Darfur under the Secret Arab Coalition Plan. A Plan that General Abdallah and his men of the Sudan United Movement had discovered in the cab of an abandoned RSF/Janjaweed pickup truck in Donkey Hush, Darfur in 2014. The Plan’s objective was to complete the annihilation of the indigenous population by 2020 supplanting them with Arab tribes and foreign mujahedeen from the Sahel region in Africa and Islamic state fighters from the Middle East.  

As if to savor that ultimate victory enabled by the lifting of US sanctions, President Bashir announced the rewriting of what passes for the country’s Constitution enabling him to potentially serve past 2020.  Thus, having something in common with a fellow Muslim Brotherhood autocrat, Turkey’s President Erdogan.

Lt. Gen. Abakar M. Abdallah
Sudan United Movement
National Defense University, Washington, DC
September 21, 2017

Attack on US Special Forces by Mali Jihadists supported by Bashir

On the same day of the rally in Washington, news came from Niger of an attack by Mali jihadists of AQIM that killed 4 US Green Berets injuring two others who were on a training and assistance mission with Niger counterterrorism forces. General Abdallah knew that Bashir, with the support of Qatar and Turkey’s Erdogan provided financial and military assistances through local NGOs to train and equip the Mali jihadists. Bashir brought several thousands to training camps in Western Darfur.  Abdallah is, a native Darfurian, graduate of the US Army Intelligence School, US Army War College and the college of International Security Affairs counterterrorism programs of the Pentagon sponsored National Defense University in Washington, DC. He served in the Chadian Army for 23 years as an intelligence officer.  He was Coordinator of the Pan-Sahel Initiative (PSI) Anti-Terrorism Unit of Chad that had successfully fought and defeated Mali jihadists and Boko Haram across the region. General Abdallah helped US Special Forces that were operating to apprehend the notorious Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) leader Joseph Kony.  He knows the support that Bashir’s Sudan provided Jihadists fomenting instability in the Sahel region.   He knew where to find the notorious terrorist leader Joseph Kony of the LRA.  

What troubles Abdalah is that Chad’s significant contributions to the US counterterrorism effort in the Sahel region may be hobbled by the Trump Administration‘s latest revision in travel ban policies. It added Chad while releasing Sudan. The unintended consequences of which are that the vital counterterrorism intelligence contributions Abdallah and others had established in Chad may be set back. Sudan’s threat to the region may imperil our national security. He cites Sudan’s support of insurgencies backed by billions of Qatar funding for Muslim Brotherhood cadres seeking to overthrow the neighboring countries of Libya, Chad and the Central African Republic. In June 2017, President  Idriss Deby of Chad cut off relations with Qatar that had given sanctuary to Chadian Muslim Brotherhood leaders.  Marshal Hafter of the Libyan National Army in late June 2017 accused Qatar, Sudan and Iran of supplying funds, fighters and weapons to jihadist insurgents.

Sudan Passport Sold to Foreign Mujahedeen

Co-author Deborah P. Martin cited graphic proof that Bashir’s Sudan was selling passports and national identity cards with fake work histories for $5,000 each to Islamic state fighters.  With the travel ban by Sudanese nationals lifted these individuals could be cleared for travel to the US, unless US Border Protection  and Customs is alerted to be on the lookout for them. In January 2017, Sudan announced a program sending radical Islamic scholars to the US to foster its Muslim Brotherhood doctrine of World Islamic Revolution.

President Bashir at March 30, 2017 Arab League Summit in Jordan

In March 2017 at the conclusion of the Arab League Summit  that President Bashir attended in Jordan, Sudan was given tens of billions in grants by Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the UAE and Jordan to create a bread basket for the Arab Middle East exploiting the cleared lands in Darfur with world’s largest aquifer.

Saudi Arabia has also invested billions in reaping the benefits of Red Sea Bed mineral deposits and gold reserves in the Nuba Mountains.

The Bashir regime must be over the moon about its victory in Washington, DC, on October 6th. We surmise this from statements made in Secret Minutes of the National Political Crisis Committee meeting of June 18, 2017.  General Mohammed Atta of the Sudan National Intelligence Security Service and President Bashir commented:

General Atta: “Let’s be ready to face the period after the lifting of sanctions because we will be a free country (to) determine our relations and no one can dictate to us what to do.”

 President Bashir: “If sanctions are lifted, it is our right to reestablish relations with Iran because it is a regional force, which represents Islam, and it cannot be ignored.”



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