On the subject of the trial of Donald Trump

By William Corden

I have been following the trial closely since it opened.
The tactics  adopted by the Democratic Zealot’s justice puppets are eerily similar to the tactics they used when they tried to impeach him (and lost).
It’s such an obvious show trial that it’s embarrassing. The evidence
produced so far hasn’t even given Mr. Trump a flesh wound. If the rest of the stuff that they bring up is anything like the trash we seen so far, he can’t possibly be convicted under criminal parameters. But you never know, it depends how they can twist  the facts.
I’m surprised that they haven’t brought in that oily character Schiff to add further puffery to the case.
Of course the New York D.O.J. aren’t worried about the cost of the trial, they have unlimited resources which you and I provide by way of taxes.
We’ll just have to wait and see.