Our Fallen State

“Each time a law is passed, or a new administration begins, a new ‘landrush’ begins. This is why maintaining the overriding ethos is so essential.” – author.

by Carl Nelson

If you are needing an example of mankind’s “fallen state”, you probably need go no further than to peek at the operations of any large organization, where the need to ‘get ahead’ in this world greatly complicates the organizational mandate. I’m currently near done reading Peter Navarro’s “Taking Back America”. I’ve completed a good thriller, “Living Lies” by James Lawler. And I also have years of experience working with my wife at this country’s largest independently owned copier dealership. All three represent very rough communities, but which I doubt are much different in their essential workings than the political playfield inherent in most modern organizations from theater to university to financial to …you name (where you work) it. All three examples inform me that entrepreneurial activity in our country is alive and well, vigorous and expanding. Release a worker bee into any bureaucracy and it’s like the Oklahoma Land Rush. Each factotum – in whatever organization they find themselves – works hard as any microbe to establish their territory, and then to expand it by allocating to themselves whatever resources might be at hand.

This is especially so in Peter Navarro’s narrative, where it involves an incoming Presidential Administration. The power dynamics at first can take some time to understand. For example, the fellow tasked with creating and implementing the President’s Economic China Policy (Navarro) might initially think himself the master of that domain, only to find that his access to the President has been limited (he no longer has walk-in privileges as he found himself no longer ranked as Assistant to the President). He also finds himself without a White House office and is granted only one assistant. In fact, he finds, that one of his only ways to get the President’s ear is to get a guest spot on national television where he can argue for his policy.

Navarro was tasked to craft the America First Economic Policy as regards China, but his efforts were left to the Globalists within the Administration to explain it to the President, whose ear they more or less controlled. Likewise, Navarro found that what he could get across the President’s desk and authorized, was then detoured and delayed through a seemingly endless run around of bureaucratic hoops which each Presidential action had to pass through before it was cleared to be signed. All went through various levels of legal purview. Plus, every policy bound for the President’s desk had to pass through the Staff Secretary process, which started with the Policy Coordinating Committee. This process started at the lower echelon bureaucrats, then proceeded successively through the higher echelons of the staffs of various departments “ranging from Agriculture, Commerce, and Labor to Treasury, the Pentagon, and Homeland Security.” If the President happened to be doing something the Deep State of bureaucracies happened to like, this process might move rapidly. Whereas, if the President were choosing to do something which might conflict with their private (and most recondite) desires, the process could move very, very slow indeed… in fact near imperceptibly. In short, even the (this) President himself could not just “make it so.”

A like situation existed in the fictional account, “Living Lies”, of the CIAs counterintelligence effort to substantiate whether or not Iran was trying to weaponize their nuclear capabilities. The author is a decorated CIA veteran counter intelligence officer with 40 years experience of which his most successful operation was in dealing with just this problem. Of course, the situation was, that as the Iranians tried to hide any involvement, the Americans sought to uncover any. But the fulcrum of the whole tale turns on a bit of careerist legerdemain within counterintelligence. Advancement in the CIA organization was, of course, dependent upon a spy’s ability to generate intelligence. Unfortunately, fed intelligence is much easier to acquire than real, and a coherent lie is much easier to assemble than a coherent truth is to tease out.

In our fictional tale, the shrewd Iranian (with consulting Russian help) finds a buffoonish careerist within the Agency to grant a boon. A staged meeting takes place in which the buffoon meets the Iranian agent who then passes him the information he is seeking, which checks out over several episodes. Unfortunately, it is entirely fed information. Our heroes on the other hand are teasing out a much more difficult and spotty story, which has been much more risky to acquire and whose veracity is harder to ascertain. Unfortunately, the planted information (salted with just the right clues for inspectors to find) is just the golden material with which to advance certain careers, so that it is nurtured throughout the process of verification, and helped through the various verification hurdles by crony back scratching and covert promises of advancement. Can our heroes make the truth come to light in time? Nuclear material is in transit, the bomb technology is maturing, the clock towards nuclear Armageddon is ticking… What hasn’t changed is human mendacity in the furtherance of private desires.

In the copier industry, it was common for a ethically challenged, but ambitious salesperson to attempt to insert themselves into a large deal which was about to close (near always following an enormous sales struggle, with all of its ups and downs, and enormous efforts required). This interloper would typically be on closer terms with the boss, our Corporate VP (towards which ends the interloper placed most of their efforts), than the salesperson who had driven the deal through. And through some quite slender claim of involvement in the process, the interloper might try to share in the commission (take half) or even to take over the account! (As with a King, this boon was within this Corporate VP’s power to bestow.) This happened to my wife while working to sign one of the largest legal firms in Seattle. The Firm Administrator was a crusty, brusque veteran of copier contractual arrangements, but my wife liked crusty old male customers so they got along well in a fractious manner. But it did take effort!

On the day of the agreement being sealed, our company head was there along with the staff who would be managing the account. The salesperson who was trying to insert themselves into the deal had also managed to arrange it with the boss for him to be present – (something which angered my wife no end) – when the agreement was reached and signed. As our VP was going around the room introducing our vendor support to the Firm Administrator, he was introducing the sales interloper who stepped up to shake his hand, when the Firm Administrator barked: “And who the hell are you?”

His crusty remark – making it clear to all present, that the interloper had played no reasonable part in securing the deal – hangs in my wife’s work memories like a plaque on the wall.

The point of all these stories is that humans are indeed fallen creatures and their sins follow them and will corrupt the mandates of probably any organization. This will likely never change.

This is why it is so important to control the ethos of our culture, our society and of all the organizations which make it up. In the case of my wife’s workplace, the ethos was (generally) that if you do the work and land the deal, then the rewards are yours (hopefully). Once the evidence of this had been made plain, the credit was much more difficult to steal (sigh… but not impossible).

The crux of the fictional tale, “Living Lies”, also lay in the interplay of dueling ethos’s. While the Iranians were playing to the emerging feminine Western ethos of our time favoring conciliation, negotiation, and appearances – our heroes were valiantly aspiring to the traditional ethos of belief in the truth, no matter how it looks or who it pleases.

For Peter Navarro’s memoir, the battle described was between that of the Globalist ethos, versus that of the America First ethos, as described by the President and to which all were ostensibly to have pledged their fealty.

So, my takeaway would be this. Sin will always be with us. What we need to do is to shape and secure the ethos of this culture, so that virtue has a clear channel to win. Without a path cleared, virtue may die on the battlements.  Good leadership cannot survive without our support.

The winning strategy in our currently feminized culture seems to involve collapsing before the opposition; literally inviting our rape. This rewards displays of diplomacy over stridency, reasonableness versus fractiousness, and shows results in any mediation – as collaboration always seals it with smiles all around. For example, nobody displayed how well he could work with the Nazis like Chamberlain. It was a Love Fest… for a while.

Presently the Democratic Left is surfing the ethos of our currently feminized culture for all its worth, while corruption fuels this explosion. We’re witnessing this winning Love (Rape) Fest strategy employed everywhere nowadays. Hard rules and strict traditions are tossed out in favor of amicabilities and tolerance and generally letting the behavior run wherever it chooses,  like blood. Do the immigrants want in? Let them walk across the border. Fly them where they would like to go. Supply them with phones and debit cards and housing. Do some want better housing? Let them squat in vacant homes. Put them up in fancy hotels. Push our kids out of their schools and off their playgrounds in order to make room. Do others want more stuff? Let them just take it off the shelves in stores. Do they perform crimes?  Not if we don’t prosecute. The crime rate will go down. Complaints? Keep an open mind! This collapse of the traditional American ethos is happening across the board. And we must stop it. Our situation has gotten so preposterously upside down that the government is prosecuting the victims, while setting the criminals free. We witness this in the news everyday.

Just the other day, our son was telling us of his friends’ success (thanks to the free speech stance of “X”) in shutting down nascent hysterical BLM wannabee start-up factions by shouting them back with the facts.

Let’s all help the tide turn, wherever we can. Wherever you feel a little trepidation, your spidey sense has likely located the struggle. Speak up! Fight the bad and clear a path for virtue.


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