Oxford grooming gang jailed for sexually abusing teenage girls

The sentencing in this case reported last month. From CPS Thames and Chilterns. HT Cliff Dixon

Members of a grooming gang who sexually abused girls in Oxford in the late 1990s and early 2000s have today been jailed for a total of 49 years.

Naim Khan, 41, Raheem Ahmed, 42, and Mohammed Nazir, 44, targeted teenagers in Oxford, offering them drugs and alcohol, and demanding they perform sexual acts in return.

Naim Khan and Mohammed Nazir were convicted of rapes and indecent assaults in January following a 12-week trial at Oxford Crown Court. Raheem Ahmed was convicted of two indecent assaults, and all three men were convicted of supplying cannabis. This was the third trial in connection with Operation Silk, an investigation into child exploitation in Oxford between 1998 and 2005.

Clare Tucker, of the Crown Prosecution Service, said: “These men plied vulnerable girls with drugs and alcohol and expected them to perform sexual acts in return. The depraved men told the teenagers this was normal and threatened the victims if they resisted.”

  • Naim Khan (DOB 24/8/1978) was convicted on 7 January 2020 of:
    • seven counts of rape (two counts were multiple incidents covering at least 12 occasions); four counts of indecent assault (two counts were multiple incidents covering at least 15 occasions); one count of procuring a man to rape the victim; two counts of procuring men to indecently assault the victim; one count of supplying class B drugs on at least 12 occasions (Victim 1)
    • one count of indecent assault (Victim 2)
    • Khan was sentenced to 24 years’ imprisonment on 13 February 2020
  • Mohammed Nazir (DOB 20/3/1975) was convicted on 7 January 2020 of:
    • six counts of rape (four counts were multiple incidents covering at least 14 occasions); five counts of indecent assault (all counts were multiple incidents covering at least 27 occasions); one count of procuring a man to rape the victim; three counts of procuring men to indecently assault the victim (one count was a multiple incident covering at least three occasions); one count of supplying class B drugs on at least 10 occasions (Victim 1)
    • Nazir was sentenced to 20 years’ imprisonment on 13 February 2020
  • Raheem Ahmed, (DOB 22/2/1977) was convicted on 7 January 2020 of:
    • two counts of indecent assault, and one count of supplying class B drugs on at least 10 occasions (Victim 1)
  • Ahmed was sentenced to five years’ imprisonment on 13 February 2020.

More here from the Oxford Mail 


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