Pegida UK hold first march in Birmingham

An excellent report from Breitbart London

BIRMINGHAM, United Kingdom – Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West (PEGIDA) held their fist official UK event today. Around three hundred people walked, in complete silence through the beating rain, without a single confrontation, altercation or arrest.

The event was advertised as happening in Birmingham, but actually took place in neighbouring Solihull, around six miles from the city centre. It kicked off near Birmingham International railway station at 1pm, before moving on to the demo point at Starley Way.

Same EDL, same racists, less booze” touted the Midlands Anti-Fascist Network on their posters for the counter-demo. However, the isolated position and rigorous planning appeared to work, and the event felt far away from the heated days of the EDL and more like the picture we’ve seen of family-friendly PEGIDA events in Germany.

The ‘Birmingham Unites’ official counter event, organised by Stand Up To Racism and Unite Against Fascism, met in Victoria Square, in the city centre.

It was supported by the National Union of Teachers (NUT), LGBT+ Against Islamophobia, Unison union, Momentum (Jeremy Corbyn’s group in Labour), and the Birmingham Central Mosque – who are currently facing serious allegations of sexism.

Ex-Respect party leader and hard left activist and anti-racism campaigner Salma Yaqoob stated: “Birmingham is a diverse and multicultural city and we are proud of this. We stand against PEGIDA and their racist, Islamophobic and fascist views. Only twenty years ago, we had a genocide of Muslims in Europe, which began with a campaign of dehumanising the Islamic community through propaganda and hate. Today, PEGIDA and other far-right groups are attempting to bring division to our city but we shall stand united. In contrast to the hate propaganda of PEGIDA, we shall be celebrating the richness and strength in our unity through music, food, and speeches…”

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One Response

  1. VERY encouraging. I am particularly impressed by the presence of the apostate. The full-on apostates from Islam need to be front and centre in these demonstrations so they can speak out and tell it like it is… surrounded by large, friendly, able-bodied people who can provide assistance and protection if they should require it.

    Go PEGIDA! 300 people turned out on a cold and sopping-wet February day… . Here’s hoping the next Event has ten times that number. Praying.

    “Michael be at your right hand/ Gabriel at your left/ before you, Uriel; behind you, Raphael; and above your heads the divine presence of God” (to paraphrase the wonderful Jewish prayer, the Krias Shema, as encountered by me in Chaim Potok’s novel ‘My Name is Asher Lev’).

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