Philip Haney, An American Patriot: In Memoriam

By David John Baldovin

With sanity and patriotism now on display in the Oval Office as well as within the United States national security apparatus, it is an appropriate time to call on someone out of the past who may help us out of our delusional national security sleep walk. For decades, we as a country have violated the foundational truth of Sun Tzu: know your enemy and know yourself.

Philip Haney was a founding member of the United States Department of Homeland Security (USDHS), an author, patriot, and whistleblower. He was a student of history, kind, patient, a gentleman, friend, and a Christian. He died on February 21, 2020.

Haney, among others, mentored and helped educate me and many others about the specific national security threat of a totalitarian religion and its subversion of our government and our culture. I was long retired from the FBI when I came to learn of the subversion of FBI training at the FBI academy at Quantico, Virginia by the Muslim Brotherhood and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which is linked to Hamas through various support networks. The “enemies within,” some of whom Phil Haney discusses in his book, which is linked at the conclusion of this article, aided and abetted this subversion.  I was curious and motivated to learn as much as I could, which eventually would lead me to Phil Haney in 2019, one year prior to his death.

In pondering what might be done to commemorate his passing five years ago:

In 2019, I conducted a two-part video interview with Phil, videos that were first published on the one-year anniversary of his death. I would again like to share these interviews.

Day 1 of a 2-day interview — July, 2019:

Day 2 of 2-day interview — July 2019:

Maybe someone in our national security apparatus will watch and also learn of the enemies within, who went after Phil and others with a vengeance for doing his job of trying to protect American citizens.

Ever since the September 11, 2001 jihadist attacks on the World Trade Center Twin Towers, there has been a concerted effort to propagandize and influence the American people, as well as the country’s national security apparatus, with false narratives (lies) by a self-proclaimed enemy of Western Civilization: the Muslim Brotherhood. There are those who would argue that the effort has been ongoing for much longer than 25 years, and I agree; this effort was just ramped up after 9/11 and further increased circa 2011/2012. This effort has, unfortunately, been largely successful to date. We in the West have chosen blinders over fact and reality.

One brief example of a false narrative would be by the highly and successfully influenced government media complex describing the 9/11 attacks as a “horrible event” or “the tragedy of 9/11,” or just as, “9/11.” “Event”? “Tragedy”? What was this “event” or “tragedy”? What happened on September 11, 2001? Who brought the “event” about, and why? Who were those that purposely hijacked the passenger jets and purposely drove them into the Twin Towers? What motivated them? As Philip Haney might say, when we avert our eyes away from the ugly truth about what happened and why on September 11, 2001, we diminish the memories of over 3000 people who died that day. How are those who were born after this date supposed to know the truth of what happened on that date? This cancelation and cover-up of truth, by our own, is the tragedy.

If constantly bombarded with a repeated narrative, even well-meaning media and charitable foundations fall into the same pattern of using leftist preordained words or omitting words to cover up reality. Lies of omission are still lies. Those of us here in the West who, wittingly or unwittingly, use and repeat these narratives are participating in the lie, aiding and abetting the jihadi enemy, and slowly helping in our cultural suicide.

The corruption of words and language is purposeful by the jihadi enemy and their Marxist allies to obscure reality. The use of certain adjectives or qualifiers do not reflect the reality of the religious doctrinal motivations behind jihad. Jihad is specific to Islam. The use of the words “terror” or “terrorism” when discussing Islamic jihad attacks covers up the religious motivations behind jihad, which we refuse to acknowledge.

The September 11, 2001 attacks were Islamic jihad, as were the Hamas attacks against Israel on October 7, 2023, the New Year’s Day New Orleans attack, and many others, obligated by religious doctrine against unbelievers. Jihad need not be violent. It comes also in what is known as stealth or soft jihad. Jihad of the pen and tongue (lies) to influence and help subvert the enemy from within — the non-Islamic world, Western Civilization. Taqiyya (lying by commission), is also religiously obligated and/or allowed if it is used to protect or advance Islam. This doctrine comes from sura (chapter) 3:28 of the Qur’an. Is not deception a part of warfare?

The religious obligation of jihad is spelled out in the Reliance of the Traveller: A Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law, Book O, o9.O, pages 599 through o9.9, page 603. In part, “jihad means to war against non-Muslims.” In this section is set forth the scriptural basis for jihad, “such Qur’anic verses as: (1) 2:216; “fighting is prescribed for you; (2) 4:89, “slay them wherever you find them”; and (3) 9:36, “fight the idolaters utterly.”

Therefore, Muslims who choose to be observant and “devout” to their own doctrine are not “radical” or “extreme”; they are mainstream, or orthodox. Jihadis have not corrupted a religion. Jihadis are practicing their religion. Jihad, then, is not an aberration. In regard to jihad, there is one and only one version of Islam. Islam is what the doctrine, via Allah, Muhammad, Reliance, etc, says it is. Islam is not what we in the West, in our ignorance, naivety, and arrogance, say it is or what we wish it to be.

All Muslims do not adhere to or practice the religious obligations of jihad. This fact, however, does not change, negate, or abrogate the words of the doctrine itself. If peaceful Muslims choose not to follow the obligations of jihad, that does not mean there is another version of Islam.

The Hamas Covenant with Allah, the Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement, in part, reads as follows: “’Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it’ (The Martyr, Iman Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory).” Al-Banna is the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Further, Article One of the Covenant states as follows: “The Islamic Resistance Movement: The Movement’s programme is Islam.”

See Phil Haney’s book: “See Something, Say Nothing; A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to Jihad.

Let us not avert our eyes away from Philip Haney and his message. Let us not diminish his memory.


David J. Baldovin is a retired FBI Special Agent.

First published in Front Page Magazine


One Response

  1. A “tragedy” would be commercial aircraft accidentally striking a building. We were at the airport on 9/11, and as the second plane crashed into the Tower, I told my husband, “That was no accident”. “How do you know?” says he. “Because no commercial pilot would fly over that airspace to begin with, and especially with seeing the smoke and fire from the first plane. This is an act of war.”

    Deliberate acts intended to kill and maim are atrocities, not “tragedies”. I believe that the media and government didn’t want Americans to react to this act of war as an act of war. That was unforgivable.

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