Philippe Bilger On What The Education Minister Wants To Do To French Education l
The union of teachers will be on nation-wide strike in mid-May to protest her levelling policies, including the attempt to do away with Latin — that is, with what is essential to the study of French, part of French and European history but of no interest to the likes of Belkacem. Like the Garde des Sceaux (Justice Minister) Christine Taubira, Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, the smiling superficial uneducated Minister of Education Vallaud-Belkacem thinks she is untouchable because she is not French but the member of a minority — in her case, Arab, as in Taubira’s case African. Vallaud-Belkacem smiles and never condescends to answer the acute criticisms made of her “reforms”by so many well-informed critics, while Taubira insists that the telling criticism of her atrocious performance should be dismissed as “racism.”