Philippines: Filipino Security Forces Defeat Abu Sayyaf Jihad Raiders, Kill Four

Well done, Philippines.

As reported by AP (Associated Press) and Shirley Escalante for Australia’s ABC yesterday.  One may note that the bunch of jihadi terrorists were led by a convert to Islam.

“Terrorists Killed in Philippines Gun Battle as Security Steps Up Amid ASEAN Trade Talks”.

‘At least four militants (sic: ghazi raiders – CM) from Philippines terrorist group Abu Sayyaf (note that a Philippines-based group calls itself by an Arabic name, meaning something like ‘bearer of the sword’; just one more indication that Islam was initially concocted as a vehicle for Arab imperialism; one may also note, given that all this sort of thing is routinely represented as ‘nothingtodowithIslam’, that this jihad gang has an alternative name, Al Harakat al-Islamiyah, “Islamic Movement” – CM) have been killed in a gun battle with security forces close to where Association of South-East Asian Nation trade meetings were being held.

‘Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte warned ahead of the talks, which included Australian delegates, that Abu Sayyaf were moving into the central province of Bohol (which one may note is majority- Catholic Christian – CM) from their base in the south, with plans to “spoil” the ASEAN trade meeting, which precedes the main ASEAN summit in Manila on April 28.

They went there maybe to kidnap”, Mr Duterte told reporters last week. “And I told the Navy, if you see the boat, blast them off”.

That is the way to deal with jihad raiding parties. If the Somali Muslim pirates who were running amok in the Indian Ocean and its northwest approaches some years ago had been dealt with like that, right from the start – “if you see the boat, blast them off” –  they would have caused a great deal less trouble and expense. – CM

‘Mr Duterte said he would arm civilians, and offered a reward for every ‘terrorist’ (why the quotes, dear AP and ABC? terrorists is what these raiders are – CM) or drug suspect killed.

‘The trade meetings included ASEAN members and dialogue partners Australia, China, India, Japan, New Zealand, the Republic of Korea, the United States, and Russia.

‘As the meetings ended this weekend, delegates toured Bohol Province, which is one of the Philippines’ prime tourist spots, despite travel warnings by various countries, including Australia, because of the prospect of violence.

Nota bene. Bohol is overwhelmingly-non-Muslim by population and history.  It is, however, just across the sea from the Philippines’ Muslim-infested province, Mindanao, which is racked by Jihad and, it seems, is now functioning as a launch-pad from which Muslim raiders like Abu Sayyaf will sally forth to attack non-Muslim neighbours… such as Bohol. – CM

‘At the same time, military officials reported killing alleged (why, “alleged”? – CM) Abu Sayyaf ringleader, Joselito Melloria (he is a convert to Islam; surely his special Arabic Islamic shahada name is known? why use only his pre-conversion name? a quick google round has told me that his Islamic name, which he would have taken at conversion, is “Abu Alih” – CM) and several other gunmen.

‘More than 1000 people fled their village due to the violence.

‘Military chief of staff General Eduardo Ano said a group of eight militants exchanged fire with army troops and police near Clarin town in Bohol province, and four escaped.

“They dared to go to an unfamiliar area and they couldn’t find any support from villagers in Bohol“, General Ano said, adding that troops were continuing to hunt down the remaining militants.

Note: The jihadis would not have been able to get support from the Bohol villagers, because Bohol is not a Muslim province.  There is no friendly ‘sea’ of Ummah in Bohol into which jihadi raiders can disappear and by whom they can be ‘human-shielded’. – CM

‘Reward offered for militants’ capture.

Melloria (sic: a better wording would be “Abu Alih, formerly Joselito Melloria” – CM) a convert to Islam and a Bohol resident, had guided Abu Sayyaf militants from their jungle encampments in the country’s south to his village to carry out possible ransom kidnappings and bombings.

Observe the grim reality that conversion to Islam transforms a person into someone willing to commit major crimes of violence against their community of origin.  This man, who would have been raised Catholic, on converting to ISlam, leads a gang of mohammedan murderers to his own village, the place where he grew up, inhabited by his own kin… with a view to kidnap  and mass-murder.  He is prepared to envisage the kidnap – perhaps even the rape and beheading – of members of his own kin network.  That is what Islam does to the soul. – CM

‘Troops, however, detected the militants and killed four of them in April 11 fighting that also left three soldiers, a policeman and two villagers, dead.

‘Melloria fled with at least seven other militants, believed to be the group involved in Saturday’s gun battle.

‘President Rodrigo Duterte offered a 1 million peso ($27,000) reward for information leading to their capture.

‘A military profile of Melloria, who uses the militant nom de guerre Abu Alih (who adopted the Arabic name Abu Alih when he converted to Islam – CM) said he converted to Islam when he married a Muslim woman in 2005.

Not just any Muslim woman. She was the daughter of a ‘Moro Islamic Liberation Front commander based in Zamboanga del Norte” (information as per an article in the ‘Bohol Chronicle Daily”, April 18, 2017).  And of course the ABC and AP will not inform their readers that any Infidel man who falls for a Muslim woman will be required to convert to Islam if he wishes to marry her, because the sharia prescribes that Muslim women cannot ‘marry out’.  CM

‘He returned to the Philippines from Saudi Arabia in 2015 and joined Maute, a small nascent group based in the south that has pledged allegiance to the Islamic State group.

He later assimilated with another IS-linked group, Ansar Khilafa Philippines, and Abu Sayyaf, the military report said.

That word “Khilafa” is, of course, ‘Caliphate”. – CM

‘Philippine security officials said that had the Bohol plots been successful, Melloria would have been designated to lead Ansar Khilafa Philippines.

‘The United States and the Philippines list Abu Sayyaf as a terrorist organisation because of its bombings, kidnappings for ransom, and beheadings.

Not just a ‘terrorist’ organisation.  A Muslim terrorist organisation, inspired by the sunnah of Mohammed, he who in the Hadiths is on record as having said, “I have been made victorious by terror”. – CM

‘Meanwhile, in the capital Manila, tight security has been imposed in preparation for the 30th ASEAN Summit beginning on April 28.

‘The Government said at least 26,000 policemen would be deployed to ensure the security of world leaders in attendance.”

Self-defence against the global jihad is staggeringly expensive; these ceaseless  ghazi raids are ‘bleeding’ the infidel world. – CM


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