Potemkin Elections: Instances of Electoral Fraud 2021-2023

By Armando Simón

Objections that the 2020 presidential election results were fraudulent have met with scorn by the Democrats and the media hivemind despite the mounting evidence. The universal contemptuous reaction by the left and the RINO/Never Trump Republicans has been, “Nothing to see here, move along, move along.” We are told to believe that Joe Biden—who “campaigned” from his basement—received 81 million votes—the most in history, and more than Barak Obama—while winning the fewest counties in history.

At the same time, Democrats began persecuting anyone questioning the election results.

Since that time, citizens and local politicians on their own initiative have been digging into the claims and they have been uncovering alarming facts which have been kept out of the public’s consciousness by censorship from the hivemind. At the same time, there has finally been an (overdue) increased vigilance of ongoing voter fraud.

All instances of voter fraud have been carried out by Democrats. It is hard to believe that persons who owned slaves, initiated a civil war, created the Ku Klux Klan, carried out lynchings, passed and enforced Jim Crow laws would stoop so low as to indulge in voter fraud. But there it is. The data is quite clear.

I am going to present these facts. And here I must warn I have a research background. This means that, as any researcher will testify, gathering and collating data is terribly tedious and, when published, can be equally tedious while simultaneously fascinating (as similar and crucial as going through voter rolls to identify corpses). I could make my point in general terms, which would be easier to read—and easier to ignore, or refute with other generalities since there is a pattern of leftists denying noxious policies which are patently obvious to everyone.

Here, then, are some interesting facts.


Electoral fraud is a fertile field for future historians. Jim Crow laws occurred when illiterate, poor whites and blacks were denied their right to vote.

In the mid-1800s, Tammany Hall began to engage in electoral fraud. Boss Tweed had a saying: “As long as I count the votes, what are you going to do about it?” A Thomas Nast cartoon had him stating, “In counting there is strength,” a principle Democrats took to heart. In 2008, Obama stated publicly, “I tell you, it helps in Ohio that we got Democrats in charge of the machines.”

Tammany’s corruption continued into the 1930s. In New York, a Democrat by the name of William Whittaker won a race through 1100 absentee ballots—which were negated when the race was challenged. Elsewhere in New York, Democrats continued to win through fraudulent absentee ballots, according to the New York Times.

In the 1920s and 1930s, Thomas Pendergast, a Democrat, was Kansas City’s version of Boss Tweed, for the same reasons.

The Battle of Athens (Tennessee) took place in 1946, when the citizens of the city rose up against electoral fraud committed by Democrats. That was back when “toxic masculinity” was common, unlike now.

The first time the Democrats engaged in massive electoral fraud for a presidential election was 1960. Joseph Kennedy told his son, JFK, “Don’t buy a single vote more than necessary. I’ll be damned if I’m going to pay for a landslide.” Lyndon Johnson was particularly helpful in registering voters in cemeteries. Although Nixon was informed of the fraud, he chose not to contest the election since he felt it would rip apart the country. The media hivemind (yes, it was present even then) did not pursue the story since it detested Nixon as much as it hates Trump today, because Nixon uncovered Communist espionage in the government.

Even in 2016, there was already evidence of illegal voting. Yet, though this pattern of electoral fraud was evident for decades, Republicans did nothing to deter it. Even when fraud is detected at the moment and is reported to the authorities, the authorities do no-thing, proving that the GOP is, indeed, The Stupid Party (in recent elections, the Secretary of State of each Democrat controlled state has decided which laws to follow and which ones to ignore; this office is one that appears insignificant, but Democrats realized was critical for conducting fraud). Worse, Republican super-PACS and the RNC often have tens of millions of dollars that they refuse to use to help candidates, but keep them for the handlers’ personal frills (I worked for a Tx candidate that sought help from Kevin McCarthy; the latter would not issue funds unless the candidate signed an NDA and a contract that demanded support to McCarthy as speaker; he refused, and the Democrat won the race)

Electoral Fraud Now

Due to space restraints, I will leave the 2020 electoral fraud for another time to focus on electoral fraud by Democrats since 2020, taking place now.

There are two types of voter fraud: systemic and by individuals and they are being carried out in multiple fronts and in a variety of ways.

Throughout, the reader must keep in mind how much the elites despise the common people.


Not only do Democrats employ fraud against Republicans, but the higher ups within the party also use it against Democratic candidates the elites veto. This was seen during 2016 primary against Bernie Sanders, something that Donald Trump voiced and Donna Brazile revealed. In New York City’s Democratic mayoral primary, “irregularities” were found. This year, Jill Stein was blocked from primaries; also this year, Democrat candidate RFK Jr became an independent because of rigging by the DNC.

Verified Voting was hired to investigate the largest discrepancy for any election in the history of New Hampshire between machine and hand counts, even though VV was earlier labeled untrustworthy.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton revealed in June there were 500 election fraud cases.

In Mississippi, a judge concluded that 78% of mail-in ballots in a local election were invalid due to fraud.

24 persons were arrested in North Carolina for voter fraud.

The Democrat misnamed “For The People Act,” introduced in Congress “to build a more just, equitable, and prosperous country for all Americans,” failed to pass thanks to a filibuster by Republicans who finally did something right. It was designed to create permanent Potemkin elections, thereby destroying the republic. Among other things, it would have eliminated voter ID, allowed ballot harvesting and various other noxious measures wrapped up in idealistic verbiage. Eventually, it would result in a one-Party State. Having failed nationwide, the Democrats pivoted to going state by state, with New Mexico being the first.

In Texas, Zul Mirza Mohamed, a mayoral candidate was indicted on 109 voter fraud charges.

A Democrat councilman was indicted on voter fraud charges.

A 62-year-old political consultant falsified 1,948 ballot signatures so his girlfriend could be a 2021 Democratic gubernatorial candidate. He received probation.


(Much of the electoral fraud carried out by Democrats uncovered in 2021, 2022, and 2023 involved the instances, arrests, videos and confessions of the 2020 election fraud. Because of space, those will be for another time.) Even so:

In Pennsylvania, voting machines registered a citizen’s vote opposite to whom the voter actually had chosen.

In 2022, Democrats tried a brand-new tactic for electoral fraud:  a shortage of ballots in Republican majority areas. This tactic went into effect in Arizona, Pennsylvania and other states, creating havoc.

A law passed to restrict ballot harvesting was condemned as “voter suppression” by Democrats. Democrats have also labeled requiring an ID to vote (a requirement in every country) as “voter suppression,” even though no proof has ever been offered. As Elon Musk has said, “Those who oppose voter ID are doing so to commit fraud.”

During the Texas midterms, a woman who has a stable of ballot harvesters, was recorded not only ballot harvesting, but filling out the ballots and giving presents for ballots.

A Democrat election worker in Texas was charged with six felonies for rigging the 2022 midterm election.

A Virginia man was charged with multiple felonies involving voter fraud.

In Wisconsin, Harry Wait tried an experiment, aka, a sting operation regarding absentee ballots. He requested eight ballots with different names, which were sent to him. He then went to the local sheriff to turn himself in, explaining the lack of verification in the system. The sheriff instead contacted the Wisconsin Election Commission to correct the problem. However, the bureaucrats decided to attack the whistleblower for revealing the problem.

According to the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF), New Jersey voter registration records contain more than 8,200 duplicate names, making it possible for one person to cast two ballots, plus another 61 triplicate registrations, seven quadruplicates, three pentaplicates, and one sextuplicate.

In the Attorney General of Arizona race, a discrepancy of 8,241 votes was discovered, favoring the Democrat candidate.

A report from the Texas Secretary of State’s office found the Democrats’ Harris County (Houston) administration had “multiple failures in the 2022 election.” It found its voter registration system listed 9,000 more voters than were recorded with the state and that 3,600 mail ballots were sent to voters that were not reported to the state. In the following year, election fraud officially became a felony with a maximum of 20 years in prison. But as one person has pointed out—and it applies to all states—if violations are not prosecuted, and prosecuted harshly, well . . . .

The Virginia Democratic Party employs a list of potential voters used for ballot harvesting, and which includes dead people. “I see dead people . . . voting.”

In Arizona, the midterm elections were an absolute disaster, with the printer/tabulator failures breaking down in strategic areas, which resulted in Kari Lake losing the governorship to Democrat Katie Hobbs. Nor were those the only problems, with Lake having whistleblowers coming forth. In fact, there were many irregularities. The media and Democrats (same thing) were upset with Lake because she simply didn’t walk away but unleashed her sarcasm on them and fought back. And, as we have seen with other Republican candidates, her attorneys were threatened for representing her, even though the evidence of fraud continues/d to become available (“Attorneys are notably reluctant to take vote fraud cases in Delco for fear of repercussions”). As for the DOJ’s Arizona Election fraud investigators, they disappeared. Just like they disappeared in 2020.

After polls closed in the Pennsylvania elections, the county officials of Delaware County Board of Elections detoured to a closed building for six hours, preventing poll watchers from entering, then delivered the altered votes favoring Democrats. When taken to court, they received—as usual—a slap on the wrist.

            In Colorado, Robert Anzulewicz attempted to vote three different times in three different ways, for which he was punished with . . . 20 days in jail.


In Florida, Robert Simpson and Luis Villaran of Delray were arrested for voting, even though they were not eligible.

After the in-your-face voter fraud, outcry over the 2020 and midterm elections, Republicans finally took some steps in fixing mistakes and oversights, but in hindsight after the midterm elections, it became obvious they, again, had not been enough.

Two Florida women were arrested for voting multiple times in the same election.

A local sheriff in California arrested a Democrat councilmember for voter fraud. His sentence was a slap on the wrist. These insignificant penalties have become commonplace and is part of the problem.

A “glitch” in 300 voting machines resulted in switching the votes in Pennsylvania.

A Democrat official in Connecticut was caught on camera stuffing ballots inside ballot drop boxes during election primaries, which resulted in the election being redone. The judge called the evidence “overwhelming.”

Several Democrats in New Jersey were charged with attempting to rig the election, tampering with ballots, and obstructing the course of justice through witness tampering.

“In a chilling reminder that the integrity of our voting process is under constant attack,” the Fairfax County, Virginia Registrar allowed a Democrat candidate for school board to appear on the ballot even though the submitted paperwork was a shambles.

PILF has attempted to get the ERIC records in Colorado, Alaska, Alabama, Virginia and elsewhere in order to find registered voters who were ineligible to vote because . . . they were dead. Needless to say, these attempts have been impeded by Democrats.

California outlawed (verifiable) hand counts and made (hackable) machine voting mandatory.

A tactic recently favored by Democrats to commit electoral fraud (cemetery voting is so passé), is ranked choice voting, banned in Florida, Tennessee, South Dakota, Idaho, and Montana, but recently in Alaska and Maine.

Democrats in the Deep State, and Biden regime, have imposed censorship by proxy. So, they attempted election sabotage via proxy also. A leftist organization going by the—so-very typical—euphemistic name of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), which is connected to Mayorkas, was the instrument. Colorado was chosen as one of the most favorable areas for agreeing beforehand to remove Donald Trump from the ballot. This took pace, rubber stamped by the Colorado Supreme Court (other states controlled by Democrats like California, Arizona, and Illinois began to take similar steps)—all done for the sake of saving democracy. The blatant arrogance of the anti-democratic perpetrators did not go without condemnation by non-leftists for its obvious violation of the Constitution, but the end justifies the means. Predictably, the Supreme Court unanimously overturned Colorado’s ruling and this, in turn, made leftists go hysterical, as they are wont to do when frustrated by reality. Predictable also were renewed calls to eliminate the Supreme Court.

Maine’s Secretary of State unilaterally removed Donald Trump’s name from the ballot in order to save democracy—because nothing “saves democracy” more than removing a candidate from the ballot so citizens will not vote for that candidate. She had previously admired the US Constitution and Bill of Rights.

In Pennsylvania, several individuals were caught with stolen mail-in ballots.

In Wisconsin, Republicans have been unsuccessful in removing Meagan Wolfe, the administrator of the Wisconsin Election Commission (WEC) for her election irregularities which favored Democrats, some of which were deemed illegal. In another news, a cyber security expert revealed in Wisconsin that voting machines can be hacked.

Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson is resistant to removing cadavers from voter rolls. If she did comply, a fair election would result, whereupon she would lose her job.

Elite Florida Democrats canceled the primaries for all candidates, thereby excluding other Democrat challengers to incumbents, in order to “save OUR democracy.”

In Chicago, criminals are a key constituency of Democrats and are pressured to vote, though it is illegal.

“A printer error” in Nassau County, New York turned every registered voter in the county Democrat. Notice that these “errors” and “glitches” always favor Democrats.

A Democrat county commissioner chair in Alabama caught stuffing ballots into a voting machine.

The work of Judicial Watch resulted in a whopping 1.2 million ineligible names in Los Angeles being removed from voter rolls. Now, if they could do something about the 12 million illegal aliens getting ready to vote . . . .

Samuel T. Lair has uncovered a network of behemoth electoral-manipulating organizations with euphemistic titles (Voters Not Politicians, Arabella Advisors, Sixteen Thirty, and Action Now, the latter run by Texas’ version of George Soros, John Arnold) financed by elites, contemptuous of the average citizen and with hatred of America. Perhaps it is time to resurrect the guillotine.

The above list is not the full number of fraudulent activities, but because of space restrictions not all were included. Also, to be frank, many cases must have inevitably been overlooked by this author.

I will close with an important observation by Jesse Kelly: “People don’t understand why such a tiny portion of society has such an outsized voice today. It’s not complicated. They’re more committed to their religion than you are to yours. They’re interested in victory and domination. You’d like to win, but only if you can look polite.”



Armando Simón is a trilingual native of Cuba, a retired psychologist and historian, and author of When Evolution Stops, A Prison Mosaic and Orlando Stories.


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