President Trump’s Foreign Policy Achievements are Considerable

by Rebecca Bynum

By any objective standard, President Trump has left American in a much better place than when he took over.  Here is a partial list.

  1. The Wall coupled with the agreements reached with Mexico and Central and South American countries stopped the massive flow of illegal immigrants, drugs and crime into our country.
  2. Energy Independence ended our reliance on Middle Eastern and other sources of oil. This is of the highest strategic importance.
  3. Rebuilt the US military which had completely gone to pot under Obama.
  4. Confronted China and ended American sleepwalk into subservience.
  5. Defeated ISIS and ended its orgy of death and destruction in the Middle East
  6. Ended the Iran Deal and put sanctions on Iran to reduce its ability to foment terror across the region.
  7. Moved the US embassy to Jerusalem and recognized Israel’s sovereignty over the strategic Golan Heights.
  8. The Abraham Accords created a strong bloc of Middle Eastern nations in opposition to Iran’s hegemonic aspirations – effectively re-setting the Sunni-Shi’a balance destroyed by the Iraq war.
  9. Brought peace to Negorno-Karabakh.

For this and his many other accomplishments, the President deserves the affection of a grateful nation, but at each and every turn, he was blocked and hamstrung by entrenched interests and derided by a hysterical Democrat party and press corps. The military has done everything it could to prevent him from bringing our troops home. And now, the establishment Republicans, seeing their opportunity, are closing ranks to heap opprobrium on his head as he leaves office.

The party of the country (America First) will not forget. MAGA will rise again.


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