Prominent Qatari Editor: Muslims Have Nothing To Apologize For In France


Nor, this powerful Qatari editor says, need Muslims apologize anywhere else. In the first place, because the attack by men who screamed out that they were avenging the insult to Muhammad by “killing” Charlie-Hebdo (that is, massacring the members of its staff), and whose lives were full of “radical” mosques and training with Al-Qaeda and all those other things that “have nothing to do with Islam” of course “had nothing to do with Islam.” 

And besides, and more importantly, it’s all a conspiracy by the French, you see, in order to find a cover for the invasion of Libya. It’s always a conspiracy by Infidels against trusting, helpless, put-upon Muslims, all over the world. 

And one more thing. After the Taqiyya, the Tu-Quoque. What about all those attacks by Christians and Jews on mosques all over the place? What about that, huh? Did anyone apologize for those? 

Among the measures the French state, if it ever comes to its senses, ought to undertake, is to seize the property in France of the richest Qataris, and forbid them from entering France. The rich Qataris, either their daily cruelties toward their slave laborers, with their lying Al-Jazeera propaganda outlet (the Arab version is much worse than the English version, which is cleaned up to fool the Kuffar, and lull them into accepting what the discerning will recognize as propaganda for the Arabs, and Islam, and Qatar, more cunningly presented), with their support an outrance for Hamas and other succursales of the Muslim Brotherhood, need to be disabused of the notion that their vast unmerited wealth makes them forever immune from Western reprisals. They have lots of property in France. What a shock to them, and what a lesson to other rich and powerful Muslims who think they can continue to get away with everything they’ve gotten away with for so long, if they lost their access to France, which for them is just one endless funfair and brothel and rodeo-drive, if they should have their property taken, in the conditions of war that now exist between Islam and the West or, more exactly, Islam and The Rest. During World War II, the Allies seized the proerty of enemy aliens. This is a natural and logical step. And it would get attention, and the West, on which the Arabs and Muslims are hopelessly dependent in every way (imagine if they were denied access to Western medicine, Western education, Western technology) have to have their relations with the Infidels they despise re-adjusted. Re-adjust away.