Prosecutors demand 4 Year Sentence for Returning Dutch ISIS Vet Who Threatened Geert Wilders

Geert Wilders, leader of the Dutch Freedom Party (PVV) in the Hague Parliament

The Public Prosecutors in the Hague are demanding a sentence of less than four years for an ISIS returnee who threatened the life of Geert  Wilders.  The NLTimes reported:

Suspected jihadist Mohamed A discussed plans for an attack on PVV leader Geert Wilders with others. This was revealed during the criminal case against the 22 year old man from Delft, who is on trial for the preparation of a robbery and possession of three firearms.

NOS reports that A refused to respond to questions about the intercepted conversations regarding an attack on Wilders. He kept repeating that he invokes his right to remain silent, but he previously stated that the conversations were “tough talk” and “James Bond stories”.  These conversations took place in A’s mother’s car, in which the police had placed listening devices.

A was arrested last year after an undercover police operation. At the request of an undercover agent A. purchased three firearms to commit a robbery. This operation was set up after the General Intelligence and Security Service (AIVD) tipped the police that A was trying to get money together to finance the international jihad.

According to the AIVD, A is a returned foreign rebel fighter in the Syrian civil war and he spent six months in Syria. This is based on the statement from Jejoen Bontinck, another foreign rebel fighter who recognized A in a photograph. Bontinck claims that he and A met in the ISIS camp and spent one day together in an ISIS cell. According to Bontinck, A. was locked up because he did not follow an order from a superior.

A denies this. “I spent six months in Turkey and i was on the border between Turkey and Syria 11, 12 times. I helped poor people there.”

This should be a warning to the ruling Rutte Coalition in the Hague Parliament that a threat to one member is a threat to all.  Further, it underlines the suggestions by Wilders, leader of the Freedom Party, that Holland should reassert national border controls, notwithstanding being a signatory of the Shengen open borders system covering 26 EU nations. It also illustrates the dilemma the Dutch face from having adopted a liberal immigration and welfare system that facilitated mass Muslim immigration-the Dar al-Hijra doctrine. Thus, creating  a large minority Muslim community rejecting foundational Judeo Christian values seeking to impose compliance with Islamic Sharia law.  Moreover, with the rise of the Salafist /Jihadist self-styled Islamic State, Dutch Muslim émigrés like A Mohammed and hundreds if not thousands of others feel compelled to join to fight for the self-declared Caliphate.  Wilders has proposed that such returning Jihadists be stopped at the borders and be subject to a mandatory review of their citizenship, passports taken away and ejected. 

Yesterday, Wilders sent a letter to the Speaker of the Hague Parliament requesting that an exposition of the Garland AFDI Muhammad  Art Expo be held there.  During an interview on the Fox News Hannity show, Wilders suggested that the best way of assuring freedom of expression would be to put on additional Muhammad cartoon competitions and expos like the one he proposed for the Hague Parliament.  He wrote in a May 18, 2015 Fox News op ed::

The winner of the Garland cartoon contest was a former Muslim. There is something very symbolic about the fact that he is an apostate. Under Islamic Sharia law, apostasy is punishable by death. Under the same law, making illustrations of the prophet Muhammad is also punishable by death.


Under Islamic Sharia law, depicting Muhammad is a crime. But as an American, the artist is not living in an Islamic country. He is living in America. In America, you are allowed to make pictures and drawings, no matter what the Sharia says. And you are also allowed to change your religion and become an apostate.

We must do exactly the opposite of what the terrorists want. If they want us to stop drawing cartoons and we react by showing even more cartoons, the terrorists will have lost. This is why I will ask the Speaker of the Dutch Parliament to invite the Garland Mohammed cartoons to be shown in the Parliament of the Netherlands. We should show them all over the free world.

Watch this Wilders Hannity Insider interview video:



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