Punish a Muslim Day

This first came to public attention over the weekend from Tell MAMA. At that time letters had (so Fiyaz Mughal alleged) been sent to Muslim institutions or addresses in London, Bradford and somewhere in the vague land called ‘the Midlands’ This later clarified as Leicester. It calls on people to take action against Muslims on 3rd April (the day after the Easter Monday Bank Holiday); they will be awarded points depending on how much damage or discomfort they cause. 

Letters are being reported from various towns across England and Wales, including Bristol, Cardiff, Nottingham, West and South Yorkshire and Counter-terror police are investigating. There is some suggestion that at least one letter has a clear postmark of being posted in Sheffield. 

Whoever wrote it used the Court Service logo and address in an effort to make it look ‘official’. The sword may be an attempt at a Sword of Justice (cf Justice on the roof of the Central Criminal Court Old Bailey) used in many international judicial societies. Tell MAMA sees similarities with last year’s threats from ‘Mosque Slayer’ who (which?) also used second class stamps and a postbox in Sheffield. Others, (who) according to The Sun newspaper claim that imagery on the poster references a group called The Last Soldiers of Christ. I can’t find anything about them, a google search took me to a hymn by Charles Wesley. 

HM Courts and Tribunal Service have issued a denial that the use of their address and logo is anything to do with them. 

Today Labour’s Mohammed Yasin, the MP for Bedford received a suspect package which the police fear is part of Harm a Muslim day. 

My immediate thought was that there is rising anger in the country, even before the revelations about Telford were brought to the armchairs of the readers of the Sunday Mirror yesterday. A friend told me to look more closely at the language and fonts used. It certainly wasn’t written by somebody comfortable and fluent in the written language, and the fonts chosen look clumsy and old fashioned. I agree the very phrase ‘harm a Muslim’ doesn’t ring true as the English vernacular. He isn’t convinced it is a genuine effort to frighten Muslims – false flag or black op maybe. 

MPs are in potential danger, and the anti-terror police are investigating; they are good at this sort of thing. If it really is a small group or a lone actor in a bedsit in Sheffield then we will hear about it, the papers will be full of it, the TV channels will be running interviews with the poor victims,  there will be a trial and the perpetrator will go to prison for oh, much longer than a child molester. If the story goes quiet and we don’t get to hear who is responsible then …

I would say to anybody concerned about the threat to our, your culture from Islamification, we are not ISIS or al Qaeda. We are better than them. We do not encourage lone wolf attacks against the infidel. Join a suitable group in whichever country you live. Read and learn, spread the word. Organise and demonstrate peacefully and within the law. There are more of us and we can prevail but not if we sucumb to silence and apathy.