Pussy Politics

by G. Murphy Donovan (September 2016)

“I don’t like losers.” – Donald Trump

All we know about Donald Trump’s policy is what he says, not what he has done or will do. Trump has no policy track record. He has never held office. Intimations of what he might do are often vague too. Yet, beneath the rhetorical bluster, a few broad reality strokes are evident.  more>>>


5 Responses

  1. Absolutely agree. But why is there a pussy generation ? In Europe, it could be the loss of two generation of the best young men. But over there ?

  2. The short answer is, I don't know. Easier to describe "what" than how. If I had to speculate, I would call it the crash, not clash, of civilizations. The West, especially America, doesn't know what it believes anymore. Without befief we are adrift – and vunerable.  Gender confusion, or denial, may just be another symptom of cultural apathy, of moral agnosticism. Enlightenment values have always been in the crosshairs, Islam may have finally gotten the proper range and windage for the kill. Hard to be optimistic. 

  3. Hm.

    I see.

    pussy (the vulgar/ pejorative/ insulting/ belittling term for a/ the female genitals b/ a woman) = BAD, or, EVERYTHING OR ANYTHING THAT IS BAD. 

    So… does the reverse apply?  In the author's new and revised lexicon, does phallus, and/ or  d–k and/ or b@lls = GOOD, or, EVERYTHING OR ANYTHING THAT IS GOOD?

    And if so, is the author going to favour us with a companion piece – the sort of world he'd like to see – entitled "phallic politics" or "d-ck' politics' or 'testicular politics'.

  4. Thanks, CM. I’m not sure, clinically, what Mr. Eastwood had in mind. Surely there are at least three possibilities. Possibly he had kittens in mind; you know cute and drifty. Or maybe he was thinking about the generic American male wuss.  As a Hollywood veteran, he has probably encountered a legion of those. Or he could be thinking of girly men, another habitué of the left coast.

    My guess is door number three. I only met Eastwood once, briefly, and the subject didn’t come up. We talked about dogs.

    And he, I’m certain, has a very high opinion of women in general and several in particular. He has had two wives, two partners, and at least seven children. Many of his films feature strong, if not dominant, women. Play Misty for Me featured the scariest women (Karen Black) in the history of heroines. Another great flic featured a lady pugilist. When Eastwood says “pussy,” I’m 99% certain that he is talking about modern American men; confused or ambiguous journalists maybe, not women. Pretty safe bet that the mem in question would be the last to complain. 

  5. I would suggest that the reason the term 'pussy' is used to describe a submissive man is that in the act of sexual congress the male meber is the active progenitor, whlst female pudenda is the passive receptor. This goes back to Wesley's agent and patient dichotomy.

    So when we call someone a pussy we are saying that he (or she) is letting others rule him when he should be matering his own destiny. It really has nothing to with sex at all.  You could also call someone like that a 'socket' and the more dominant person a 'plug'.

    I often here the word 'pussy' used to denigrate both men and women for being submissive to tyranny. 

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