Rethinking The Darwin Awards

by Armando Simón

“It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” —Mark Twain

The term “Darwin Awards” is a term that came into being through the internet. It refers to individuals who are irredeemably stupid and died precisely because of their stupidity. In other words, they did something stupid which anyone else could see was extremely dangerous almost certainly resulting in death.

Or, they somehow sterilized themselves.

By carrying out these acts, human evolution was automatically improved. The species has a better chance of future survival. A series of books have come out detailing such incidents, and even a movie came out with the same name (although another movie, Idiocracy, was on a related topic).

On further consideration, it occurs to me that we have been looking at covid the wrong way.

During the covid pandemic, when we were assured by our knowledgeable authorities, the journalists and politicians (they are really the same), that millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions of people were going to die and the only way to prevent it was by wearing cloth masks (the kind you can blow through) and submitting to the “vaccine,” some of us were highly skeptical for a number of good reasons. Anyone who knows the least bit about science knows that viruses are so small that an electron microscope is necessary to see it, and so to expect a cloth mask to prevent contagion was like putting up a barbed wire fence to keep out a mosquito—in fact, the boxes that were sold containing face masks stated outright that they did not prevent contagion. Secondly, the injection was not a true vaccine, it utilized mRNA and had not been tested in the usual manner. Third, many individuals who received the injection suffered long term severe side effects shortly thereafter, including sudden deaths. Lastly, it turned out that receiving the injection did not prevent contagion after all, in fact it increased the probability of being infected. More injections were necessary, said the authorities.

As you know, there was a tremendous amount of pressure to submit, to conform, to believe, to not question. Some people did submit, conform and believe from the very beginning, willingly if not eagerly. They looked upon those who did not with an almost homicidal hatred, occasionally erupting into verbal or physical violence.

Those persons who refused, and saw through the arguments and threats, tried to warn the others and were rebuffed, whereas in retrospect, we should have encouraged them to take additional “vaccines” and boosters.

It turned out that most of the Covidians were Democrats, the same kind of people that seem to be in a perpetual state of hysterics, whether it is about covid, racism, anti-Christianity, transgenders, global warming, Trump, anti-Americanism, you name it, stampeding from one crusade to another. The world would be a calmer, more rational place where we could examine problems in a sane manner with such people out of the way. Fewer hysterics, fewer true believers, fewer screams, fewer dumb people.

We should have thought of the Darwin Awards.

The Darwin Awards are even more relevant when it comes to the issue of transgenders, something that leftists are still promoting.

We have the case of liberal parents who convince their children, whether at birth, or at 3, 6 10, 12 years of age that they are really the wrong gender and should switch through transgender procedures in order that the parent get accolades from fellow liberals for his virtue signaling. Are these sick parents guilty of child abuse? Of course they are. You can even claim that they are exhibiting Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. Regardless, whether it is because they are being neurotic, or a liberal (no conservative would engage in this sort of child abuse), the fact remains that the transgenders will become sterile.

As a young adult, you have got to be a special kind of stupid to consent to sexual self-mutilation. This stupidity is compounded by a refusal to listen to individuals who consented and have regretted it and are urging others not to follow in their footsteps (i.e., transgender regret, or, de-transitioning). The end result is that you look grotesque and, more importantly, you have become sterile. And, thusly, a recipient for the Darwin Awards.

So, for those of you (like myself) who have been urging people who are considering becoming transgendered,  and you, who are informing them that this movement is an instance of the periodic castration cults that historically crop up, I say unto you: Stop it! Let the fools do the unthinkable to themselves.

Lord knows there are too many stupid people running around loose.


Armando Simón is a retired psychologist, author of Very Peculiar Stories.