Running on Empty

By William Corden

I just watched parts of the Harris sit down with Oprah! More “can’t we all just get along” rubbish and not a glimmer of policy specifics.
Boy is the world in trouble if this woman gets in. She has no idea what she’s supposed to do, the other world leaders will make mincemeat out of her and laugh while they’re doing it. I would say to America’s youth…. get ready for the draft!
She has me recalling  a Union President we once had in our massive Public Service Union, he was black too by the way and played the race card as often as he could, but that’s as maybe.
He could get up and make a speech from a script as good as anyone I’ve ever seen but the moment he lost that script he was as much use as an ashtray on a motorbike.
Dumb as a bag of hammers but crafty, with a private life that was a rolling trainwreck, and yet he could convince the members to vote for him with the generous image he’d created for himself. The first to give outrageous sums to charities (union money of course, because he had none of his own) and fluently bilingual, he ticked all of the right boxes.
Everybody knew he was useless and crooked as a dog’s hind leg but they voted for him anyways.
Does this remind you of anyone?
Don’t be fooled by the image makers.

4 Responses

  1. “… as much use as an ashtray on a motorbike …”
    “Dumb as a bag of hammers …”
    ” … crooked as a dog’s hind leg…”
    I’m lovin’ your lesson in admiration.


  2. On further reflection I think Joe Biden was more lucid in his debate with Donald than Harris was in “conversation”? with Oprah.
    There should be a democratic initiative to “Bring back Joe”🤣

  3. Kamala Harris is devoid of principles and lacks self-esteem, intellect & integrity; yet she also possesses a certain cunning which is fuelled by ambition & a craving for some sort of recognition. These inadequacies put her in the same category as Joe Biden. Such people are easily controlled by ruthless actors who’s full-time business is the retention of power at all costs. So like the senile Biden ushered in in 2020, half-wit Harris is a pawn, a mere placeholder for powerful interests. She could be switched out tomorrow as easily as she was switched in. The machine behind her will grind on.

    1. I’m 100% with you Arthur C.
      I’ve met so many personalities like her in my working lifetime and I’ve met many of the consultants/ advisers who pander to her like.
      I had a very privileged position as a tax investigator and saw quite often the inner workings of their manipulative minds.
      The consultants/advisers are never happier than when they have a puppet to control and Harris is the perfect Pinocchio.
      The advisers I came up against were invariably incapable of managing the more mundane aspects of day-to- day life, like looking after their finances or maintaining relationships.
      Ideologues who dealt in theory, reveled in their influence and then turned into nobodies once the leader lost power.
      They are always replaced by soldiers of the same ilk which is why the machine grinds on.

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