Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London is playing a long and fiendish game.

No cake, no sausage, but do have some testosterone and a mastectomy.

By Esmerelda Weatherwax

Some wonder why a good Muslim like him (and others) apparently support the wilder excesses of the ‘sexual revolution’.  In particular the cult of ‘trans’. It’s to undermine the traditional Judeo-Christian heritage of the west, so that once it has crumbled it can be rebuilt according to Sharia principles under the New Caliphates.

This is the latest example of madness as demonstrated by approved/not approved advertising.

I wrote this back in 2018 , Pondering London Underground adverts and more. Wondering about Sadiq Khan’s banning of a picture of a blonde girl in a bikini and requiring adjustments to an advert for Heist tights and Gary Lineker’s torso but acceptance of soft-porn posing from black models employed by Muslim owned fast-fashion store BooHoo was logical; or had a brown envelope changed hands.

Advertisers know now not to submit pictures of underwear or beachwear.

Currently it is food that is taboo.

Last year it was a traditional white wedding cake that met with disapproval.

From the London Evening Standard, 20th July 2023

Sadiq Khan defends TfL ban on West End theatre advert which showed wedding cake

The mayor said the poster breached Transport for London (TfL) rules, which seek to keep unhealthy foods from being displayed across the network. But he faced criticism from Emma Best – deputy leader of the City Hall Conservatives – who said the decision seemed “totally bizarre”, and also at odds with his goal of promoting culture in London.

The advert was for Tony N’ Tina’s Wedding, a dinner comedy currently showing at the Wonderville Theatre on Haymarket. It features the title characters stood on top of a giant sponge-cake, filled with jam and cream and topped with icing.

It was removed because it was deemed to breach TfL’s policies in relation to the advertisement of foods that are “high in fat, salt and sugar”. The rules were introduced under Mr Khan with the aim of helping to reduce childhood obesity in the capital. “All the evidence shows that the TfL policy works,” the mayor said, adding that peer-reviewed studies have shown it is contributing towards households making fewer unhealthy purchases and is saving the NHS money.

Mrs Best told Mr Khan: “I’ve been on the Tube often, feeling peckish. I’ve never felt like I would like to devour a wedding cake. I’ve never seen an advert and thought ‘Actually, I think I’ll stop off and buy myself a wedding cake’.

He said the policy helps deter children from pressuring their parents into buying them high-fat foods, to which Ms Best replied: “Yes, my children often ask me to stop off and buy them a wedding cake. It’s difficult.”

The mayor admitted that “there is no one silver bullet” to address the issue, but said he was pursuing a number of other policies to tackle it, such as encouraging London schools to become ‘water only schools’ – where water, and some forms of milk, are the only drinks allowed. (What, no camel urine?)

The photograph below shows the original poster on the left, and the TFL Caliph Khan approved version right.

That show has ended; these next posters are still about as comedian Ed Gamble’s Hot Diggity Dog tour is still on-going. His publicity for this summer/autumn tour met trouble with TFL in March

Above is the poster most of the country was happy with. The Visit Southend (traditional seaside resort in Essex, a good place for a day out from London) website run by Southend Council was happy to feature it for his show at the Cliffs Pavilion last week , and I saw it at stations on the C2C and Greater Anglia railways into that city.

AP reported on the London problem thus:

LONDON (AP) — On the London Underground, hot dogs are no joking matter.

Comedian Ed Gamble has been ordered to change a subway station poster campaign for his new standup show because the image of a hot dog violated the transit network’s ban on junk food advertising.

The poster for the show, “Hot Diggity Dog,” showed a mustard- and ketchup-smeared Gamble beside a half-eaten hot dog on a plate.

A bemused Gamble replaced the wiener with a cucumber, and the poster was approved.

Gamble isn’t complaining about the extra publicity the case has generated.


So for Sadiq Khan London’s children and young people have to be protected from the dangers of traditional baked goods celebrating a traditional monogamous wedding because it contains sugar, and an old-fashioned pork sausage snack that contains seasoning which includes salt.

But he promotes this danger to our children.  That of pandering to a delusion that men and woman can change sex, and that furthermore a distressed confused girl should be celebrated, even to encourage the others, to have her healthy breasts sliced off so that she can present a more masculinised appearance at London’s next “Pride” parade.

Lesbian and other groups concerned with the safety and well-being of Women and Girls have asked meaningful questions of Sadiq Khan why the Mayor of London’s Office have approved this. It isn’t the only poster promoting the Transgenger Agenda as a big part of this years “Pride” but it is the most alarming that has been noticed so far.

The LGB Alliance have asked for a meeting with the Caliph; I doubt they will even get a fobbed off reply. He was re-elected, but not by anybody I have heard admit to it, and now he must feel invincible.