Sajid Javid’s Tweet Horrifies Sadiq Khan (Part Two)

by Hugh Fitzgerald

The abuse included gang rape, forcing the girls to perform various sex acts, the more degrading the better. They were made to watch other girls being raped. They loaned girls out to other men, sex slaves passed on from “Asian” man to “Asian” man. They were called “white slag” and “white c**t.” The  exploitation could go on for months, even years. Photographs were taken of the girls performing sex acts, and they would  be threatened that if they reported any of what had happened, those photographs would be sent far and wide, beginning with their parents. The girls would in some cases be doused with petrol and threatened with being set  on fire. The “Asian” men would threaten to rape their mothers and younger sisters.

By 2015, Muslim groomers had been tried and convicted in London, Aylesbury, Banbury, Birmingham, Blackbury, Blackpool, Bradford, Bristol, Bolton, Chesham, Derby, Ipswich, Keighley, Leeds, Leicester, Manchester, Middlesbrough, Oldham, Oxford, Peterborough, Preston, Rochdale, Rotherham, Sheffield, Skipton, Slough, and Telford. How many more towns, since 2015, will have to be added to the list? In every case, in those 27 cities and towns, the grooming gangs consisted entirely of  British Pakistanis — “Asians” — except for two North African Arabs who joined the Pakistanis in their gang-rapes in Oxford, and twelve Somalis in Bristol who ran their own sex ring with young girls.

“The Home Secretary should know better,” he [Sadiq Khan] said, adding that he believed either the Home Secretary was taking advice from people who want him to lead the Tory party on how to win support from the membership, “or he’s in some sort of arms race with his competitor Boris Johnson.” Both Khan and Javid are of Asian [Pakistani] heritage. Khan said that far-right groups could use Javid’s comments as evidence of the “myths they are perpetuating.” “As a consequence of some of these messages, of some of this language, I’m telling you, around the country ethnic minorities, particularly those of Asian origin, from the subcontinent, will be suffering more discrimination, will be at the end of more abuse because of this sort of language,” he added.

What “myths” are those “far-right” groups perpetuating? The “myth” that grooming gangs consist almost entirely of “Asians” (British-Pakistanis) who have been sexually abusing large numbers of English girls for years? That’s not a myth. That is what courts found to be the case in twenty-six cities in England so far. Only in Bristol were those convicted not Pakistanis, but Somalis. Why is bringing this to the attention of the pubic inadmissible? Shouldn’t the British public be kept fully informed of what has become one of the most horrific  scandals in the history of the U.K. — the scandal of the grooming gangs themselves, and the scandal of the police dragging their feet on investigating these grooming gangs in order to avoid charges of “racism” and “islamophobia”? Don’t parents need to be able to tell their daughters about these grooming gangs, including the fact that they should be particularly wary of “Asian” men? Would such a warning be unforgivable “racism” in spreading a “myth” about “Asian grooming gangs,” as Sadiq Khan wants you to believe, or would it make perfect sense, as Sajid Javid believes?

Finally, aside from helping to warn families with young girls of whom, and what, to be wary — and shouldn’t they be warned? —  what would discussion of the background of the grooming gangs usefully contribute? It might lead to a recognition that the contempt displayed by these particular Muslims for their victims is inculcated by the Qur’an itself. That book describes Infidels as “the most vile of created beings”(98:6), warns Muslims not to take Christians or Jews as friends, “for they are friends only with each other” (5:51), and commands them, in 109 Qur’anic verses, to conduct violent Jihad against Infidels. The contempt these men felt for the girls they called “white slag” did not come out of nowhere. Its roots are in Islam.

How would that understanding help? It might make the decent Muslims, like Savid Javid himself, want to publicly distance themselves from such attitudes that, some may be willing to admit, are encouraged by verses in the Qur’an. Some might want to go further, and discuss ways to “contextualize” certain Qur’anic verses. Many people, Muslim and non-Muslim, might even wish to consider the proposal made in an open letter earlier this year by nearly 300 French intellectuals. Arguing that the Quran incites violence, the letter insisted that “the verses of the Quran calling for murder and punishment of Jews, Christians, and nonbelievers be struck to obsolescence by religious authorities,” so that “no believer can refer to a sacred text to commit a crime.” “Struck to obsolescence” means to declare those verses as no longer valid, to consider them “obsolete.” These are the verses that have created the atmospherics of contempt and  hatred that help the grooming gangs to justify their behavior: the girls deserve it, they’re asking for it, they are sluttish and “vile”  Unbelievers.

Sadiq Khan does not see why reports on grooming gangs need mention “Asians” at all, or — what he thinks was invented by Donald Trump — nonexistent “no-go zones.” For the Mayor of London, who may one day be a Labour candidate for Prime Minister, it’s pure happenstance that several dozen grooming gangs in 27 cities consisted almost entirely of British Pakistanis. It would serve no good purpose, but only be “racist,” to bring up their backgrounds at all, much less note their commonality.

Sajid Javid, Home Secretary, who may one day be a Conservative candidate for Prime Minister, it’s essential to describe the members of those grooming gangs as “Asians” — meaning “British Pakistanis.” (Still better, of course, would have been to describe them as “British-Pakistanis” rather than as “Asians,” though everyone in the U.K. knows what “Asian” signifies.) Only thus will Muslims be forced to recognize, and acknowledge, that there may be something about the texts and teachings of Islam that help explain the phenomenon of the “Asian” grooming gangs. In other words, let a real discussion about those gangs begin, however fraught, and nothing extenuate.

Savid Javid has my vote. What about yours?

First published in Jihad Watch.


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