Selected X/twitter pieces on the cognitive front

By Phyllis Chesler
Dear Friends and Readers:

I have been working on the cognitive front lines and also working on a new book and so neglected to send you any of my X/twitter “haikus.” Soon, people will be talking in coded abbreviations and the last semblance of literacy will be gone–and that’s even before the corporate control of AI and wokeness takes us all down. Anyway, thought you might be cheered, perhaps even inspired by my continuing righteous rage.

All Best,

Chag Shavuot Sameach 

No one demands that #Ukraine end its war of aggression/self-defense against #Russia. But everyone demands that #Israel, under existential seige by #Iran and its proxies, do so. #Biden delivers weapons to Ukraine but heinously witholds weapons from Israel.The world’s #European #Jew-hatred is now being spearheaded by #Islamists with strong support from North and South America, Europe, Asia, and #Africa. Israel will win and in so doing may save the world from Iran, Russia, #China, and #Turkey–our contemporary #AxisofEvil. If, God forbid, it loses–we are all doomed.

1:17 PM · Jun 8, 2024


God bless the #IDF! Today, the #Yamam unit rescued four Israeli hostages alive which proves that #Israel is succeeding despite being condemned and hobbled by the entire world. High price paid: Yamam’s senior commander died of his injuries. At first, the #NYT headlined it: “Israel SAID that they rescued 4 hostages—even as the Times of London headlined it “Israel RESCUED 4 hostages.” The NYT later changed their headline online. Incredible how they disbelieve everything that Israeli officials say—yet believe every lie, even when proven as such, that #Hamas or the #UN allege.

Last edited1:04 PM · Jun 8, 2024


The #NYT=#AlJazeera‘s outpost in America. Who can silence their #BigLies, their monstrously misleading headlines? Today, their front page lead story is titled “Israelis Attack Civilian Shelter and Kill Dozens.” NO. The #IDF conducted a surgically targeted strike on known #Hamas terrorists—and found them where they usually are, surrounded by Gazan #humanshields in an #UNRWA building. If not in a UN building, Hamas shelters in mosques, hospitals. This is all well known by now—but apparently, the NYT’s does not know it. Today, the hardcopy of the NYT feature 5 articles and 13 photos against Israel. Sympathy for Gazans only, none for Israelis,  multiple photos of Gazans captured by Israel—but no photos of Israelis being held hostage, systematically tortured, and murdered by Hamas; no photos of internally displaced Israelis; no “context” about the merely symbolic but inflammatory actions being taken by the ICC, the ICJ, the UN, by European countries, and by actor #George Clooney (!), actions which have no real consequences and which do not help a single Gazan, Arab, Jew, Israeli and which do not call for the immdiate return of Israeli hostages.

3:44 PM · Jun 7, 2024


The #NYT=#AlJazeera‘s outpost in America. Who can silence their #BigLies, their monstrously misleading headlines? Today, their front page lead story is titled “Israelis Attack Civilian Shelter and Kill Dozens.” NO. The #IDF conducted a surgically targeted strike on known #Hamas terrorists—and found them where they usually are, surrounded by Gazan #humanshields in an #UNRWA building. If not in a UN building, Hamas shelters in mosques, hospitals. This is all well known by now—but apparently, the NYT’s does not know it. Today, the hardcopy of the NYT feature 5 articles and 13 photos against Israel. Sympathy for Gazans only, none for Israelis,  multiple photos of Gazans captured by Israel—but no photos of Israelis being held hostage, systematically tortured, and murdered by Hamas; no photos of internally displaced Israelis; no “context” about the merely symbolic but inflammatory actions being taken by the ICC, the ICJ, the UN, by European countries, and by actor #George Clooney (!), actions which have no real consequences and which do not help a single Gazan, Arab, Jew, Israeli and which do not call for the immdiate return of Israeli hostages.

3:44 PM · Jun 7, 2024


The #Pravda-Palestine #NYT should be sued for incitement to #genocide. Today 5/10, they feature 10 (TEN) articles which criticize #Israel and sympathize with “displaced #”Palestinians” and 15 (FIFTEEN) photos including a full page ad taken by #Reporters Without Borders which depicts a man kissing a burial shroud labelled Palestine. This is precisely the kind of full-on, daily #indoctrination that has led to #Biden‘s decision to halt essential weaponry to Israel, and to his considering granting asylum to #Gazans—the very people whom Egypt and Jordan refuse entry or even temporary safe shelter.  Israel allowed thousands of Gazans in to work—and they participated in #10/7 and in many other terrorist operations. It has also supported, perhaps led to, the hundreds of campus Jew hating festivals and to the street demonstrations which blocked bridges, tunnels, traffic, and normal civilian life. Anti-Jewish chants at soccer games the recent booing of Israel’s contender in the #Eurovision contest.

10:10 AM · May 10, 2024


#Perversion of Reality #Terrorism and #resistance are being defined strangely. A #Saudi woman was sentenced to jail for eleven years as a “terrorist” for arguing that a woman should be able to leave her home without a male minder. To Islamists on American campuses “resistance” =#raping, torturing, and murdering Israeli women and men. #Liberation and freedom=#Big Brother tyranny.  When language is used to distort and reverse reality, we are lost. And, so we are.

Last edited4:33 PM · May 2, 2024



NYT pile-on against #Israel continues. 4/30/24 there are 9 first section articles (3 on the frontpage) plus 6 letters about Israel; only 1 article about war raging in #Ukraine; 1 article about the impending #genocide in #Darfur by the Rapid Support Forces formerly aka the ethnic Arab #Janjaweed who gang-raped and slaughtered mainy black African Christians. The Times does not identify them as Muslims.

2:48 PM · Apr 30, 2024


The #antiIsrael pile-on is demonic–world bodies, funded campus agitators, the mass media–just today (4/27), the #NYT hardcopy has ten anti-Israel #pro-Palestine articles (2 on the frontpage) and 19–NINETEEN–photographs of grieving or hospitalized or displaced Palestinians which together amount to six full pages of massive sympathy for only Palestinians. (FU-K the Ukrainians) who rate only one or two small articles). Only one of the 19 photos, a very small one, shows placards with #Israeli #hostage faces at a demonstration in Tel Aviv. Missing entirely: Israelis dead, hospitalized, maimed, displaced, hospitalized, traumatized–no where to be found not in this issue and only rarely in any other issue. Rarely mentioned: #Hamas‘s refusal to allow the #Red Cross to visit the Israeli hostages even as the world demands that they be allowed to visit Hamas’s captured terrorists; the #food Israel has been getting into #Gaza; the extraordinarily low rate of Gazan civilian casualties in an #asymmetrical war in which Hamas uses civilians as human shields. If this kind of coverage only happened once a week–dayenu. But this happens at least five or six times a week, every week, in just the NYT ever since Hamas attacked Israel on #10/7. Imagine the indoctrination.

Last edited3:42 PM · Apr 27, 2024


For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent and for Jerusalem’s sake, I will not rest, until her vindication goes forth as brightness, and her salvation as a burning torch. Isaiah 62

April 5, 2024


One Response

  1. The NYT, like other publications, has reporter employees in the ME war and peace zones. Those reporters are subject to kidnaping, torture, murder as hostages held by the neighborhood odiophiles. Thus, home office personnel are also held hostage, less dangerously, to ensure safety of their hazard-duty employees.
    The need is to read between the reported lines, the lines being the lies that bind.
    Read with the assumption that the enematic (full of crap) enemy believes you are a stupid idiot or at best an ignorant imbecile.
    Doubt Free Speech, accept. adopt True Speech and Courage.

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