Sharia and the VIII Amendment

The VIII Amendment of the U.S. Constitution reads as follows:
“Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.”
Let’s see how punishments are meted out under the barbaric Sharia legal system. Please bear with me, the list is way, way too long.
Sawing off human heads for apostasy and blasphemy.
Crucifixition for insulting Islam
Stoning for adultery often on trumped up charges.
Amputations of a hand for a first offense hand and foot on opposite side of the body for a second offense.
Cutting off the nose and ears of women deemed truculent by some crazy Imam.
Burning the faces of women with caustic acid.
Cutting off the fingers of women who dare use nail polish.
Throwing homosexuals off high buildings or burying them alive under crushing stones.
Beating, whipping and lashing of wives.
Kidnapping of children by their Islamic fathers.
Slavery is still being practiced on a massive scale.
Amputation of the penises and testicles of male slaves.
Conquered women being forced into sexual slavery and concubinage.
Female circumcision of the clitoris and labia. In Egypt 75% of the women have undergone this barbaric ritual.
Shootings and bombings of unbelievers.
Honor killings of mothers and daughters by male relatives.
Hangings by slow strangulation.
Shooting offenders of Islam in the back of the head.
Cutting out the tongues of blasphemers.
Pedophilia. The prophet Mohammed married and had sex with a nine year old girl, Aisha. In America he would be a convicted sex offender doing serious time at the local prison. 
Have I missed any punishment dictated by Sharia Law ? When you have a sadistic, brutal crazed founder of a major religion what else can you expect ?
Many Muslims in America are here to escape Sharia Law. It is too terrible for them. But we have a hardcore of radical extremists Muslims who get a real kick out of slowly torturing someone to death or throwing acid into a helpless woman’s face. Pleas for mercy drive these venomous ophidians into a frenzy of shouting “Allahu Akbar”. The Islamic radicals are the real blasphemers who believe God is just as sadistic as they are!
Imam Feisal Rauf of Ground Zero fame has stated (ad nauseum) that Sharia is compatible with the U. S Constitution. Sharia totally tramples our God given rights into the slime and mire of radical Islam. If any of you Jihadis are reading this blog please forward a copy to that great “bridge builder” Feisal Rauf.


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