Sharia Law And The 2nd Amendment

Umar was the second Caliph after the prophet Mohammed. He reigned from 634 till 644 A.D. Strangely enough, like most Caliphs he died violently at the hands of fellow Muslims, who stabbed him. Abu Bakr preceded him, but died in 634 A.D. Umar is most famous for his Pact of Umar that details how conquered Dhimmis (infidels like us) should behave. One feature of the Pact of Umar is that Dhimmis are not allowed to possess or carry any kinds of weapons. See the following reference:

One of the reasons infidels could not possess weapons is because they would not be able to revolt against their Muslim masters. Thus, they lacked the means to overthrow Islamic tyranny and barbarism.

In stark contrast is the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. The 2nd Amendment (The first 10 amendments are collectively known as the Bill of Rights) reads: “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

In America today we have a strange alliance between Muslims and the left-wing of the Democratic Party. They are in total agreement about the disarming of the American public. In the face of a world-wide Islamic insurgency we need our firearms as never before to protect our families and friends against Muslim terrorism. President Obama has conveniently forgotten that the first duty of any nation is to protect its citizenry, and not to arm our enemies as quickly as possible. We have no protection against enemies both foreign and domestic. No one (certainly not President O or the myriad of liberal Democratic quislings) has our back. We are all alone as never before in the history of this once great Republic.

In the words of the late, great Charlton Heston, “The Second Amendment guarantees the other nine amendments that together form the Bill of Rights” The 2nd Amendment is ultimately not about hunting or target practice it is about protection from a government that becomes tyrannical. Our Founding Fathers believed that human rights come to us directly from our Creator, God Himself. Governments DO NOT give us our rights. It is the chief function of all legitimate governments to protect those God-given rights from human infringement. Our Founders believed in a limited form of government that should not over step its legitimate authority. We are dangerously close to tyranny in this country now.

President O will try to bypass the Constitution by the fiat of executive orders. In fact, the Great One, the Magnificent O, our lord and savior President Obama regards the U.S. Constitution as one big hindrance to his messianic agenda. Thus, the very people who have sworn to protect the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic are the very first to betray that sacred oath. We are in the initial stage of the dismantling of Constitutional rule. If Obama can abolish the 2nd Amendment, are we so naive as to believe the 1st Amendment which guarantees free speech, free press, and freedom of worship will survive much longer? Obama is paving the way for destruction of the Constitution and the accession of Sharia law. And then we will really have a need for our guns. But by then it will be too late. Our weapons will have been confiscated and we will be at the mercy of merciless Muslims. God forbid that should ever come to pass.

If it does we will encounter the stark, but terrible truth, that it is better to die on our feet, than live on our knees.


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