Should We Bring Back Waterboarding?

Given the nature of the enemy it’s hard to argue against this. All the CIA Directors before Brennan agree waterboarding worked.

Donald Trump told CBS’ John Dickerson Sunday that America needs to “expand the law” on military engagements “so that we can better compete” with unrestricted enemies, like ISIS and other terror groups.

“We have these enemies that don’t have any restrictions, alright. We have these massive restrictions,” Trump explained. “Now I will always abide by the law, but I would like to have the law expanded.”

“I happen to think that when you’re fighting an enemy who’s chopping off people’s heads, you use something that’s stronger than what we have right now,” the real estate mogul added. “I would certainly like [waterboarding] at a minimum — at a minimum — to allow that.”

Trump further explained that the U.S. currently doesn’t use waterboarding because “we’re weak.”

There is no question the enemy sees us as weak. They have no problem using civilians as cover.