Signs Pointing to ISIS Involvement in the Las Vegas Massacre

1)      Sheriff Lombardo’s use of the word “radicalized” on Tuesday.

2)      Paddock carried two cell phones – one perhaps to communicate with his ISIS handler.

3)      ISIS claimed Paddock conducted “careful monitoring of the Crusader gatherings” which it has now come to light that he did, and not only in Las Vegas, but also Chicago and Boston.

4)      Sheriff Lombardo claims Paddock must have had accomplices – possibly a network of accomplices.

5)      Explosives in his car indicate there was another part to the plot which was not carried out – an ISIS hallmark is to have two or more stages to an attack.

6)      Cameras in the room to film Paddock firing on the crowd – possibly transmitted to his ISIS handler.  ISIS loves to film its atrocities. This hasn’t been focused on enough, in my opinion.

7)      FBI has expanded investigation “globally” which means they may be looking at a global network.

8)      ISIS can’t afford to take credit and then be proven wrong. Their credibility is important to them.

Of course all of this may have other explanations.


Former Massachusetts Trump campaign official James Brower posted a series of tweets last night claiming he was leaked information about Paddock being inspired by ISIS to carry out the mass shooting.

“There is a video, this video will prove the motive. He had a secret digital profile that was uncovered over the last 24 hrs,” claims Brower. The rest is here.


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