Springvale, Melbourne, Australia: Noor Islam, Muslim "Refugee" Sets Fire to Bank on Friday, Injures Dozens

And already we are hearing hints that he was “mentally ill”, or upset about the banks being mean to him, or something, and are being reminded in various articles about how awful those nasty Buddhists are to the poor, poor Muslim “Rohingyas” in  Burma where this man said he was from, and much is being made of the stress inflicted on him by his Australian Infidel hosts who just haven’t been nice enough to him, presumably; though the fact remains that many, many severely traumatised (but non-Muslim) refugees came to Australia after WWII, and after the Vietnam War, and – despite receiving nowhere near the same level of public and private assistance and advocacy as Mr Islam and his ilk receive and indeed imperiously expect and demand – not one of them ever did anything like this.  

So, let us begin with the initial report from the ABC, which names no names; but something about the shape of the attack set my thumbs a-pricking, and I made a copy, set it aside, and awaited developments.  Let’s just say I wasn’t the least bit surprised to discover, a few days later, in other reports as they appeared, that the perpetrator was a Muslim and a claimed ‘refugee’.


“Bank Fire: Dozens Injured, Two Critical, After Man Allegedly Sets Fire to Springvale CBA”.

CBA = “Commonwealth Bank of Australia”, one of our major national banks. As for that ‘allegedly’, there is CCTV footage and a mass of first-hand witness accounts that make it plain that he did it and he did it a-purpose.  This was no unfortunate accident; nor was it simply a ‘self-immolation-as-protest’, given where and how he did his fire-setting, namely, in a location where it was guaranteed that a sudden hot fire would injure and very likely kill a lot of people, by trapping them in a burning building. –  CM

‘Witnesses rushed to the aid of dozens of people after a 21 year old man (a 21 year old Muslim man – CM) allegedly set fire to a Commonwealth Bank in Melbourne’s south-east on Friday, leaving two people in a critical condition.

On Friday.  Friday, the Muslim ‘holy’ day, the day so often selected as a ‘day of rage’, a day of jihad. – CM

‘Witness Ashley Atkin-Fone said he ran in to help after hearing a big explosion and seeing black smoke pouring out of the bank.

“This kid comes running out all burnt, screaming his head off… blood everywhere… I was shocked for a couple of the minutes”, he said.

“I sprint across the road, go into Optus and get the fire extinguisher, I go inside, get the fire out with this other kid, and yeah, we just put the fire out”.

“Yeah, we just put the fire out”.  Kudos to quick-thinking Infidel citizen first responders. Without them, there would probably be people dead, instead of in hospital recovering. – CM

“This worker come out the front out of nowhere, it’s packed with smoke, so I said, get him, go around the back see if you can get the fire exit open and get staff out the back.

“I got the fire out. I took four steps inside, I was shouting and shouting but I couldn’t hear anyone, the alarms were going off, no-one was hearing me, and then all of a sudden a few minutes later the police come, and the fire engines and everyone else.”.

‘Victoria Police Inspector Jacqui Poida said they responded to reports a man had set fire to the bank on Springvale Rd, Springvale, about 11.30 am on Friday.

Where had he been from 6 am to, say, about 11?   I wonder whether a mosque featured somewhere in there; or perhaps on the evening of the previous day. – CM

“He had with him some sort of accelerant, he walked into the bank and he lighted that accelerant, which caused some sort of fire within the bank, he set himself alight with that fire (not necessarily, I think, intentionally, though this is being ‘spun’ as some kind of tragic self-immolation; me, I suspect he may have got set on fire by ‘blowback’ he wasn’t necessarily expecting – CM), and there was a number of other people within the bank at that time that received injuries as well”, she said.

“He left the bank, police attended shortly after, and assisted him, followed by ambulance who also attended to him at the rear of the bank”.

‘The Springvale man has since been taken to hospital in a serious condition, and is under police guard.

Ambulance Victoria said they had treated 27 people, including six who suffered serious burns and were taken to the Alfred Hospital.

“We had to escalate to the highest level of our emergency response plan, it was signifcant”, Ambulance Victoria’s Andy Roughton said.

‘This evening, the Alfred said one patient remained in a critical condition, and another was in a critical but stable condition.  Three more are stable, and the sixth is serious, but stable.

The lives of the five most badly-hurt infidel victims of this Mohammedan fire-setter have just been made much more difficult and painful.  Severe burns are permanently disfiguring and disabling and require months of treatment. – CM

‘Monash Medical Centre received 13 patients, including three children. All were in a satisfactory condition.

‘Dandenong Hospital treated 11 patients, with two requiring admission.  Others were under observation in the emergency department.

‘Mr Atkin-Fone said he saw a man put what he believed to be a bomb at the front entrance.

Note well: the entrance. This would block people from escaping. – CM

“The blast went off at the front entrance, where the two ATMs are, he’s put the bomb in there, it’s gone off and a few people have got caught out – this one poor kid, he was in a bad state”, he said. “He came running across here, he was bloody and everything else, there were two women… they got hit as well, and there was one bloke who kept walking up and down, his face was black.”

‘He said he did not see what caused the explosion.  “All I could see was all this black smoke. It was an absolute mess at the front of the shop, it was terrible, all the glass shattered, it wasn’t good..”.

‘The Country Fire Authority’s Paul Carrigg said a flammable liquid had been used to cause the fire, but they were not sure what it was. “We understand that there’s been an explosion in the bank where numerous persons have been burnt as a result,” he said.  “To be honest, firefighters haven’t observed the container of fuel, but then again, we haven’t gone in to search for it, it is a crime scene”.

‘Victoria Police said they could not confirm whether there was an explosion before the fire.  “The information I’ve got is there was a male person that attended the Commonwealth Bank”, Inspector Poida said.  “He had some sort of accelerant with him.  A container, not sure what he had. And somehow that accelerant was used inside the bank”.

‘Inspector Poida called on witnesses to contact Crime Stoppers.

Mr Carrigg praised people on the scene who came to the aid of the victims.

‘He said it was amazing and lucky that no-one lost their lives.

Yes, we are lucky that it ended up as attempted mass-murder, rather than actual mass-murder. – CM

“It ws a combined effort, I think by civilians, witnesses who were in attendance, and the emergency services response [was] fantastic”, he said.  “They were fantastic from my view, provided water for the victims.”

‘Hundreds of people gathered along the street as cries could be heard and smoke filtered out of the building.

‘Springvale Rd, a busy shopping strip 25 kilometres from the CBD, has been closed and is now [that is, that Friday – CM] lined with emergency service personnel….

‘Onlooker Eric Fleuiot said he was still in shock after witnessing the incident.  “As I come from the train station, I heard a fire truck, then I saw two police cars turning up, barricades went up… it happened so quick”, he said.

‘One guy had both hands burnt and was screaming and the paramedics and fire brigade were there.  I just can’t believe that this has happened in Springvale”.

Well, now it has.  Because a Muslim male ‘asylum seeker’ of military age was foolishly permitted to enter and reside in Australia. – CM

‘The Commonwealth Bank closed the branch while they responded to the situation..”.

That was the initial report.  Later on came the others. Here is what appeared in ‘The Australian’ this Sunday.


‘Police are yet to interview an asylum seeker suspected of setting himself alight and causing an explosion at a Melbourne bank, injuring 26 people including several children.

Given where and when he ‘set himself alight’, he must be viewed as little different from, for example, the Muslim human bombs who set themselves off aboard crowded buses and trains in London in 2005, or in multiple locations in Israel during the ‘suicide-bomber intifada’ not so very long ago.  – CM

‘The man and another person are in a critical condition in hospital, while four others are being treated for burns, after the blaze at Commonweatlh Bank branch in Springvale.

‘The 21 year old man was under police guard in Melbourne’s The Alfred hospital, believed to be in a critical condition, after being found cowering, wounded and badly burnt, in an alley behind the bank.

The man, who is understood to have arrived by boat at Christmas Island in 2013, and had been living in the community on a bridging visa, allegedly set himself alight inside the Springvale branch of the Commonwealth Bank in the city’s southeast shortly before midday, sparking an explosion and fire that swept through the building.

Well: patch him up, charge him, try him, convict him, sentence him, clap him in jail with  no special accommodations whatsoever, then, after some years, kick his backside back to some part of the dar al Islam, where he belong; preferably Bangladesh. – CM

‘Witnesses described seeing the injured run screaming from the bank with horrific burns.  Video of the aftermath shows flames leaping from the carpet.

‘Customers battled black smoke to escape, with a tradesman among bystanders who rushed to the scene with fire extinguishers, and doused the distressed victims with water.

‘The 26 victims included a toddler and an elderly man, understood to be in his 80s.

“I’m shaking right now, I’m shaking”, said Tran Phan, a local trader who was captured on film in the immediate aftermath of the incident.

“This guy just came into the bank and poured petrol and started lighting up.  I’m so lucky I got out.”

‘Witnesses claimed the man appeared distressed.

Oh, poor little persecuted petal who so very nearly managed to horribly murder two dozen people. – CM

“Apparently he was crying abut how he got moved from house to house and they wouldn’t give him money”, said Ashley Atkin-Fone, a civil engineer who was working nearby.

There are lots of other people in Australia who are homeless and short on cash and are probably even worse off than this bloke was.  None of them has walked into a crowded bank lobby and set a fire with the clear intent of trapping a lot of people in a burning building. – CM

‘Together with a colleague, Mr Atkin-Fone rushed to assist after hearing “a big, massive explosion” and screaming. “My mate went round the back and the offender was there, he was a mess, he had his skin ripped off”, he said. “There was no way he was going to get away.  He was in shock.”

I don’t have a whole lot of pity for someone who tried to murder more than two dozen people. – CM

‘A total of 26 people were taken to hospital with burns or smoke inhalation, with six transferred to the Alfred hospital in a critical condition.  One today remains in a critical condition, one is critical but stable, one is serious but stable, and three patients are listed as stable.

‘The shocking attack, occurring near a primary school and one of Melbourne’s busiest suburban train stations, came after the alleged offender was seen buying fuel from a nearby petrol station.  CCTV footage has captured the accused… walking along Springvale Road moments before he arrived at the branch, distressed (or supposedly distressed – CM) about his housing and financial circumstances.

‘Police do not believe the man’s actions were terror-related, although there might have been political elements at play.

And yet… so many, many ‘troubled’ Muslims, from so many different places, have been carrying out attacks of one kind or another, in Western countries, this year.  If it’s mental ilness it’s a very strange sort of epidemic. – CM

‘However, the Weekend Australilan understands that the accused, who had made an asylum claim and came from Myanmar (or said that he came from Myanmar... CM), was not facing deportation.

What a pity that he was not sent right back to Myanmar the instant he turned up at Christmas Island. Then he could not have set an Aussie bank and its customers on fire. – CM 

‘He was eligible to apply for a Temporary Protection Visa, but he had not done so.

‘Sources claim he had been well-behaved in detention, and there was no history of mental illness.

Hm.  This really is looking more and more like Sudden Jihad Syndrome. – CM

‘After the incident (don’t you just love that bland word “incident”? – it certainly wasn’t an accident, he went to a petrol station and he bought a large container of highly-flammable substance, and he walked straight to the bank with it and set it on fire within or near the entrance… blocking people’s escape. – CM) the man was found cowering inside boxes in an alley at the rear of the building, suffering from burn injuries.  Most of his clothes appeared to have been burnt or blown from his body….

‘Acting Inspector Jackie Poidas said arson police were continuing to investigate the incident and it appeared the alleged offender had used accelerant to start the fire.

“He walked into the bank and he lit that accelerant which caused some sort of fire within the bank”, she said.  “He set himself alight with that fire, and there was a number of other people in the bank at that time that received some injuries as well.  He left the bank, police attended shortly after and assisted him.”

‘Paul Carrigg, of the Country Fire Authority, said there was evidence of an explosion, and significant damage had resulted.  He said that the blaze appeared to have ignited just inside the front of the building.

‘While police continue to investigate the motive behind the attack, it is the latest case of an asylum seeker setting themselves alight, or self-immolating.

However, if I recall correctly, any such cases did not involve deliberate fire-setting in the entrance of a building such as to block the exit of persons from that building and trap them inside with the fire. – CM

‘A staff member at the payday loan operator across the road, who did not wish to be identified, described the aftermath as “horrifying”.

“One man was crying, screaming, “Why me? Why me?” she said.  “He had skin just falling off his arm. It was awful.”

And then, finally, the all-too-revealing name of the attacker was discovered, and made known.  And we got this piece from the ‘Age’, encouraging us to pity him and feel all sorry for him and for those poor, poor, poor persecuted Rohingya who are right up there in the victim stakes along with the Poooor “Palestinians”, with everyone weeping and wringing hands on their behalf, even as the Christians of Iraq and Syria and the Christians and Hindus of Pakistan, subjected to continual and often murderous persecution… by Muslims, are, for the most part, calmly ignored.

Here’s Goya Dmytryshchak, Neelima Choahan, and Broaede Carmody of the ‘Age”.


‘Springvale Commonwealth Bank Fire: Inside the Life of Alleged Bank Attacker”.

‘A sheetless, unmade bed. A small chest of drawers.  This is where the man accused of injuring (sic: of attempting to murder, but fortunately only succeeding in injuring – CM) 26 people, including children, in the Springvale Commonwealth Bank fire, slept in the corner of a share house lounge room.

Oh, cue the tiny violins.  He had an actual bed and a roof over his head.  Many Aussies – including women with children, elderly people, and homeless youth, sleep outside, under bridges, on benches, in a tent in a corner of a park, and such.  With no bed and no roof at all.  And none of them has ever carted a large container of petrol into a crowded waiting area of a business, poured petrol lavishly everywhere (especially round the doors, the main known exit) and then… set fire to the place. – CM

‘As investigations continue into the horrific events on Friday (let’s just bear that little fact grimly in mind; a Friday, the Muslim holy day and preferred day for exhibitions of rage, riots, rampages, and jihad attacks on Infidels – CM) a disturbing picture has begun to emerge of the man allegedly behind the arson attack.

‘The 21 year old, known to his friends as Nur Islam (that is: “Light of Islam”; and some ‘light’ it turned out to be... – CM), is a Rohingya asylum seeker (or, claimed to be a “Rohingya” ‘asylum seeker’ – CM) from Myanmar , who has been in Australia since 2013.

He said he was a ‘Rohingya’ (the name attached to ethnically-Bengali Muslims who form a large and aggressive presence in part of majority-Buddhist Myanmar), but.. was he?  Given the Mohammedan propensity for outright falsehood and sheer madhattery, nonsense-and-lies, especially when attempting to gain advantage, it’s anybody’s guess who he really is or where he is really from.  Any sort of attempted cross-checking by Aussie infidel authorities that involved mohammedan sources will have run up against the same difficulty: the fact that Muslims very often lie to Infidels. –  CM

‘Friends and community leaders (all of whom appear to be Muslims, judging from the names given; and in that case, one must take everything they say from now on, with a heaping tablespoon of salt – CM), said he had “struggled mentally” in recent months.  Flatmates said he had become increasingly agitated at his inability to access Centrelink payments that he believed were owed to him.

Let’s just see what the Centrelink records say, shall we (so long as they are records created by whichever non-Muslim employees had the displeasure of dealing with him; I would advise investigators to be very wary of any records created by Muslim Centrelink employees, and also any medical diagnoses presented by doctors with recognisably-Muslim names);  I would be prepared to bet that what was at play here was the overblown Muslim sense of entitlement, such as has also been manifest, over and over, by the Muslim male ‘refugees’ in Europe of late, expecting and arrogantly demanding red-carpet treatment and then complaining, throwing tantrums, and become viciously aggressive if every imperious demand is not met instantly by the filthy kuffars. –  CM

‘One member of the Rohingya community, Abdul Hamid, said Nur appeared quiet when he recently saw him.

Oh, suuuure. And pray why should I believe you, Mr Hamid? Why should I believe anything you say to an infidel reporter, in order to deflect attention from the Cult of Blood and War, to which you and Mr Noor Islam both belong?  They’re all ‘quiet’, and so nice.. until they’re not. Until they Go Jihad.  And things explode and get set on fire. – CM

“He wasn’t talking too much, because of his mental problems”, he said.

Had he ever seen a – infidel – doctor, or a psychiatrist?  Presumably the Immigration department, when he first arrived, ran a health check on him, and assessed his mental state, etc.  There must be a report somewhere, for purposes of cross-checking this claim, which looks so much like the other claims of ‘mental problems’ that are being trotted out after every one of these ever-multiplying Muslim attacks on Infidels within the West. – CM

‘Mr Hamid was at home, when he heard of the attack. “We feel very bad, everyone was very concerned,” he said, “About the bank the injuries and the people”.

Oh suuuuure you’re concerned about the sufferings of the dirty infidels.  I’m afraid I’m more than inclined to suspect that this is just a matter of telling the earnest infidel reporter what you know they want to hear.  You’re covering your backsides. – CM

‘Mr Islam entered the bank branch on Springvale Road on Friday afternoon, allegedly starting a wild blaze that caused himself and 26 others to be rushed to hospitals across the city…

‘Mr Islam had been living in a Springvale share house on a bridging visa (which visa should, as rapidly as possible, be annulled; this creature will be doing time in an Aussie prison, but after that, he should be deported – CM), and is believed to have spent time on Christmas Island and then at a detention centre in Weipa, after attempting to travel to Australia by boat as an unaccompanied minor.

Rather, “claiming to be an unaccompanied minor”.  That was in 2013.  He is now said to be 21; 3 years ago he would have been 18.  That would mean that on his first appearance on our doorstep he claimed – as so many of these young Muslim males of military age, flooding into assorted Western countries are doing – to be 17 years old. More like 17-going-on-30, in most cases…- CM

‘Housemates at the rundown white weatherboard house told The Age that he had moved in about two months ago.

‘Joseph Joseph, who lives in the house, had first met Nur three years ago, in detention.

Is it ‘Joseph Joseph’ or Yusuf Yusuf? – CM

“We stayed together in the camp one month” Mr Joseph said. “After that, he is released, I stay in the camp.  After release I came to here [Springvale].  I meet him a couple of times and he stay in another house.  Then two months ago he have no place to stay, and so he talk to me, Oh help me, I have no place to go.  Because we are all Burmese people, we are helping him.”

Is Mr ‘Joseph Joseph’ another so-called ‘Rohingya’?  Or a soft-hearted Karen infidel, whether Christian or Buddhist? – CM

‘But Mr Joseph became concerned when he saw how Mr Islam was acting. “He [would] talk to himself, and then at midnight he [began] walking in here [the backyard”, Mr Joseph said.  “Then he saw some other things, like spirits or ghosts.  He’s saying that he’s seeing that”.

Why do I get the impression that a yarn is being spun? And the reporters are gobbling it up. – CM

‘Mr Joseph said Nur was extremely concerend about money problems related to his sister, who had become sick back in Myanmar.  “He was disappointed about that, because he have no money to send to Burma”, Mr Joseph said.  “In Burma, if you go to hospital you have nothing, it’s hard to survive”.

‘As his financial situation worsened, Mr Islam became increasingly agitated about his inability to access Centrelink payments, Mr Joseph said.  “He said, “Why the government give money to me and the bank not give me”, Mr Joseph told the ‘Age’.

What do the bank and Centrelink have to say on the subject?  I get the feeling we’re being fed a sob story. – CM

‘Community leaders said Mr Islam was in Austraian alone and had been struggling both financially and mentally.

‘It is believed he discovered his welfare payments had been cut off and argued with bank staff before allegedly starting the blaze.

‘Australian Burmese Rohingya Organisation president Habib Habib said Mr Islam had shared concerns about his immigration status and the safety of his family back home.

So he walked into a confined space full of vulnerable familes and elderly people and set them all on fire, and you’re trying to get me to pity him?  Mr Habib, I dont have any pity for someone who does that. – CM

“He was struggling mentally for the past year or two because his visa has not been processing”, Mr Habib said.

The Infidels weren’t doing what he wanted when he wanted it, and as fast as he demanded. Tough bikkies. – CM

‘The Rohingya are a Muslim minority group living in Myanmar and are one of the most persecuted people in the world, according to the United Nations.

At least that’s the story we’re all being fed.  Whenever and wherever they are in minorityn in non-Muslim lands, Muslims vociferously and incessantly claim to be persecuted, oh so persecuted, more persecuted than anyone else, evah. But wherever and whenever they are in the majority, they are the cruellest, most murderous and enthusiastic persecutors of non-Muslim indigenous minorities.  See Egypt. See Iraq. See the lot of the Yazidis and the Syrian Christians, and of non-Muslims in Bangladesh and Pakistna, just for starters. – CM

‘Police said on SAturday they were yet to interview the man they believe to be responsible for the blaze, because he was badly burnt in the fire.

‘The news came as more details poured in from witnesses recounting the “scariest moment” of their lives.

They are lucky to be alive. – CM

‘Melbourne mother Phalla Neary Khmer was inside the bank with her three children when the 21 year old (or, the claimed 21 year old; he might well be significantly older – CM) allegedly entered, doused himself in petrol and set both himself and the bank (and a bunch of innocent Infidel bystanders – CM) alight.  Ms Khmer said two of her friends became trapped inside the bank, when its emergency door sealed them and several others inside.  ‘I really thought I was going to die”, she said.

‘Ms Khmer and others who were trapped inside the bank may owe their lives to emergency services as well as some brave onlookers, including a quick-thinking father of 12 who sprinted down a nearby arcade and charged into the bank’s rear entrance to  help rush people to safety.

‘It was there, in a rear laneway, that the father – a New Zealander by the name of Junior Dean – caught the man allegedly responsible for the fire.  Mr Dean grabbed the man’s phone (good thinking, that! – I wonder what the investigating cops will find on it? – CM) and kept him in a corner until police arrived.

‘He asked him why he had started the blaze. “He said, “The bank moved me from here to here and I got sick of it”, Mr Dean said. “Because the bank gave him the runaround”.

Actually, Mr Dean, it’s quite possible the Mohammedan was feeding you pure BS.  But in any case, plenty of other people get worse runarounds from banks and other institutions, and don’t go into them and set potentially mass-murderous fires. – CM

‘Police have commended Mr Dean for his bravery, but he denies he acted heroically. “I would hope that if that situation happens again – and I hope it doesn’t – that others would act in the same way’, he said.

You may hope it doesn’t ‘happen again’. But while there are half a million or so Muslims in Australia, and more being let in every day, then it is guaranteed that something like this – or something else, and perhaps much worse – will happen, sooner or later.  Got Muslims? Got Jihad. – CM

“There were babies in there. Elderly were in there.  Customers and staff.  These are people who have families to go home to…”.

And Mr Noor Islam, certainly full of a sense of entitlement – how dare the kuffar deny him anything and everything he wanted, nay, demanded! – marched into their midst and started a massive fire.  – CM



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