Stating the Obvious : "Israel, October 2015: This is War"

Mordechai Kedar with his trenchant op ed “It’s Jihad, Stupid” is not the only Jew in Israel who sees what is going on and is able to tell it like it is.

Here is another with clearer sight than most in Israel or for that matter the entire Infidel world – one Tuvia Brodie, also writing for “Israel National News”.  His piece requires slight clarification here and there to give it greater precision, but it’s still pretty good.

“Israel, October 2015: This is War”.

“There’s a rumour making the rounds in Israel today, October 8, 2015, in the Jerusalem area.

“The rumour says that there have been 108 Arab attacks (that is: Arab Muslim attacks – CM) against Jews in the last 24 hours.

‘I don’t know if that number is correct.  But from what I can see, it certainly sounds right.

We are at war.

‘The enemy is Jew-hating Muslim Arabs.

Or, more precisely still: Muslims. Because Shiite Islamic Iran, racing to get nukes and howling “Death to Israel!” over and over, is not Arab, it is Persian (plus various other lesser people-groups; the Persians are simply the dominant group) yet it too, being Muslim, is boiling and brimming over with thoroughly-orthodox Islamic Jew-hatred. – CM

‘We know that’s our enemy, because we see their pictures.

Click on the link and read the story in situ: for ‘pictures’ he supplies a link to some particularly egregious examples. – CM

‘We see them in the news.

‘We see them on film.

‘We see them attacking Jews on CCTV clips published on news sites and blogs.

‘We see them stabbing, kicking, tripping and shoving Jews in unprovoked assaults on youtube videos uploaded from both Jewish and Arab (sic: ‘Arab Muslim”, or just “Muslim” – CM) cell phones.

And they aren’t just doing it to Jews in Israel, either.  The Muslims living in Europe and in Australia (as various recent surveys and studies have revealed) are full of Jew-hatred too, and in Europe they have been acting it out repeatedly and violently; as when Mohammed Merah, after attacking French soldiers, went on to attack a Jewish school in Toulouse, shooting an unarmed rabbi, the rabbi’s two little sons, and an eight-year-old Jewish girl named Miriam Monsonego.  The Muslim grabbed little Miriam by her pony-tail and shot her in the head, point-blank. And filmed the whole thing as he was doing it, with a go-pro or similar. – CM

‘Arab Muslims are on a bloody, murderous rampage. They’re throwing stones at Jews. 

Not just ‘stones’. They are throwing, as an Aussie would say, bloody big rocks. – CM

They’re attacking Jews. They’re shooting Jews.  They are out to kill Jews.

As they have been ever since Mohammed and his ‘companions’ attacked the peaceful Jewish date farmers of the Khaybar Oasis, people who offended merely by …not being Muslim. – CM

‘This blood-thirsty frenzy has nothing to do with establishing a new state of “Palestine” so that two nations can live side-by-side in peace and security (as the European Union proclaims).

“It has everything to do with killing Jews.

Jews, who are the most hated subset of the hated Infidels. – CM

“It doesn’t get any simpler than that. It’s hardly more complex than that.

Yes.  “Itbach al-Yahood” – “slaughter the Jews” – has been howled by the mobs of the dar al Islam for over a millennium. – CM

“I have a picture for you [linked in original].

“Perhaps you’ve seen it before. It’s a picture that shows you the happy face of the “Palestinian Cause”.

“You’ve been told repeatedly that the “Palestinian Cause” is about justice for the “Palestinian people”.  You’ve been told that it’s about helping the “Palestinian people” achieve their dream of self-determination – their own state.

“But those who promote this “Cause” don’t tell you that the creation of this new state requires the extermination of another state – Israel.

“Since the creation of modern Israel, that extermination has meant killing Jews.

“In fact, “Palestine” cannot exist without wiping Israel off the world map.

“Actions speak louder than words; and the actions of “Palestinians” have always been the same: “Palestine” can be born only through the blood of dead Jews.

“We know this about the “Palestinians” because of a picture: [linked in original].

“The woman in this picture is Hillevi Larssona.  At the time this picture was taken, between October-December 2014, she was a Swedish Parliament Member who was instrumental in convincing the Swedish Parliament, in October 2014, to recognize “Palestine” as a “state” (“Sweden Recognizes Palestine” as a State”, Arutz Sheva, October 4, 2014).  ‘Palestinian’ officials (that is: ‘Palestinian Arab Muslim officials’ – CM) in Sweden were so pleased with her efforts that they honoured her with the plaque pictured above – along with a sample “Palestinian flag” (the picture comes from “Sweden Approves Borders of “Palestine”, with Israel Erased”, Times of Israel, December 3, 2014).

‘The map of “Palestine” she holds is actually the outline of the modern state of Israel.

‘Look at a map of Israel.  Compare the shape of Israel with the shape of this “Palestine”.  The two shapes are identical.

‘Even taking into account changes created by graphic creativity, this plaque is pretty much an exact outline of what Israel looks like on a map – only the outline in this plaque isn’t called Israel.  It’s called “Palestine”.

‘In case you don’t get the point, the new “Palestine” doesn’t sit side-by-side with Israel. It doesn’t sit next to Israel.  It replaces Israel.  Its very existence requires the disappearance of Israel.

And one must bear in mind that this zero-sum scenario mirrors in little the bigger picture: that from the POV of classical Islam the dar al Harb – the region where Muslims do not rule and where the sharia is not the sole system of law and government – is supposed to be warred against unendingly until the dar al Islam – where Muslims rule and the sharia is imposed in the entirety of its supposed perfection.  The campaign to erase Israel is a subset of the greater Muslim Jihad to erase the whole of the dar al Harb.  As Joseph Schacht put it decades ago in his “An Introduction to Islamic Law”: “The basis of the Islamic attitude towards unbelievers is the law of war. They must be either converted, or subjugated, or killed”.  Muslims are taught to feel affronted – both threatened and enraged – by the mere existence of any as-yet-unsubdued Infidels anywhere on the face of planet earth. To be Infidel is to offer casus belli. – CM

‘That’s why Arabs (sic: Muslims CM) attack Jews.  They want that replacement to happen now.

This is war. It’s a war to rid Israel of Jews.  Its aim is to kill Jews, conquer Israel, take over the Temple Mount, and rename the land conquered as “Palestine”.

Which ‘Arab Islamic State of Palestine’ (which is what it would be, like all the other ‘X Islamic States of Y’, would be regarded by Muslims as a subset of the greater ‘dar al Islam’, the region of Submission, the de facto Empire of Islam. – CM

‘Jews in Israel know this.

Or, rather, some Jews in Israel know this. Not all. Yet. – CM

‘This is why the Mayor of Jerusalem, Nir Barkat, has declared that Jews who own a licensed gun should wear that gun whenever they go out (Paul Goldman and Lawahez Jabari, “Palestinian (sic – CM) Unrest: Carry Guns At All Times, Jerusalem Mayor Says”, NBC News, October 8, 2015). 

‘It’s why Israel’s Deputy Defence Minister, Eli Ben-Dahan, has called on all of Israel’s Jewish citizens to carry their licensed weapons on them (“Deputy Defence Minister Calls on Citizens to Carry Their Guns”, Jewish Press, October 8, 2015).

These two ‘calls to arms’ are very significant, because they are calling upon Jews in Israel to actively break with one of the main ‘rules for dhimmis’.  The Pact of Omar, template of all the discriminatory and oppressive restrictions placed upon non-Muslim persons living under the ‘protection’ of Muslims in a Muslim state, states clearly that Dhimmis are forbidden to possess or bear arms (and they are also forbidden to ever strike a Muslim, no matter what; not even in self-defence). – CM

“We are now told – not asked – to carry loaded guns for a simple reason: The Palestinian Authority (our so-called “peace partner”) celebrates the killing of Jews.

‘How do we know this?

‘We know it because the Palestinian Authority has announced that killing Jews brings joy – that the killing of Jews is a “heroic” act that brings expressions of joy to “Palestinians” (Tzvi Ben-Gedalyahu, “Official PA Daily Reports That Murders of Jews Brings Joy”, Jewish Press, October 8 2015; see also Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik, “Palestinians Joyous By Sharing Pictures of Dead Israelis”, Palestinian Media Watch, October 8, 2015.).

“This is war. 

“It’s a war of Jew-hate.  It has the same goal as the Jew-hate of Nazi Germany. It lusts to spill Jewish blood.”

And not only Jewish blood. For this is about hating, subjugating, terrorising and destroying the Infidel, the non-Muslim, everywhere…in faraway Australia – where the Cheng family are mourning a husband and father murdered by a Muslim ghazi raider who sallied forth from a mosque – just as much as in Israel.  Muslim Jew-hatred, the Muslim war to erase the Jewish state of Israel and steal for the second time what Muslim imperialists iinvaded, seized, and occupied – stole – in the 7th century AD, is – to repeat – a particularly intense and virulent subset of the sacralised Muslim hatred of and aggression toward all Infidels that is inculcated by the core Islamic texts. – CM