Sunday: Listen to Lisa Benson Show 3PM ET with Guests Kent Ekeroth Sweden Democrat MP and Barry Nussbaum Counterterrorism Commentator on Muslim Migrant Men Flooding Sweden and Europe

The Lisa Benson Show will air Sunday, February 7, 2016 at 3PM EST, 2PM CST, 1PM MST, Noon PST and 10PM in IsraelListen live to the Lisa Benson Radio Show for National Security on KKNT 960The Patriot or use SMARTPHONE iHEART App: 960 the Patriot.   Lisa Benson and New English Review Senior Editor Jerry Gordon will co-host this show. Gordon will also address whether  North Korea’s Satellite launch on Sunday was a game changer.  They will be assisted by Board of Advisors member, Richard Cutting.

Our guests are:                

Hon. Kent Ekeroth, Jewish  Politician of Sweden Democrat Party in the Riksdag, the national Parliament, member of  its  Committee on Justice and a deputy member of Committee on European Union Affairs . He will continue his discussion, begun on our January 31, 2016 program , on  Sweden’s asylees crisis stemming from mass Muslim immigration from the Syrian conflict and other hotspots in the Ummah that have flooded Sweden and other European countries. Sweden and neighboring Finland have announced deportation of more than 100,000 migrants and asylees arising from unaccompanied male rampages, sexual assaults and rapes and murders in reception centers. He will also address the Swedish government expulsion order for migrants and reaction of opposing parties in the Riksdag.  He will also cover the recent Palestine Media Watch briefing to Alliance and other party Swedish parliamentarians endeavored to stop Swedish funding of Palestinian Authority incitement to violence exemplified in the current wave of violence in Israel. Should time permit, he may address continuing Russian provocative actions penetrating Swedish’s airspace and waters that Swedish military officials might lead to a possible war in the next five years.

Barry Nussbaum is a noted southern California businessman and commentator on domestic and international policy issues, host of the weekly Barry Nussbaum Show. Mr. Nussbaum’s interest in both Israel and international affairs stems from his parents, holocaust survivors from Auschwitz.  Nussbaum’s business experience and expertise reaches industries of energy and technology, hospitality, health and nutrition, news and advertising, television production as well as the National Basketball Association.  Nussbaum is also an experienced news commentator on international affairs, having been featured on major television networks, on web-based and in print media. Nussbaum will be discussing the wave of European mass Muslim migration, the record of crime and sexual assaults and rapes, acquiescence of host multicultural countries  imposing de facto Sharia treatment of women,  ISIS Manual  for  terrorists infiltrating  the migration stream entering Europe and implications for unvetted Syrian and other Refugees entering the US. Watch his February 3, 2016 presentation before the California Republican Federation of Women/Southern Division.




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