Surprising Admissions By At Least One Western News Outlet About Those Non-Existent Israeli Dams


The crazed charges by the Arabs — that Israel was deliberately opening dams to flood Gaza — do not surprise. Those familiar with Arab and Muslim culture know that conspiracy-theorizing, blaming the Infidel, and above all blaming the Infidels, the once-despised Jews, of israel, is standard. And perfectly usual, too, is the uncritical reports in the Western press that repeat the most bizarre and easily-refuted charges.

What is unusual here is that the charge was simply too absurd, because there are no dams that could have been opened to “flood Gaza.” There will be more such charges, of course, and there have been so many in the past, that remain unrefuted. Remember the non-existent massacre at Jenin? How about the reports on the war in Gaza, that managed to overlook or ignore or minimize the steady barrage of thousands of Hamas rockets, before and during that war, rockets shot at cities and towns, and usually from within cities and towns, in the most heavily-populated areas so as to inhibit Israel from dealing with the problem at its source. Remember — let’s go back — the invention, after the Six-Day War, of the “Palestinian people”? Remember the near-total ignoring of the terms of the Mandate for Palestine itself? Remember all that talk about “Zionist settlers seizing Arab land” when not a single dunam of such land was seized, when everything was paid for, and paid at exceedingly high rates (in 1941, the absentee Arab landowners, in Amman and Beirut, were charging desperate Jews amounts that were then higher than what was being paid for the best farmland — in Iowa — in the world). Oh, there’s a lot to undo, and a lot of un-learning that those who are now,, because of Islam and its obvious threat, possibly willing to unlearn, what they have been taught over the last several decades, a diet of poison and nonsense about the history of the Arab-Israeli “conflict” which is nothing more than a Jihad against an Infidel nation-state, that has no end and no solution, but can be managed, if Israel can be allowed to resist the pressures on it, and to behave, in its own defense, as any Western nation would behave.