Sydney, Australia: Jihad Plot Foiled, Two Muslims Arrested

As reported by our Aussie ABC today.

‘Terrorism Raid: Pair Charged Over Alleged Islamic State-linked Plot; Sydney Garage Searched.”

‘Two men (sic: Two Muslim men – CM) are accused of plotting a terrorist act after a machete, hunting knife and Islamic State flag were allegedly found during a police raid on a converted garage in western Sydney.

Certain suburbs in Western Sydney are the most heavily Islamified areas of Australia.  Got Muslims? – Got Jihad. – CM

‘Police said they believed Omar Al-Kutobi and Mohammad Kiad had been planning to carry out an imminent deadly attack.

‘The men, aged 24 and 25, were arrested during a raid on the converted garage in the back yard of a house in Fairfield on Tuesday.

‘They have been charged with undertaking acts in preparation or planning for a terrorist act.

‘The men chose not to appear in Fairfield Local Court today.

‘They did not apply for bail and it was formally refused.

I should think so! – CM

‘They were represented by legal aid lawyers who asked for the matter to be adjourned until Thursday.

Legal aid.  Where are these guys from?  If you click on the link it shows the ‘garage’. It seems to be in quite a nice area.  Definitely not a shed in a slum. – CM

‘The Commonwealth DPP Michael Allnutt agreed and said the matter should be heard in Sydney’s Central Local Court because they were facing “very, very serious allegations” and there were security issues.

‘The men will appear via audio visual link tomorrow to apply for bail.

‘Police mounted the raid after a tip-off, and NSW Deputy Police Commissioner Catherine Burn said counter-terrorism officers acted quickly.

Better safe than sorry. – CM

“The type of act that we will allege that was going to be undertaken is consistent with the messaging coming out of I.S.”, she said.

Which means, by the way, that it’s consistent with the instructions in the canonical texts of Islam – the Quran, Sira and Hadiths – and with the example set by Mohammed, his ‘companions’, and the first four ‘rightly guided’ Caliphs. – CM

“I would like to however reassure the community that we are of the view that htere is no further imminent attack relating to these two men.”

Yes, but we have 500 000 to 600 000 Mohammedans in Australia and the odds are pretty good that more than a few of them take Islam fully to heart. I’d say it’s a lot more than just two that are harbouring murderous contempt and hatred toward all of us filthy unbelievers. – CM

“When we did the search of the premises, a number of items were lcoated, including a machete, a hunting knife, a home-made flag representing the proscribed terrorist organisation I.S (spit it out! – come on, say it – “Islamic State”! – CM) and also a video which depicted a man talking about carrying out an attack”, Deputy Commissioner Burn said.

That is, presumably, a Muslim man talking about ritually murdering one or more Australian infidels, for the greater glory and eventual dominance of Islam, Islam, Islam. – CM

“We will allege that both of these men were preparing to do this act yesterday”.

‘She said the video allegedly seized in the raid was what made police believe the attack was imminent.

“One of the items that will be introduced into evidence is a video, and in that video we will allege that one of the men indicated that an attack was going to be carried out”, she said.  “We can’t go into the details of what was actually said in that message.  However the intent is clear, and the intent is what I have told you today.

“The concerning thing about this clearly is that this represents the nature of the environment that we currently face.”

My dear Deputy Commissioner, this is not like living in an earthquake zone or on the sides of a volcano, nor even like living on a floodplain or in Tornado alley.  This ‘environment’ we are now dealing with would not exist if we had not allowed a massive influx of Muslims from the 1970s onward.  We would not have to worry about Muslims running amok amongst us with machetes and hunting knives – or with guns and bombs, or for that matter, with vials of toxins or biological agents –  if we did not have half a million – and counting – Muslims currently entrenched in our midst.  The Ummah Fifth Column is in our midst, and it is the petri dish that produces the jihadis.  No Muslims inside the gates? – no Jihad from inside the gates. Got Muslims, got Jihad.  And we let them in ourselves. We didn’t have to do it. It was a choice; a really, really, really stupid choice that is now endangering the lives of every non-Muslim person in Australia, of all colours and of many different non-Muslim faiths or none. – CM

“This is indicative of the threat that we now have to live with”.

Who says we have to live with this threat?  Why does everyone speak as if nothing can be done to alter this situation? We got into it; we can get out of it, by reversing the stupid decisions that got us into it.

Why should we be expected to simply put up with this possibility of a crazed allahu-akbaring Mohammedan slitting the throats of our children, or running amok in newspaper offices, or blowing up a bus or a train or a plane or a sports stadium, or going into a school and murdering non-Muslim children (like Mohammed Merah did in Toulouse, France), or attacking our parliament, or running down someone with a car and then beheading them, as was done to Lee Rigby, by two converts to Islam, in a street in London?   Why do you speak, Deputy Commissioner, as if it’s all a done deal?   The Muslims are here, the Muslims keep coming, and we just…put up with it. Try to live with it?  Live with the prospect of being ritually murdered, as deer have to ‘live with’ wolves??  Spend enormous amounts of money trying to monitor the ever-increasing numbers of dangerous mohammedans sharpening machetes and hunting knives behind closed doors, and hope against hope that none of them slip by under the radar?

 “Get used to being prey animals”??

 I don’t see why on earth I or my kids or my grandkids should be told that we  ‘have to live with’ the constant – and, indeed, increasingly probable – prospect of being butchered by Mohammedans. Even one such ritual butchery is one too many, as far as I am concerned, because it is a totally avoidable risk.  I am prepared to risk getting killed in a car accident; but I just don’t see why I should be forced to put on top of the risks of everyday life the additional, yet wholly avoidable (but increasing, as the Muslim presence increases) risk of getting murdered – beheaded, shot, blown up – by some Mohammedan who thinks he’s winning brownie points with Allah by shedding my blood.  

Got Muslims? Got Jihad.  So…if we can have fewer Muslims, then we’ll have…less jihad.  I don’t want even one more Mohammedan permitted into Australia.  

I don’t want even one more Mohammedan granted citizenship or even permanent residency.  I’m all for cancelling the passports of those who travel to join Islamic State…or to jump into other jihad hotspots within the dar al Islam, such as Yemen or Somalia…but…after they’ve gone, not before; and once they’ve gone, that’s it, I don’t want them being allowed to return. Ever. And then we can start working out all the ways  – starting with low-hanging fruit, such as jihad-inciting and sharia-pushing imams, and the membership of bodies such as Hizb ut-Tahrir – of evicting from Australia all those Muslims who make it quite, quite plain that they hate and despise us and fully intend to overthrow and destroy our society and force us to submit to the hell-on-earth that is a sharia despotism. And if every Mohammedan currently in Australia were to pack up and choof off back to the Dar al Islam tomorrow, I wouldn’t shed a single tear; in fact, I’d be celebrating and heaving an enormous sigh of relief; and …think of the money we’d save!  Saddling ourselves with some 600 000 Mohammedans has made life in Australia far more unpleasant, expensive (the increased costs to security and law enforcement, and the drain on our welfare system), and downright dangerous  than it would ever have been, had we never let them in. – CM

‘Australian Federal Police Deputy Commissioner Michael Phelan said NSW and federal officers acted together as quickly as they could.

“We believe that the men were potentially going to harm somebody, maybe even kill somebody, and potentially using one of the items that we identified and recovered yesterday, potentially a knife,” he said.

‘Prime Minister Tony Abbott said the arrests were evidence the approach of authorities was working, and flagged a worsening of the terrorism threat.

Jihad, mate. It’s jihad. Muslims waging war on us, ‘striving’ to undo our society, terrorise us, force us to Submit.– CM

“Police acted because they assessed a terrorism threat was imminent” Mr Abbott said.

“This was an imminent attack in Australia inspired by the ISIL death cult” he said.

Not the “ISIL death cult”. The Muslim death cult. Islam. It was inspired by Islam. Because Islam is a death cult; Churchill called it “the religion of blood and war”. – CM

“This is a seirous issue and I suspect it will get worse before it gets better.

“As we’ve seen again and again, the death cult is reaching out all around the world, including here in Australia, and regrettably there are people in this country who are susceptible to these incitements to extremism and even terrorism”.

Yes, the death cult that is Islam is everywhere in the world that there are Muslims, and wherever there are Muslims, there will be those who heed the summons to Jihad. Got Muslims? Got Jihad.  And that means…people who think it pleases their god if – to name just a few things that have been done in the past 14 years – they grab little Jewish girls and shoot them dead, or run over a young soldier with a car and then cut off his head, or obliterate cheeky French cartoonists by mowing them down with AK-47s. Or blow up buses in London  and trains in Madrid; or drive cars over shoppers at a Christmas market in France. Or grab a knife and stab random Jewish commuters on a bus in Tel Aviv.  Jihad fi sabil allah.  Jihad, the unofficial Sixth Pillar of Islam.  Killing dirty Infidels with the aim of achieving, ultimately, Total World Domination for the Ummah or Mohammedan Mob. – CM

‘He added, “Regrettably, there are those out there, some living in our midst, who would do us harm”.

They are only able to do us harm because they were allowed to settle in our midst.  There was a time when the number of Muslims in Australia was so small as to be of negligible signifance.  Pull your finger out, Prime Minister, and start thinking about how to cut this menace down to size.  Who says that all these Muslims must remain here?  Who says they must be allowed to keep on coming in?  Why can’t we start thinking about ways and means of stopping any more of them from entering, and encouraging those already present, to leave?  Sure, the UN and the Islamintern will scream about human rights; but what of the human rights of the 21 million non-Muslim Australians who would all be a lot happier and safer if there were no Muslim Fifth Columnists settled in our midst, busy hatching plots to grab us off the streets and slit our throats to make Death Porn for other jihadi ghouls to gloat over? – CM 

‘NSW Premier Mike Baird thanked counter-terrorism police, describing the alleged plot as “beyond disturbing”. He also said people should remain vigilant.

“If you see anything suspicious, ring it in, because ultimately together we have the capacity to defeat this”, he said.

“While our forces continue to do a first-class job, all of us have a role to play in this, and I think that’s what I want to continue to see. Certainly something very catastrophic was avoided yesterday, and for that we should be very thankful.”

I wonder how many people these mohammedan mobsters were planning to butcher?  And where?  A school?  A kindy? A preschool?  Another cafe? A maternity hospital? A church? A synagogue? – CM

‘A neighbour of the two accused men said he had no suspicion they may have been doing anything wrong.

‘Roberto Macatangay lives in a caravan at the rear of the property in Fairfield in Sydney’s west where the raids were carried out, and said one of the men had lived in a converted garage there for years, while the other arrived more recently. He said he thought they were brothers.

‘Mr Macatangay said he never expected the police raid.

No, the naive neighbours usually don’t. – CM

“I’m really surprised that thing happened, you know, because they’re harmless.

It appears that the police thought otherwise. – CM

“I don’t see anything about what’s wrong with these people, you know”, he said. “I’ve been in trouble, but not this kind of trouble. I’m really scared of what happened, you know.”

Wait till the trial, mate. Wait till you hear what threats were on that video. Then start thinking about what those apparently nice, peaceful Muslim Boys Next Door were preparing for you or for other hapless Aussie infidels. – CM

‘The arrests were made by the Joint Counter Terrorism Taskforce, which has been investigating Australians (sic: “Australian-passport-holding Muslims” – CM) suspected of plotting terrorism attacks on home soil, or Australians (that is: ‘Australian-passport-holding Muslims – CM) with links to overseas terrorist.

Links to overseas Muslims engaged in waging violent jihad against non-Muslims and/ or against deemed-insufficiently-Islamic or wrong-sect Muslims. – CM

‘The taskforce has arrested about a dozen people, including 22 year old Omarjan Azari who has been accused of plotting a campaign of random beheadings of members of the public in Sydney and Brisbane.

‘Azari remains in jail.”

Kudos to our police and intelligence personnel.  But: the awful reality is that there may be other Muslims out there, all fired up to go kill them an Infidel to please allah, who are not even registering as a blip on anyone’s radar screen.  And that’s the rub.  Our forces have to foil every plot.  And the plots and plotters are multiplying, as the Mohammedan Mob grows ever more numerous, ever more emboldened.   To repeat: Got Muslims? Got Jihad. The only way to have less jihad is to find some way of having fewer Muslims. That means 1/ not letting in Muslims and 2/ finding some way to bring about the departure of those already present. – CM