Sydney, Australia: Muslim JIhad Plotter’s Mother Didn’t Report Him

What a surprise… not.  Al wala wa al bara – loyalty (to fellow Muslims only) and enmity (toward all non-Muslims qua non-Muslims) –  the guiding principle of Mohammedan gang behaviour.    Members of the Ummah, the allah gang or Mohammedan Mob, are not supposed to “rat” on one another to the dirty unbelievers.

A little more about the latest fortunately-foiled jihad plot hatched by members of the Ummah in Australia, as reported by Laura Banks of Sydney’s “Daily Telegraph” on 13th October.

“Terror Arrests: Teen Suspect’s Mother Didn’t Report Him Despite Him Allegedly Warning Her of Possible Attack

‘The mother of a teenage boy (that is: a teenage Muslim boy – CM) who was stopped by police moments before carrying out an alleged beheading plot did not report her radical (sic: “bent on Jihad” – CM) son to authorities, despite his boast to her that he would carry out a terror attack “bigger” than the murder of Parramatta police worker Curtis Cheng.

‘The mother, who is married to a convicted terrorist, was told by her 16 year old son, in the days after Farhad Jabar murdered Cheng, that he wanted to attack police and do “something to them that they have never seen before”, according to court documents.

‘The allegations were heardi n court as new images emerged of the teen chanting alongside radicals (nah, not “radicals”, just bog-standard Muslims who’ve decided it’s time to flip from faux-peaceful Mecca mode, to open aggression, Medina-style – CM) at the violetn 2012 Hyde Park protest.

Which was ginned up to rage about an Islamocritical low-budget indie movie that had been made in the United States.  A movie that despite its appalling production values said nothing about Mohammed and his gang that is not firmly believed to be factual by all devout Muslims.  The thing that made the Muslims mad was that the movie’s makers were critical of Mohammed’s words and actions, rather than representing them as laudable and exemplary.  The “protest” swiftly morphed into an open threat display and then into a riot… upon which the Sydney Metropolitan Police brought in a very large number of no-nonsense cops, reinforced by police dogs, and squashed it. – CM

‘A police source told The Daily Telegraph that, despite the son’s radical beliefs, his mother had not raised any concerns with authorities.

I’m not the least bit surprised by her silence. – CM

‘The Revesby boy was allegedly intercepted by police telling his mother in October last year: “When they come, I am going to do something to them that they have never seen before.  I am going to do something bigger.”

‘Police allege he was drawing a “direct comparison” between himself and 15 year old Jabar, who was killed by police in a shootout outside NSW Police Headquarters (since renamed The Curtis Cheng Centre) after Cheng’s murder.

‘Neighbours of the Revesby family told The Daily Telegraph that police had attended the address less than four months ago, after the mother was heard screaming after an argument with her son.

I would like to know whether the neighbours are Muslim or non-Muslim.  If Muslim, I wouldn’t trust a word they said. – CM

“You could hear the screaming all the way down the street”, a neighbour – who was too scared to give their name – said.

And why would they be scared to have their name published in the paper, as a person giving information about this jihad-active Muslim family squatting in the midst of Sydney suburbia?  Scared of being hunted down and attacked by members of the Mohammedan Mob, most likely.  CM

‘Pictures from the 2012 riots also show the teen chanting to the raucous crowd on a megaphone, with a radical (a Muslim sharia-pusher – CM), who is now serving a sentence in Supermax for a terror offence, standing just metres away.  The youth is also seen holding a sign calling for the decapitation (dear Daily Telegraph: why not just say “beheading”? – CM) of anyone insulting the prophet.

‘The boy’s mother was in Parramatta Children’s Court for her son’s brief hearing yesterday.

‘He and another 16 year old boy (that is: Muslim boy – CM), from Parramatta, have been charged with carrying out an act done in preparation for a terror attack, and membership of a terrorist organisation.  The first charge carries a life sentence.

A whole lifetime of “prison dawa”, unless and until such as he are kept from all contact with non-Muslim inmates. – CM

‘The pair was arrested after police swooped on them in a laneway near a Bankstown Islamic prayer hall about midday on Wednesday, just 45 minutes after they allegedly bought two M9 bayonets at a gun shop.

‘There were reports police believe the teens were preparing to make their final prayers.

But the usual suspects will, as usual, tell us that this sort of thing has nothingtodowithIslam. – CM

‘A man who lives at the hall told The Daily Telegraph that the pair were inside a toilet cubicle, with one showing the other how to use water for the purification ceremony before Islamic prayer.

‘Police will allege that the teens, East Hills High School students, had hand-written scripts pledging their allegiance to the Islamic State terror group, and had planned to read them while beheading innocent victims.

First the “prayers”, then off to perform a ritual murder... – CM

‘Court documents state that by purchasing the bayonets, allegedly in preparation for a terrorist attack, they had allegedly “intentionally” become members of the Islamic State terror group.

Which is a wholly-owned sub-franchise of the Ummah, or Mohammedan Mob, the Allah Gang, which has been terrorising and mass-murdering non-adherents for 14 centuries. – CM

‘Neither teen appeared in court and bail was not applied for.

‘Both youths were granted leave to apply for bail at any stage prior to their next court appearance on December 7.

If they apply, it should not be granted.  They are a menace to every infidel in their vicinity, not excluding their infidel teachers and any infidel classmates they may have at the East Hills High School. – CM

‘The second teen, whose family does not follow hard-line Islam (that is: whose family have not seemed to be very devout Muslims; but appearances can be deceiving – CM), recently returned from an overseas trip (a trip that would surely have to have been booked and paid for by his parents, given that he is only sixteen – CM), and was stopped by authorities as he tried to enter “a region that is controlled by an internationally-recognised terror group”, court documents stated.

Upon his return to Australia, he was allegedly found in possession of electronic Islamic State literature.

But a copy of the Quran is all that is necessary to inspire murderous attacks upon the infidels. – CM

‘Acting NSW Police Commisioner Cath Burn said with the latest case it was a culmination of factors that led police to make arrests.

“Even though it was very rapid from the time we needed to act, we had been undertaking activities prior”, she said, declining to elaborate.

“We have been concerned about them.  We have been undertaking what you would expect we would undertake with people that we have concerns about in the world of counter-terrorism”.

From where I sit it’s looking more and more as though it’s time to cut the Gordian knot, recognise the Muslim colonies inside western countries as an aggressive and hostile Fifth Column, and start thinking about a/ internment and b/ deportation.  Had these two young Muslim men beheaded someone, or tried to, it would not have been an act of common criminality but, rather, an act of war, exactly as if, during WWI or WWII, persons of German extraction had engaged in acts of espionage or sabotage, or had attacked ordinary Anglo-Aussie citizens. – CM

‘Ms Burn added it was up to parents to do “everything they can” to stop teens from becoming radical (don’t rely on it; the Muslim parents – and other Muslim kin – of these two jihad-intending young Muslim men did not breathe a word about it to the Infidel authorities – CM), and that the age of the boys was a genuine worry for anti-terror police.

“The age of these two individuals – at the age of 16 – is of unbelievable concern to us. We are seeing it time and time again“, Ms Burns said.

Ms Burns: you need to talk to the Israelis.   Within Israel Muslim youngsters much younger than 16 have engaged in acts of murderous jihad, or tried to.  And, Ms Burns: pay a visit to MEMRI, and watch videos in which you will see cute little preschoolers being taught to chirp “stab! Stab! Stab! the Jew”.  The programming starts as soon as Muslim kids can walk and talk.  I recall an article in which an American journalist, who spent some time as the unwilling guest of a bunch of jihadis inside Pakistan, recounting that he once sat in a room with the toddler son of one of his captors, who was watching TV… watching not Sesame Street or the equivalent, but rather… beheading videos. – CM

“It’s up to the parents to try to do everything they can to make sure those signs of radicalisation at an early stage are addressed”.

They won’t be.  Muslim parents won’t and can’t stop their kid Going Jihad.  Non-Muslim parents must do their level best to discourage their children from ever, ever, ever converting to Islam; but if a non-Muslim kid – sucked in by schoolyard dawa, or campus dawa – converts to Islam, then the non-Muslim parents of that kid should watch them like a hawk and, the moment they suspect anything, inform the police straightaway. – CM

She said the teen’s arrest marked the eleventh (the eleventh! – and this in only two years – CM) attack prevented in Australia, but warned the threat of a probable attack was real.

And then the Telegraph supplies an “Exclusive”, under the heading “Close Surveillance: Boys Didn’t Have a Chance”, written by Chris Hook and Mark Morri.

“The Daily Telegraph can reveal the pair were under real-time surveillance by federal authorities before entering the Bankstown Gun Shop on Canterbury Road, prompting them to call Bankstown Police.

‘The 16 year olds walked into the gun shop at 11.13 am on Wednesday morning and paid cash for the 30-cm-long military weapons, designed for close-quarter combat.

One hopes that infidel-owned Aussie gun shops are shamelessly profiling their customers, and keeping a record of any “Men of Middle Eastern Or Mediterranean Appearance” (or women, for that matter!) who buy weaponry of any kind, and reporting any such purchasers that, for any reason at all, particularly set off the “Doesn’t Feel Right” alarm button. – CM

‘They then took a bus from a stop just a few metres from the shop on Chapel Rd, taking the 6 to 10 minute journey to Bankstown Station, which is a three-minute walk from an Islamic prayer room in Adnum Lane.

Sounds like all such “prayer rooms”, “prayer halls”, and let’s just say, “mosques of any kind” should be under permanent 24 hour surveillance. – CM

‘Witnesses said the two teenagers raced into the prayer room shortly after 11.30 am (i.e arriving in time for midday “prayers” – CM) and attempted to squeeze into the prayer room’s toilet together.

“One of them said he was showing him (the other teenager) how to use the water (purification ceremony before Islamic prayer) but I said this was not allowed” a man who lives at the prayer room said.

‘He said he returned to his room and then a few minutes later he was being asked to leave by police.  The teenagers are understood to have been arrested at midday.

“(The police) were looking for knives.  They said, “Have you seen knives?” and I said I hadn’t, but then I saw near the backpack outside, there were two small boxes”, the man said.  “Their backpacks were full like they were going on holiday, they had a change of clothes and everything, they had everything in that backpack, underwear, they had everything”, he said.

How does he know that?  Was he watching as the police opened and searched the bags?  – CM

‘He said one of the boys looked Lebanese and the other caucasian.

Their ethnicity is irrelevant. – CM

The man said the other teenager had perhaps visited the prayer room once or twice, but was not a regular visitor.

Suuuuuure.  Muslims at mosques frequented by arrested jihadis or wannabe jihadis always deny or play down the association. – CM

That boy is harmless, I have seen him before.  He is passive“.

Oh, suuure.  Pull the other leg, mate, it’s got bells on. – CM

He said he did not know why the pair had come to the prayer room (oh, come off it, you know damn well – CM), but it is understood the teenagers were under surveillance and witnesses said they had been chased by police in the minutes before they burst into the prayer room.”

And then, to conclude their report, the Daily Telegraph supplied a handy list of those eleven attempted jihad attacks on Australian soil that have taken place since September 2014, listed under the code names of the police operations that took place to prevent them from happening.

December 2014-March 2016: Operation Appleby, Sydney – (prevention of) a plot against government workers.

September 2014 – Operation Bolton, Brisbane – (foiling of)  preparation for an onshore attack

February 2015 – Operation Castrum, Sydney – (foiling of) plans for a beheading attack.

April 2015 – Operation Rising, Melbourne – (foiling of) a plan to attack police and then the public at Anzac Day ceremonies

May 2015 – Operation Amberd, Melbourne – (foiling of) a plan to attack a Mother’s Day event in Melbourne

Jan-Feb 2016 – Operation Chillon, Sydney – (foiling of) a plot to attack Parramatta Westfield (Westfield being a large shopping centre – CM)

April 2016 – Operation Vianden, Sydney – (foiling of) a plot to get a firearm and bomb-making instructions for an attack on or before Anzac Day

May 2016 – Operation Sanandres, Sydney – man arrested scouting possible sites for an attack in Sydney with a firearm or I.E.D.

June 2016 – Operation Himeji, Sydney – (arrest of a) teenager planning stabbing jihad

August 2016 – Operation Fortaleza – (foiling of) a plan to use I.E.Ds in Melbourne

October 2016 – two boys buy knives to carry out a stabbing or slashing jihad

One may note that seven out of the eleven plots started in Sydney; which reflects the fact that the largest Muslim presence in Australia is in Sydney.  I would add that within the same time period – late 2014-October 2016 there have also been actual attacks – the Lindt cafe hostage-taking in December 2014, carried out by a Muslim named Man Monis, who murdered one of his hostages (Tori Johnson) in cold blood [the other person who died, was killed by shrapnel ricochet when the police, after Johnson’s murder, stormed the cafe to break the siege], the Muslim murder of Curtis Cheng in Sydney on 2 October 2015, a Muslim attempted ambush-murder of two police on 23 September 2014 in Melbourne (which resulted in the serious wounding of the two cops, and the death of the Mohammedan attacker, who was killed in self-defence by one of his victims), the Muslim stabbing and attempted murder of a middle-aged infidel dog-walker in a park on 11 September 2016 in Minto, Sydney (the victim survived only because of the brave and timely intervention of fellow infidels), and the Muslim murder of two young backpackers in a hostel in Home Hill, Queensland on August 23 2016. – CM